阿尔文?伯恩斯(Alvin C. Burns)
曾任美国路易斯安那州立大学营销系主任,现为荣誉教授(退休)。为本科生和硕士研究生讲授“营销调研”课程,为博士生开设营销调研专题,并对B2C、B2B行业和一些非营利组织的营销调研项目进行指导。在Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Business Research等期刊上发表多篇文章。
安?维克(Ann Veeck)
美国西密歇根大学营销学教授。为本科生和MBA学员讲授营销调研和营销分析课程。科研重点是发展中国家的家庭与食品消费模式,特别是中国的家庭和食品消费模式。发表了大量关于营销教学与实践的文章。曾获得霍沃思商学院在教学和科研方面的奖项,以及营销管理协会(Marketing Management Association)颁发的全国创新教学奖。
While Marketing Research, 9th edition, has a great many “tried and true” features and elements refined over the previous eight editions, we are vigilant to the major trends transforming the marketing research industry. These changes include the widespread adoption of infographics, the use of dashboards and data visualization techniques, the emergence of robust qualitative research techniques, a pronounced shift toward mobile marketing research, an increased reliance on standardized (“packaged”) research, the use of social media data, the impact of big data, the automation of many research procedures, and an emphasis on story-telling when communicating