內容簡介: |
本书扩展阐述了Amitabha Tripath在2006年发表的研究成果,并得到了一组相对质数正整数所不能代表的**整数。本书试图找到不能用相对素正整数表示的**整数,这个整数传统上被称为弗罗贝尼乌斯数。对于k≥3,弗罗贝尼乌斯数没有闭形式的公式。本书表述逻辑性强,适合高等院校研究生及数学爱好者参考阅读。
1 Introduction
1.1 The coin exchange problem of Frobenius
1.2 The Frobenius number is well defired
1.3 Amitabha Tripathi‘s results
1.4 Goal of this paper
2 The two-coin problem
2.1 Tie Frobenius number for two coifs
2.2 Sylvester’s Theorem
2.3 More coins
3 More than one representation
3.1 s-representable integers
3.2 Beck-Robins, 20[3
3.3 Brown et al, 2010
3.4 Shailit-Stankewicz, 2010
3.5 Our contribution
3.6 s-representable integers under two coifs
4 Two propositions
5 The Main Theorem
5.1 Tripathi‘s Theorem
5.2 Extending Tripathi’s Theorem
5.3 The Main Theorem