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『簡體書』Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals(电磁场理论基础)

書城自編碼: 3745605
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術一般工业技术
作者: 李厚民 李世勇 胡冰 陈重 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787576307030
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社
出版日期: 2022-03-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 500



** 我創建的書架 **

Chapter 1  Vector Analysis
  § 1. 1  Vector Function and Vector Operations
  § 1. 2  Cartesian Curvilinear System
  § 1. 3  Gradient, Divergence, and Curl
  § 1. 4  Several Important Vector Fields
  § 1. 5?  δ Function, Green?s Theorem, and Helmholtz Theorem
Chapter 2  Electrostatics
  § 2. 1  Charge and Charge Density
  § 2. 2  Coulomb?s Law
  § 2. 3  Electric Field and Electric Field Intensity
  § 2. 4  Electric Field Line and Electric Flux
  § 2. 5  Gauss?s Law
  § 2. 6  Electrostatic Field Loop Theorem
  § 2. 7  Electric Potential and Potential Difference
  § 2. 8  Poisson?s and Laplace?s Equation of Electric Potential
  § 2. 9  Electric Dipole
  § 2. 10  Electrostatic Field in Dielectrics
  § 2. 11  Conductors in Electrostatic Field
  § 2. 12  Energy and Force of Electric Field
  § 2. 13  Capacitor
Chapter 3  Steady Electric Field and Current
  § 3. 1  Current and Current Density
  § 3. 2  Fundamental Laws of Steady Current Field
  § 3. 3  Power Source and Electromotive Potential
  § 3. 4  Ohm?s Law and Joule?s Law
  § 3. 5  Boundary Condition of Steady Current Field
 § 3. 6 Comparison Between Steady Current Field and Electrostatic Field
Chapter 4  Magnetostatic Field
  § 4. 1  Magnetic Force and Magnetic Field Intensity
  § 4. 2  Motion of Charged Particle in Magnetic Field
  § 4. 3  Ampère?s Magnetic Force Law and Biot?Savart?s Law
  § 4. 4  Fundamental Laws of Steady Magnetic Field
  § 4. 5  Vector and Scalar Magnetic Potentials
  § 4. 6  Magnetic Dipoles
  § 4. 7  Magnetization of Magnetic Media
  § 4. 8  Fundamental Laws of Magnetic Field in Magnetic Media
  § 4. 9  Ferromagnetic Media
  § 4. 10  Boundary Conditions on Magnetic Media Interface
Chapter 5  Boundary Value Problems of Static Fields
  § 5. 1  Uniqueness theorem and Principle of Superposition
  § 5. 2  Separation of Variables of Laplace Equation
  § 5. 3  The Method of Images
  § 5. 4  Complex Analysis
  § 5. 5  Finite Difference Method
Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction
  § 6. 1  Faraday?s Law
  § 6. 2  Generalization of Faraday?s Law
  § 6. 3  Inductance
  § 6. 4  Energy in Magnetic Field
Chapter 7  Time Varying Electromagnetic Field
  § 7. 1  Displacement Current and Generalized Ampère?s Law
  § 7. 2  Maxwell?s Equations
  § 7. 3  Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Field
  § 7. 4  Dispersion and Loss
  § 7. 5  Poynting?s Theorem
  § 7. 6  Wave Equation of Electromagnetic Field
  § 7. 7  Scalar and Vector Potential
  § 7. 8  Boundary Condition of Time Varying EM Field
Chapter 8  Plane Wave
  § 8. 1  General Solution of Helmholtz Equation
  § 8. 2  Uniform Plane Wave in Ideal Media
  § 8. 3  Polarization of Electromagnetic Wave
  § 8. 4  Uniform Plane Wave in Conductive Media
  § 8. 5  Phase Velocity and Group Velocity
 § 8. 6 Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Wave on Ideal Media Interface
  § 8. 7  Total Transmission and Total Reflection
  § 8. 8  Reflection and Transmission of Lossy Media Interface
  § 8. 9  Reflection and Transmission in Multilayer Media
Chapter 9  Guided Electromagnetic Wave
  § 9. 1  Electromagnetic Fields of Guided Waves
  § 9. 2  Rectangular Waveguide
  § 9. 3  TE10 Mode
  § 9. 4  Energy Transmission and Losses in Waveguide
  § 9. 5  Circular Waveguide
  § 9. 6  TEM Wave on Transmission Lines
  § 9. 7  Cavity Resonators
Chapter 10  Radiation of Electromagnetic Wave
  § 10. 1  Retarded Potential
  § 10. 2  Radiation of Hertzian Dipole
  § 10. 3  Radiation of Magnetic Dipole Antenna
  § 10. 4  Line Antennas
  § 10. 5  Directivity and Gain
  § 10. 6  Antenna Array
The spectacular advance in the development of modern electronic
technology is unparalleled in our history, the benefited areas cover the entire
economy ranging from industry, agriculture, defense, medical, environmental
protection, to even household appliances and our daily lives. The basis of
modern electronic technology is the electromagnetic field theory, which is also
the cross - touch point of multiple disciplines. Learning electromagnetic field
theory is a journey filled with logical thinking, abstraction, and creativity. The
journey can be rough yet vital to any student who seeks electronic technology -
related areas as their future career.
There are 10 Chapters in this book. Chapter 1 Vector Analysis introduces
the basic mathematical tools, stresses the uniformity of physics relationships
under various coordinate systems, the interchangeable relationships between the
three major coordinate systems, and fundamentals of field theory. Chapters 2,3,
4,6 are Electrostatic Fields, Steady Electric Field and Current, Magnetostatic
Field, and Electromagnetic Induction. These chapters cover all contents of
electromagnetism of general physics and unified the description methods of
electromagnetism and electromagnetic field theory. Chapter 5 Boundary Value
Problems of Static Fields stresses on Separation of Variables and the Method of
Images and used the Finite Difference Method as an example to demonstrate the
importance of the numerical method in solving complicated boundary value
problems. Chapter 7 Time - Varying Electromagnetic Field summaries
electromagnetic field theory under macro - scale, introduced Maxwell?s
equations, discussed energy flux density which paved way for the discussion of
electromagnetic waves. Chapter 8 discusses Plane Wave propagation and its
reflection and refraction across interfaces, plus its behavior in lossy media.
Chapter 9 discusses Wave Guide principles and the fundamental theories of
guided waves. Chapter 10 Radiation discusses the radiation principle of
electromagnetic energy and introduced the fundamentals of antenna theory.
For the book in general, we introduced the theory in a " from special to general" way, based on each fundamental building block to establishing the overall mathematical
models of the electromagnetic field theory while reaching the necessary depth of knowledge. And
when comes to each chapter, we reversed the order, hence in a " from general to special" way,
introducing fundamental laws first, then giving examples to save the time of learning.
The book also includes detailed contents of general physics and engineering mathematics/ vector
analysis/ field theory and made it possible for sophomore - year students with high school physics and
basic advanced mathematics knowledge to start learning electromagnetic field theory, greatly lowered
pre - requisites of electromagnetic field theory in general.
The book is a regenerated version of the classical 《电磁场理论基础》(陈重、崔正勤、胡冰
编著) into English language and is used as an English textbook for undergraduates in Electronics or
Information Engineering majors with a planned course of 76 -80 credit hours.
We would like to thank our colleagues who helped with this book, especially to Houjun Sun for
his suggestions, Beibei Xu for her proof reading and corrections, and to Kaiqiang Zhu for his
supportive work in the early publishing stage of this book.
Houmin Li, Shiyong Li, Zhong Chen, Bing Hu



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