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“大学英语考试能力系列”是我社新开发的考试教材系列,《英语外刊 阅读教程》聚焦外刊阅读,分为八大主题,从《经济学人》《纽约时报》 《大西洋月刊》《卫报》等知名外刊中精选16篇文章,解析详细、讲 解技巧、侧重练习、听读并重。本书从词汇、长难句、阅读理解、翻 译等方面帮助读者提高外刊阅读能力,从而提高学生大学英语四六级 和考研英语备考能力。
Unit 1 Work
Text A The stress that kills American workers
Text B The insecurity of freelance work
Unit 2 Environment
Text A How to improve the health of the ocean
Text B Extreme sea level events ‘will hit once a year by 2050’
Unit 3 Health
Text A As rich children slim down, poor ones are getting fatter
Text B How long can people live?
Unit 4 Education
Text A Equipping people to stay ahead of technological change
Text B ‘Popular’ kids aren’t that special
Unit 5 Technology
Text A The future of the car: clean, safe and it drives itself
Text B How e-commerce with drone delivery is taking flight in China
Unit 6 Society
Text A Marriage is more rewarding — but also more upmarket. That is a problem
Text B Don’t scoff at influencers. They’re taking over the world
Unit 7 Government
Text A How to solve Britain’s housing crisis
Text B America’s prisons are failing. Here’s how to make them work
Unit 8 Culture
Text A Young Japanese are surprisingly content
Text B South-East Asian cities are waging war on street food
Key to the Exercises and Translation of the Texts
Unit 1 Work
Unit 2 Environment
Unit 3 Health
Unit 4 Education
Unit 5 Technology
Unit 6 Society
Unit 7 Government
Unit 8 Culture\
对于主题阅读的材料,外刊就是一个很好的选择。外刊文章往往信息量大、用词精准,同时文中很多观点也具有思辨性。通过阅读这样的材料,我们可以积累大量与主题相关的知识。举个例子,下面的段落来自《经济学人》商业板块一篇讲自由职业的文章The insecurity of freelance work:
The decline of the conventional job has been much heralded in recent years. It is now nearly axiomatic that people will work for a range of employers in a variety of roles over their lifetimes, with a much more flexible schedule than in the past. Opinion is still divided over whether this change is a cause for concern or a chance for workers to be
iberated from the rut of office life.
从上面的段落我们可以学到一系列与“工作”相关的表达。比如“传统工作”可以表达为conventional job;It is now nearly axiomatic that people will work for a range of employers in a variety of roles over their lifetimes, with a much more flexible schedule than in the past.是用于描述频繁换工作现象的经典句子,整句话都可以记下来;b e liberated from the rut of office life 的意思是“从枯燥的办公室生活中解放出来”,这一表达可以用来说明自由职业或者远程办公的好处。
(1) 解析详细:本书对外刊文章的解析包含单词、句子以及篇章三个层次,帮助读者既见“树木”,又见“森林”,更好地把握作者的行文思路。
(2) 讲解技巧:本书对外刊文章的解析还包含阅读技巧讲解以及语言亮点分析,帮助读者掌握分析以及赏析外刊文章的方法,做到举一反三。
(3) 侧重练习:本书每篇外刊文章后都附有练习题,题型涵盖了阅读理解、段落大意总结、翻译以及填空题等,这些练习题能够帮助读者巩固主题知识点,了解文章的段落以及篇章结构。同时,这些练习题的题型也与大学英语四/六级考试及全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语考试相关,通过本书读者可以提高相应的考试技巧。
(4) 听读并重:本书的16篇文章均配有音频,可作为听力材料使用。