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書城自編碼: 3719847
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→社會科學教育
作者: 蔡基刚
國際書號(ISBN): 9787313255105
出版社: 上海交通大学出版社
出版日期: 2021-12-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 305



** 我創建的書架 **

CHAPTER 1 Getting Started with Writing a Research Article
1.1 Characteristics of MRAs /
1.2 Deciding on a topic and a problem to be addressed /
1.3 Using databases for references /
1.4 The macrostructure of medical articles /
1.5 Reading titles for prediction /
1.6 Reading abstracts for main ideas /
1.7 Reading the key sentences in the Introduction and Discussion sections /
1.8 Writing a proposal /
CHAPTER 2 The Introduction Section
2.1 The elements of an Introduction section /
2.2 Writing the initial sentences to claim centrality /
2.3 Literature reviews /
2.4 Indicating the gap to be filled /
2.5 Expressing the objective/purpose /
2.6 Postulating a hypothesis /
2.7 Introducing the methods and structure of the article /
2.8 Tenses used in the Introduction /
2.9 Signal words and cohesive devices /
2.10 Fixed expressions for centrality, gaps and purposes /
2.11 Reusing language in the Introduction /
CHAPTER 3 Intext Citation
3.1 Citation function /
3.2 Citation types /
3.3 Citation methods /
3.4 Citation and synthesizing the sources /
3.5 Citations and reporting verbs /
3.6 Verb tenses in citation /
3.7 Citation and attitude markers /
CHAPTER 4 The Methods Section
4.1 The format of a Methods section /
4.2 The moves of the Methods section /
4.3 Study design /
4.4 Data and samples /
4.5 Procedures /
4.6 Study outcomes and measures /
4.7 Research variables /
4.8 Statistical analysis /
4.9 Signal words for the method purposes /
4.10 Citations in the Methods section /
4.11 Active or Passive verbs /
4.12 Selfmention /
4.13 Tenses in the Methods section /
CHAPTER 5 The Results Section
5.1 The significance of the Results sections /
5.2 The choice of the data to report /
5.3 The content of a Results section /
5.4 Reporting the results of data collection /
5.5 Locating tables and figures /
5.6 Stating general findings /
5.7 Providing specific evidence /
5.8 Evaluating and interpreting the data /
5.9 The organization of the results /
5.10 Graphical representations /
5.11 Choosing tables and figures /
5.12 Writing table/figure titles and figure legends /
5.13 Verb tenses /
5.14 Attitude markers /
5.15 Fixed expressions used in the Results section /
CHAPTER 6 The Discussion Section
6.1 Writing a Discussion section /
6.2 The moves of a Discussion section /
6.3 The role of comparison in the Discussion section /
6.4 Explanation and interpretation /
6.5 Limitations and further research /
6.6 Implications /
6.7 Conclusion /
6.8 Citations in the Discussion section /
6.9 Hedges and boosters /
6.10 Attitude statements /
6.11 Verb tenses in the Discussion section /
6.12 Fixed expressions used in the Discussion and Conclusion /
CHAPTER 7 Critical Thinking and Conclusion
7.1 Critical thinking /
7.2 Conclusion, claims and arguments /
7.3 Conclusions and relevance /
7.4 Primary and secondary evidence /
7.5 Statistical evidence and sufficiency /
7.6 Personal experience and observations /
7.7 Secondary evidence /
7.8 Logic reasoning /
7.9 Explanations /
CHAPTER 8 The Abstracts and Titles
8.1 Abstracts /
8.2 Verb tenses and selfmention in the Abstract /
8.3 Fixed expression used in the Abstract /
8.4 Research in Context /
8.5 Titles /
8.6 Keywords /
8.7 Contributors, Acknowledgements and others /
8.8 Referencing styles and systems /
8.9 Footnotes, endnotes and supplementary information /
CHAPTER 9 Language and Style
9.1 Style of scientific writing /
9.2 The use of nominalization /
9.3 Noun clusters /
9.4 There be and it be Ved that /
9.5 Passive constructions /
9.6 Subordinate structure /
9.7 Modifier phrases /
9.8 Lexical sophistication and variation /
9.9 Sentence variation /
9.10 Paragraphs /
9.11 Using corpus analysis /
9.12 Selfconstructed corpora /
CHAPTER 10 Publication Process
10.1 Getting the paper published /
10.2 Understanding referees criteria /
10.3 Choosing an appropriate target journal /
10.4 Understanding the submission guidelines of a journal /
10.5 Writing a cover letter /
10.6 Responding to the editors/peer reviewers /
10.7 Writing a response letter /
Appendix 1: Course syllabus
Appendix 2: Course schedule (16 weeks, 32 or 64 teaching hours)
Appendix 3: Example articles (EAs)
List of Tables
Table 1.1 Characteristics of RAs and students theses/dissertations / 002
Table 1.2 The problem to be addressed in my article / 003
Table 1.3 Medical Search Engines / 004
Table 1.4 The content of each section of a research article / 005
Table 1.5 Basic moves of a MRA / 005
Table 1.6 Moves/steps and their corresponding linguistic features / 006
Table 1.7 My SAs General information check / 007
Table 1.8 Titles information / 008
Table 1.9 Title elements in the selected articles / 009
Table 2.1 Threemove schema for article introductions / 016
Table 2.2 Moves of an Introduction section / 016
Table 2.3 Questions to be answered in the Introduction section / 017
Table 2.4 Patterns of centrality claims in the Introduction section / 020
Table 2.5 Critical reading questions / 024
Table 2.6 Signal words for the gap / 028
Table 2.7 Literature review and research gaps / 029
Table 2.8 Literature review information in selected articles / 030
Table 2.9 Tenses used in the Introduction section / 038
Table 2.10 The tenses/verbs used in expressing the objective and methods / 039
Table 2.11 Transitional words in the Introduction / 040
Table 2.12 Classifications for the expression of centrality claims, gaps and purposes / 042
Table 2.13 Check of discursive, rhetorical and linguistic features in the Introduction / 046
Table 3.1 Citations functions in research articles / 047
Table 3.2 Citation functions in the Introduction section / 048
Table 3.3 The frequency of citations (%) in different disciplines based on a corpus of 80 articles / 050
Table 3.4 Citation types / 052
Table 3.5 Citation types (%) in eight disciplines based on a corpus of 80 articles / 053
Table 3.6 Types of citation check / 053
Table 3.7 Citation methods / 054
Table 3.8 The percentage of the citation methods in different disciplines / 061
Table 3.9 Check of citation methods / 061
Table 3.10 Functions of Reporting verbs / 062
Table 3.11 Attitudes of Reporting verbs / 062
Table 3.12 Reporting verbs used in different disciplines (Hyland, 1999) / 063
Table 3.13 Collocation of reporting verbs / 063
Table 3.14 Types of reporting verbs in different sections / 063
Table 3.15 Verb tenses in the literature review citation / 064
Table 3.16 Verb tenses in the subordinate clause of the authorfocused citation / 065
Table 3.17 Reporting verb tenses in the literature review / 066
Table 3.18 Meaning of stance nouns / 067
Table 3.19 Patterns of stance nouns / 067
Table 3.20 Classification of stance or signaling nouns / 067
Table 3.21 Evaluative adjectives and adverbs / 068
Table 3.22 Attitude markers in the articles / 069
Table 3.23 Comprehensive check of citation / 069
Table 4.1 Structure of the Methods section / 072
Table 4.2 Moves of the Methods section / 072
Table 4.3 Elements in the methods section for retrospective and prospective studies. (adapted from Ecarnot et al. 2015: 576) / 073
Table 4.4 The elements of the study design / 079
Table 4.5 Elements of subsection of data and samples / 081
Table 4.6 The content of statistical analysis / 091
Table 4.7 Signal words for the method purposes / 093
Table 4.8 Citation functions in the Methods section / 093
Table 4.9 Citation function check in the Methods section / 094
Table 4.10 Selfmention in different sections / 097
Table 4.11 Semantic reference of “we” in relation to discourse functions (Kuo, 1999: 130) / 097
Table 4.12 The ratio of passive voice and “we” structures / 099
Table 4.13 the ratio of passive voice and “we” structure in research articles / 099
Table 4.14 Verb tenses in the Methods section / 100
Table 4.15 Verb tense check in the Methods section / 101
Table 4.16 Check the discursive, rhetorical and linguistic features in the Methods section. / 101
Table 5.1 Moves of the Results section / 107
Table 5.2 Elements of the subsection of patients / 113
Table 5.3 Table/figure location types / 113
Table 5.4 Patterns of location statements / 114
Table 5.5 Patterns to report the results / 116
Table 5.6 Organization patterns of results / 122
Table 5.7 Element check of Results sections / 124
Table 5.8 Functions of tables and figures / 128
Table 5.9 Functions of different types of figures / 128
Table 5.10 Data presentation information check / 136
Table 5.11 Verb tenses in the Results section / 136
Table 5.12 Reporting verbs, evaluative adjectives and adverbs in the Results sections / 138
Table 5.13 Check of discursive, rhetorical and linguistic features in the Results section / 141
Table 6.1 Discussion section structure check / 143
Table 6.2 Moves of the Discussion section / 144
Table 6.3 Signal words in the comparison / 152
Table 6.4 Explanation elements / 155
Table 6.5 The elements of limitations in the Discussion section / 161
Table 6.6 Content of the Conclusion / 164
Table 6.7 Citation functions in Discussion section / 165
Table 6.8 Citation check in the Discussion section / 168
Table 6.9 hedges and boosters / 168
Table 6.10 Hedges and boosters in academic articles (Hyland, 1998) / 169
Table 6.11 Disciplinary differences (Hyland, 1998) / 169
Table 6.12 Hedges in the Discussion / 169
Table 6.13 Hedges and boosters check in different sections / 172
Table 6.14 Patterns of attitude statements / 173
Table 6.15 Verb tenses and modal auxiliaries used in the Discussion section / 173
Table 6.16 Comprehensive information check of the discussion section / 178
Table 6.17 Check of discursive, rhetorical and linguistic features of the Discussion section / 179
Table 7.1 the premise and conclusion indicators / 183
Table 7.2 Approximate statistically significant d s at. 05 level (Moor and Parker, 2009: 280) / 188
Table 7.3 Approximate error margins for random samples of various sizes (Moor and Parker, 2009: 241) / 189
Table 8.1 Abstract moves / 202
Table 8.2 Verb tenses in the abstracts / 207
Table 8.3 Check of discursive, rhetorical and linguistic features of the Abstract / 212
Table 8.4 Moves of Research in Context / 214
Table 8.5 Elements to be included in a title / 216
Table 8.6 Syntactic patterns of MRA titles / 217
Table 8.7 Referencing systems / 224
Table 9.1 Linguistic features of formal and informal registers / 227
Table 9.2 Four dimensions from the factor analysis of the biology corpus (Biber et al., 2007: 180) / 228
Table 9.3 Features of research writing / 229
Table 9.4 Good and bad writing / 230
Table 9.5 Types of nominalization / 231
Table 9.6 Patterns of nominalization / 232
Table 9.7 Patterns of noun clusters / 234
Table 9.8 Disciplinespecific noun clusters / 237
Table 9.9 Patterns of impersonal structures / 237
Table 9.10 Impersonal style check / 240
Table 9.11 Modifier nouns / 243
Table 9.12 Modifier noun check / 245
Table 9.13 Types of synonyms in academic writing / 245
Table 9.14 Types of words used in different sections / 247
Table 9.15 Purposes of using corpora and concordancing software programs / 253
Table 10.1 Check list for publication / 258
Table 10.2 Frequencies of the language features and metadiscourse markers in IMRD sections / 259
Table 10.3 Verb tenses used in your manuscript / 260
Table 10.4 Evaluation form from journal editors / 260
Table 10.5 Evaluation criteria from referees / 260
Table 10.6 Factors in the choice of potential journals for submission / 262
Table 10.7 Cover letter components / 262
Table 10.8 The reviewers reason for rejection or revision / 264
Table 10.9 Verbs used in revision / 265
在新冠病毒流行初的10个月,世界各地科学家在The New England Journal of Medicine、 The Lancet、 Nature、 Science、 medRxiv、 bioRxiv等国际学术期刊和预印平台上发表相关科研论文多达87,000多篇,其中在初的两个多月时间里中国科学家发表的论文占全球总数的61%(兰素英等,2020)。遗憾的是,这些论文写作质量总体不很高。
一、 使用对象
二、 本书内容
三、 编写理念
鉴于使用本书的读者是有一定专业背景的学生和医务工作者,以及没有医学专业背景的语言教师,我们采用显性教学和脚手架理论。显性教学(explicit instruction)是相对隐性教学(implicit instruction)而言的。如同语法知识的教学,我们提炼和归纳期刊论文写作的规则,用显性的方法呈现给学生,让他们学习并用快速度掌握。脚手架理论(scaffolding theories)认为,当新手不能独立运用某些知识和技能的时候,教师应帮助他们搭建向上攀登,获得新知识和技能的脚手架。这些脚手架就是我们设计的各种脚手架练习。
为了运用这两个理论,我们设计了一个基于语步辨认的期刊论文体裁分析框架(analysis framework)(蔡基刚,2020),其中包括三个方面内容:
1) 体裁篇章分析。根据体裁理论,我们把期刊论文的各个部分(如引言、方法、结果、讨论和结论)的功能用语步语阶的方式(如引言部分的背景介绍、文献回顾、问题提出、方法介绍等功能)通过表格形式归纳出来。
2) 句法词汇分析。期刊论文各个部分的语步和语阶因它们表达功能不同,使用的句法也不同。为此,我们设计了与期刊论文功能对应的句法,如讨论部分的总结发现、进行解释、提出意义、分析缺陷所使用的对应的动词、动词时态、句法结构(被动句/主动句、简单句/复杂句等)和常用表达。
3) 元话语分析。作者在表达自己立场和传递自己声音时都会有意运用一些元话语手段,
四、 教学使用
1) 考虑到自然班的学生来自不同学科和专业,可以把学生按学科/专业分组,一组5~6人左右。如某个专业的学生过少,就把相近的专业学生结合为一组。
2) 要求每个学生成员从自己学科的国际期刊(如影响因子比较高的)上,下载2~3篇研究论文(不是review article),好是英语本族语的文章。
3) 课堂上,教师使用自己选择的样本论文(本书选择了近60篇论文的相关部分)进行分析,并给学习者示范。
4) 学生在教师的指导下运用教师设计的各种表格,对照自己下载的研究论文,完成表格要求的语步语阶、语言结构和元话语的辨认任务。
5) 每完成一章的表格辨认任务后,组内学生进行相互比较,找出自己下载的论文和他人下载的论文在语步语阶、语言结构和元话语等方面的异同。
6) 要求每组将组内共十几篇科研论文运用语料库语言学的方法,自建特定领域的语料库,对引言、方法、结果、讨论等每个部分的语步语阶所使用的语言进行调查,发现其常用的表达和具体的搭配。
7) 随着教学进程,组织各个小组派出代表在班上把汇总的自己专业的期刊论文的特点,包括语步语阶、语言结构、元话语和总体论文特色,分几次和其他小组分享,进行跨专业、跨学科的对比。
8) 后要求班上所有同学下载他们选择的研究论文期刊网站的一个投稿指南(the submission guidelines),结合自己针对下载文章的特点所归纳和完成的几十个表格,用汉语或英语写出1500字/词的分析报告。
9) 根据学生需求和他们手中项目的情况,要求仿照下载论文写出2000词以上的英语科技期刊论文,并组织小论坛进行论文宣读或5分钟左右的汇报演讲(蔡基刚,2021)。




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