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書城自編碼: 3715110
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→社會科學社會學
作者: [荷]斯蒂芬·彼得曼等著 , 图书编委会译
國際書號(ISBN): 9787519463793
出版社: 光明日报出版社
出版日期: 2022-01-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 398



** 我創建的書架 **

诺伯特?莫利纳?麦地那,委内瑞拉人,历史学家,委内瑞拉中国研究会( AVECH)创始人兼秘书长。
阿尔达克 ?哈力吾拉( Ardak Kaliolla),高级讲师,专业译者。主要译作有“基础中文”教科书等。
安东篱(Antonia Finnane),法国人,现任中法文化交流协会主席,巴黎国立东方语言文化学院讲师、语言学院法语教师,并为多位研究生辅导方法学。研究涉及“一带一路”项目中的文化、经济和地缘政治层面
金胜一(Kim seung il),韩国东亚大学教授,长期致力于翻译中国当代作家作品和研究中国近代文学,对在韩国推广传播中国文化作出了积极贡献。
目 录
序 研究中国扶贫脱贫的外国专家/马丁?阿尔布劳(Martin Albrow)
百闻不如一见/斯蒂芬?彼得曼(Stephan Petermann )
\To See Once,Is Better than to Hear a Hundred Times.”
圆梦小康/尤里?塔夫罗夫斯基(Yury Tavrovsky)
A Moderately Prosperous Society-A Dream Fulfilled
我眼中的中国扶贫/穆罕默德?哈利勒(Mohammed Khalil )
China‘s Poverty Alleviation in My Eves
脱贫致富/安东篱(Antonia Finnane)
Out of Poverty
中国扶贫改革/阿丽亚?阿尼皮娜,阿尔达克?哈力吾拉(Aliya Anipina/Ardak Kaliolla)
China’s Anti-poverty Reforms
中国,照亮贫困的新太阳/诺伯特?莫利纳?梅迪纳(Norbert Molina Medina )China,A New Sun that Shines upon the Poor
中国扶贫之我见/金胜一(Kim Seung II
Poverty Alleviation in China as I See It
There is a certain anxiety in the rest of the world about China‘s achievements in poverty alleviation. Most importantly the scale of work is simply too large to be comprehended: The colossal program-ranging from agricultural reform, cultural and economic stimulus initiatives, to massive infrastructural investments and involving immense work, time, and population-cannot be compared in world history. This fact, combined with a generally deep-rooted distrust about information from China, might explain how the great achievements are relatively unnoticed internationally. Everybody knows about the landing on the moon, but a similar unprecedented achievement that has been made on earth somehow lacks popular comprehension. On the other hand, international management surveys and summits continuously highlight the importance of China’s rise. Magazines like The Economist have featured it on dozens of its cover stories, and business leaders all call China the largest game changer for the future of the world. They hyped up China‘s attempts to surpass other countries’ efforts, but their assessment lacked the necessary realistic basis. They lack skill and curiosity to open themselves up to, to come closer to,to see, to feel and to hear what life is like in China and its countryside:How the Chinese people are working hard to become strong, what kind of ambitions they have,and what kind of ingenuity they have applied to their work. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the rift is unfortunately widening, and the relatively stable attitude of the middle-of-the-roaders is increasingly shifting. With a more intuitive understanding of life in China,we hope to promote more extensive international research and cooperation to actively respond to these challenges.The title of this article is a sentence quoted by Dutch Princess Beatrix in her first address to the Chinese people upon her first visit to China in 1977.In light of the current situation where the international community is torn apart, these words seem more true. The urgency of healing the damaged cultural and societal international organizations is undeniable. This article explores three villages amongst many others I have had the pleasure of visiting to help better understand rural China. There I met with the locals, and spent a short but precious time with them. Above all,I try to record what I experienced: the enjoyment, learning spirit, and newness that left me a lasting impression. I came to know the well-planned policies, the complexities of local involvement, and the difficulty of turning words into deeds.The organizations of support sometimes met with success, sometimes encountered more challenges. It is an effort to go beyond judgment and explore what possibilities they offer.



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