上海国际经济交流中心 (SCIEE)是中国国际经济交流中心(CCIEE)与上海社会科学院(SASS)在上海合作设立的分中心,成立于2013年。依托CCIEE与SASS两家国家高端智库,上海国际经济交流中心围绕“一带一路”、长江经济带及上海经济发展等议题开展决策咨询研究与国际经济交流活动。上海国际经济交流中心现任理事长为王战先生。
Shanghai Center for International Economic Exchanges (SCIEE) is a branch center established by the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) in Shanghai. Tt is founded in 2013. Relying on CCIEE and SASS,which are two high-level national think tanks, the Shanghai Center for International Economic Exchanges conducts policy-making consultation and international economic exchanges on the Belt and Road, the Yangtze River Economic Belt , Shanghais economic development. The current chairman of SCIEE is Mr. Wang Zhan.