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書城自編碼: 3696667
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術一般工业技术
作者: 李锐等
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030627872
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2021-11-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 5029



** 我創建的書架 **

This book focuses on soil and water conservation at global scale. It is a serious environmental problem that will threaten the socio-economic wellbeing of the majority of global population in future. The book examines the current situation of land degradation in multiple regions of the world and offers alternative approaches to solve the problems through sharing advanced technologies and lessons learned. It provides comprehensive assessment on characteristics, level and effect of degradation in different regions.
ContentsPrefaceVolume 1 Introduction—Overview of global soil and water stressChapter 1 Probabilistic Land Use Allocation in the Global Soil Erosion Modelling 3Chapter 2 Soil Erosion and Its Impacts on Greenhouse Gases 11Chapter 3 Assessing Multiple, Concurrent and Interactive Land and Soil Degradation Processes 21Volume 2 African RegionChapter 4 Agricultural Soil and Water Conservation Issues in East Africa 33Chapter 5 Institutional and Technical Efforts for the Soil and Water Conservation in North Africa 52Chapter 6 Sustainable Use of Soil and Water Resources to Combat Degradation 68Volume 3 American RegionChapter 7 Long-term Effects of Different Agricultural Soil Use and Management Systems on Soil Degradation in Uruguay 91Chapter 8 Assessment of the Utility of the Diffusion Model for Facilitating Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Production Systems in North America 112Chapter 9 Eight Decades of USDA Soil and Water Conservation Policies and Programs 132Chapter 10 Market Approaches for Addressing Soil and Water Resources Problems 147Chapter 11 Desertification in Argentina: the Causes and Effects on Human Beings 162Volume 4 Asian RegionChapter 12 Characterization of Soil and Water Resources in Yemen 185Chapter 13 Soil Erosion Environment Background and Its Spatial Distribution in China 208Chapter 14 Water Erosion and Its Control in China 226Chapter 15 Aeolian Desertification Status and Its Control in China 240Chapter 16 The Landslide/Debris Flow and Control Technology in China 267Chapter 17 Soil and Water Conservation Policies Change in the Yellow River Basin, China 293Chapter 18 Degradation Hazards and Conservation Approaches for Hillslope Farming in Taiwan, China 310Chapter 19 Soil Conservation Practices and Efforts Made to Combat Desertification in the United Arab Emirates 325Chapter 20 Land Degradation in Iran 342Volume 5 European RegionChapter 21 Soil Erosion in Europe: From Policy Developments to Models, Indicators and New Research Challenges 381Chapter 22 Soil Protection Policies in the European Union 401Chapter 23 Soil Conservation Programmes and Policies in England and Wales 420Chapter 24 Integrating Soil, Water and Biodiversity Policies: A Case Study from Scotland 438Chapter 25 Soil Erosion and Flooding in Bulgaria-Risk Assessment and Prevention Measures 459Chapter 26 Natural and Socio-Economic Effects of Erosion and Its Control in Serbia 478Chapter 27 Erosion Control and Torrential Flood Management by Checking Dam Construction in Serbia 497Chapter 28 Soil Erosion and Torrent Control in Western Balkan Countries 510Chapter 29 Identification of Soil Resources Problems in European Russia 537Chapter 30 Soil Erosion on the Agricultural Lands of the Asian Part of Russia (Siberia): Processes, Intensity and Areal Distribution 566Chapter 31 Ecological Consequences of Soil Degradation and Water Pollution in the Asian Part of Russia (Siberia) 594Chapter 32 Soil Erosion on Agricultural Lands in the Russian Far East Region 617Volume 6 Australian RegionChapter 33 Issues and Challenges in the Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Highly Disturbed Lands Associated with Mining Activities in Australia 625Chapter 34 Issues and Challenges in the Sustainable Use of Soil and Water Resources in Australian Agricultural Lands 639



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