《商务会议冲突管理中的高效信息交换研究=A Study of the Efficient Information Exchange During Conflict Management in Business Meetings:英文》基于语篇信息理论,通过分析中美商业真人秀商务会议中的冲突语篇,识别商务会议冲突管理中常采用的“满足对手需求”“寻求共同基础”等八类35种策略和“归纳”“举例”等四类27种技巧,归纳了实施各种策略和技巧时交换信息的结构特征,并探讨了三维文化语境下商务交际参与者如何通过高效信息交换实现解决冲突、激化冲突、搁置冲突三种冲突管理方式。《商务会议冲突管理中的高效信息交换研究=A Study of the Efficient Information Exchange During Conflict Management in Business Meetings:英文》据此构建了以三维文化因素为社会语境,以交际目的、交际策略、交际技巧、语篇信息结构为构件的冲突管理信息交换分析模型。该模型揭示了文化、商务交际行为与语篇信息的互动关系,为跨文化商务交际活动的语言学研究提供了新的视角和分析框架。
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Conflict Management in Business Meetings 1
1.2 Cultural Contexts of Conflict Management in Business Meetings 3
1.3 Information Exchange of Conflict Management in Business Meetings 5
1.4 Summary 7
Chapter 2 The Characteristics of Cultural Contexts of Internal Business Meetings 8
2.1 Profile of Chinese and American Internal Business Meetings under Investigation 9
2.1.1 Simulated Internal Business Meetings 9
2.1.2 The Themes of Internal Business Meetings 11
2.1.3 The Conflict Discourse of Internal Business Meetings 12
2.2 Three-dimensional Cultural Context of Business Communication 14
2.2.1 National Culture 15
2.2.2 Business Culture 16
2.2.3 Personal Culture 17
2.3 Three-dimensional Cultural Context of Chinese and American Internal Business Meetings 18
2.3.1 The Impact of National Culture Context 18
2.3.2 The Impact of Business Culture Context 19
2.3.3 The Impact of Personal Culture Context 21
2.4 Summary 30
Chapter 3 Information Exchange Scheme of Business Meetings 31
3.1 Communicative Purposes 31
3.2 Communicative Strategies 38
3.3 Communicative Skills 39
3.4 Discourse Information Structure 41
3.5 The Working Scheme of Information Exchange 46
3.6 Summary 48
Chapter 4 Communicative Strategies of Conflict Management in Business Meetings and Their Informational Characteristics 50
4.1 Conflict Management Strategies of Persuading and Their Informational Characteristics 50
4.1.1 Strategies Serving the Persuading Purpose and Their Information Structure 51
4.1.2 Distributional Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Persuading Purpose 65
4.1.3 Informational Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Persuading Purpose 66
4.2 Conflict Management Strategies of Compelling and Their Informational Characteristics 68
4.2.1 Strategies Serving the Compelling Purpose and Their Information Structure 69
4.2.2 Distributional Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Compelling Purpose 79
4.2.3 Informational Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Compelling Purpose 80
4.3 Conflict Management Strategies of Avoiding and Their Informational Characteristics 82
4.3.1 Strategies Serving the Avoiding Purpose and Their Information Structure 82
4.3.2 Distributional Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Avoiding Purpose 83
4.3.3 Informational Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Avoiding Purpose 84
4.4 Conflict Management Strategies of Accommodating and Their Informational Characteristics 84
4.4.1 Strategies Serving the Accommodating Purpose and Their Information Structure 84
4.4.2 Distributional Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Accommodating Purpose 86
4.4.3 Informational Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Accommodating Purpose 87
4.5 Conflict Management Strategies of Ignoring and Their Informational Characteristics 87
4.5.1 Strategies Serving the Ignoring Purpose and Their Information Structure 87
4.5.2 Distributional Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Ignoring Purpose 90
4.5.3 Informational Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Ignoring Purpose 90
4.6 Conflict Management Strategies of Collaborating and Their Informational Characteristics 91
4.6.1 Strategies Serving the Collaborating Purpose and Their Information Structure 92
4.6.2 Distributional Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Collaborating Purpose 95
4.6.3 Informational Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Collaborating Purpose 95
4.7 Conflict Management Strategies of Bargaining and Their Informational Characteristics 96
4.7.1 Strategies Serving the Bargaining Purpose and Their Information Structure 97
4.7.2 Distributional Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Bargaining Purpose 108
4.7.3 Informational Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Bargaining Purpose 109
4.8 Conflict Management Strategies of Supporting and Their Informational Characteristics 110
4.8.1 Strategies Serving the Supporting Purpose and Their Information Structure 111
4.8.2 Distributional Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Supporting Purpose 115
4.8.3 Informational Characteristics of Strategies Serving the Supporting Purpose 116
4.9 Summary 117
Chapter 5 Communicative Skills of Conflict Management in Business Meetings and Their Informational Characteristics 121
5.1 Argumentative Skills and Information Structure 122
5.2 Tone-softening Skills and Information Structure 125
5.3 Tone-hardening Skills and Information Structure 129
5.4 Manipulative Skills and Information Structure 133
5.5 Summary 138
Chapter 6 Case Studies: Efficient Information Exchange During Conflict Management in Business Meetings 143
6.1 Case One: Resolving a Conflict 144
6.1.1 Introduction to Case One 144
6.1.2 Three-dimensional Cultural Influences on Conflict Resolution 155
6.1.3 The Tactful Employm