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施裕新,上海市(复旦大学附属)公共卫生临床中心副主任,主任医师,博士研究生导师 二级教授。主要兼职中华医学会放射学分会传染病专业委员会副主任委员等。从事传染性疾病影像学研究,尤其是艾滋病机遇性感染和新发传染病的影像诊断研究。主持国家自然科学基金、美国NIH、上海市、江苏省等各级研究项目十余项,获得省部级科技奖9项。发表SCI及国家核心期刊论文110余 篇,主编及参编主办专著、译著和各级各类教材14部;培养博硕士研究生20余名;任《新发传染病电子杂志》副主编及Radiology of Infection Diseases等专业杂志编委。
1 Outline of Human Avian Influenza /1
Chen Qiu, Gui-lin Yang, and Pu-xuan Lu
1.1 Introduction of Human Avian Influenza /1
1.2 Epidemics of Human Avian Influenza and Its Control /2
1.3 Avian Influenza Virus /3
1.4 The Latest Detection Technology for Influenza Viruses /3
1.5 Current Situation of Vaccine Researches /5
References /6
2 Epidemiology /7
Gui-lin Yang, Kai Zhou, Yong-xiang Yi, and Chen Qiu
2.1 Outline of the Epidemics /7
2.2 Infection Source /9
2.3 Transmission Routes /11
2.4 Susceptible Populations /13
2.5 Epidemiological Features /13
References /16
3 Etiology /17
Zhi-gang Song, Yu-xin Shi, Hua-bin Yin, Jun Chen, and Hong-zhou Lu
3.1 Discovery of the Pathogen and Confirmation of Pathogeny /17
3.2 Morphological Structure and Physical/Chemical Profiles of the Viruses /18
3.3 Molecular Biological Characteristics of the Virus /19
3.4 Virus Cultivation and Animal Models /21
3.5 Pathogenicity of Viruses /25
3.6 Sources of Avian Influenza Virus /26
References /26
4 Pathogenesis and Pathological Changes of Avian Influenza in Human /29
Yan-ling Feng, Xiao-hua Le, and Shi-pin Wu
4.1 Pathogenesis /29
4.2 Pathophysiology /31
4.3 Pathological Changes /35
References /40
5 Laboratory Examination /41
Zhao-qin Zhu, Hong-zhou Lu, Yu-xin Shi, and Wan-shui Shan
5.1 Determination of T Lymphocyte Subsets in Peripheral Blood /41
5.2 Determination of Viral Antigen /42
5.3 Detection of Serum Antigens Against Viral Infection /43
5.4 Molecular Biological Detection of Viral Nucleic Acids /47
5.5 Isolation and Identification of Viruses /48
5.6 Inoculation onto Animals /51
5.7 Inoculation, Cultivation, and Harvest of Chicken Embryos for Animal
Experiment /52
5.8 Requirement on Biosafety /54
References /55
6 Clinical Diagnosis and Differentiation Diagnosis /57
Shi-pin Wu, Dong-na Su, and Chen Qiu
6.1 Clinical Manifestation /57
6.2 Clinical Diagnosis /59
6.3 Differential Diagnosis /61
References /61
7 Treatment of Avian Influenza in Human /63
Shi-pin Wu, Kai Zhou, and Chen Qiu
7.1 Principle of Treatment /63
7.2 Isolation /63
7.3 Symptomatic Treatment and Supportive Treatment /64
7.4 Antiviral Treatment /64
7.5 Usage of Glucocorticoids and Immunomodulator /65
7.6 Treatment of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
and Multiple Organ Failure /66
References /69
8 Complications and Image Findings /71
Yu-xin Shi, Xiu-dong Shi, Ling-wei Wang, Su Zhou, Wei-ya Shi,and Jin-ping Wu
8.1 Pulmonary Interstitial Fibrosis /71
8.2 Secondary Pulmonary Infection /73
8.3 Pneumothorax and Mediastinal and Subcutaneous Emphysema /74
8.4 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome /76
8.5 Reye Syndrome /80
8.6 Other Complications /80
References /82
9 H7N9 Avian Influenza in Human /85
Feng Feng, Yu-xin Shi, Yu-zhe Wang, Yi-bo Lu, Shu-yi Yang, and Qin-qin Yan
9.1 Summary /85
9.2 Image Findings /86
9.3 Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis /90
9.4 Value of Imaging in Diagnosing H7N9 Avian Influenza Pneumonia in Human /93
9.5 Introduction of the First Case of H7N9 Avian Influenza in Human in the World /97
References /102
10 H5N1 Avian Influenza in Human /103
Qian-qian Zhang, He-ping Xu, Yong Sun, Bu-dong Chen, Fei Shi, Guang-ping Zheng, and Pu-xuan Lu
10.1 Summary /103
10.2 Image Findings /104
10.3 Clinical Imaging Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis /107
10.4 Introduction of the First Case in Chinese Mainland /109
References /113
11 H5N6 Avian Influenza in Human /115
Hua Huang, Yue Zeng, Qing-si Zeng, Jia-fu Lin, Gui-xia Wang,Xiao-yan Huang, and Pu-xuan Lu
11.1 Summary /115
11.2 Image Findings /116
11.3 Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis /120
11.4 Report of the First Case in the World /122
References /128
12 H10N8 Avian Influenza in Human /131
Yu-lin He, Fei Shi, Chuan-jun Xu, Bu-dong Chen, Ying-ying Deng,and Pu-xuan Lu
12.1 Overview /131
12.2 Image Findings /131
12.3 Imaging Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis /137
12.4 The First Reported Human Infection with H10N8 Avian Influenza Pneumonia in the World /138
References /142
13 H9N2 Avian Influenza in Human /145
Qian-qian Zhang, Kai Zhou, Wen-zhong Hou, Ru-ming Xie, Yu-lin He,
and Pu-xuan Lu
13.1 Introduction /145
13.2 Image Findings /147
13.3 Differential Diagnosis /149
13.4 The First Case Report Worldwide /150
References /154
14 H7N4 Avian Influenza in Human /157
Yi-bo Lu, Wei Huang, Sheng-xiu Lv, Qiu-ting Zheng, Pu-xuan Lu,and Jin-ping Wu
14.1 Overview /157
14.2 Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis /157
14.3 First Human Infection Reported Worldwide /159
References /165
15 Prevention of Avian Influenza in Human /167
Gui-lin Yang, Ling-wei Wang, Chen Qiu, Yong-yi Lu, and Yu-xin Shi
15.1 Basic Strategies for Preventive Control /167
15.2 Epidemic Surveillance and Early Warning /168
15.3 Epidemic Report /171
15.4 Source Control /173
15.5 Management of Contacts /174
15.6 Division of Epidemic Areas /174
15.7 Immunization Prevention /175
15.8 Prevention and Control of Nosocomial Infection /175
15.9 Health Education and Health Promotion /178
15.10 Supervision and Law Enforcement /179
15.11 Quarantine /184
References /186
16 Prognosis /187
Gui-lin Yang, Dong-na Su, and Chen Qiu
16.1 Prognosis and Outcome /187
16.2 Factors Affecting Prognosis /188
References /190
Avian influenza is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by some of the strains of theavian influenza virus (AIV) belonging to the genus Influenza A (type A). According to theantigenicity of outer membrane hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA), avian influenzavirus can be divided into 18 H subtypes (H1–H18) and 11 N subtypes (N1–N11). Theoretically,there are 198 avian influenza virus subtypes. However, more than a dozen subtypes of avianinfluenza virus have been found to infect humans. Most of these human avian influenza subtypesof human infection occurred in China for the first time in the world, including H7N9,H5N1, H10N8, H5N6, H9N2 and H7N4. The disease has become a global public health problemwith rapid onset and high mortality, which has seriously affected social stability and economicdevelopment.
In the process of fighting human avian influenza, which originated and distributed inChina all over the world, Chinese medical science and technology workers have continuouslyanalyzed and studied the cases of human avian influenza and the practical applicationof new technologies. The imaging features, imaging diagnosis, differential diagnosis, andcurative effect evaluation of human avian influenza pneumonia were studied and explored.Hundreds of scientific papers have been published and a series of scientific researchachievements have been made. In order to summarize and popularize our research resultsin time, and to provide the theoretical basis and practical guidance for effective prevention,early diagnosis, and timely treatment of human avian influenza, thereby achieving accuratediagnosis, improving cure rate, and reducing mortality, we specially organized relevantnational and international experts to compile the book Avian Influenza in Human for thebenefit of the reader.
The book is written by medical science and technological workers who are directly involvedin the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and related basic research and clinical treatment ofhuman avian influenza. The book is divided into 16 chapters, which comprehensively andsystematically introduces the etiology and epidemiology of human avian influenza, pathogenesisand pathological changes, laboratory test, clinical diagnosis and treatment principles, andother basic and clinical related contents. At the same time, the epidemic history, main clinicalsymptoms and signs, imaging findings, imaging dynamic changes, and prognosis of humanavian influenza cases that occurred in China for the first time in the world are also described indetail.
More than 300 precious case images and pathological pictures in this book add importantreading value to this book. Especially, the image and pathological picture of the first case ofhuman avian influenza have very important application and guiding value. This book is the firstmonograph at home and abroad with the introduction of the first human avian influenza casein the world as the main line; through the study of this book, readers can learn about their ownspecific prevention, diagnosis, and treatment with new methods and new technologies. It is ofgreat reference value and guiding significance to the medical institutions and hospitals at homeand abroad, as well as the relevant medical personnel, such as the Department of InfectiousDiseases, the Respiratory Medicine, the Imaging Section, the Laboratory and the Pathology Department, the health management workers, and the medical students. Avian Influenza inHuman has guiding and reference significance for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment ofemerging infectious diseases such as coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
China Chen Qiu
China Yu-xin Shi
China Pu-xuan Lu