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書城自編碼: 3672794
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術環境科學
作者: 郭华东
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030675248
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2021-08-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1254



** 我創建的書架 **

《地球大数据支撑可持续发展目标报告(2020):中国篇》围绕零饥饿(SDG 2)、清洁饮水和卫生设施(SDG 6)、可持续城市和社区(SDG 11)、气候行动(SDG 13)、水下生物(SDG 14)和陆地生物(SDG 15)6个可持续发展目标(SDGs)所开展的42个案例研究、指标建设和可持续发展状态评估,展示了中国和典型地区两个尺度在数据、方法模型和决策支持方面对相关SDGs及其指标进行的研究和监测评估成果,包括41套数据产品、21种方法模型和30个决策支持结果。这些案例展现了中国利用科技创新推动落实联合国“2030年可持续发展议程”的探索和实践,充分揭示了地球大数据技术对监测评估可持续发展目标的应用价值和广阔前景,开拓了在联合国技术促进机制框架下利用大数据、人工智能等先进技术方法支撑“2030年可持续发展议程”落实的新途径和新方法,为各国加强“2030年可持续发展议程”的落实监测评估提供借鉴。
Foreword i
Preface v
Executive Summary ix
List of Cases on Big Earth Data for SDGs xv
Chapter 1 Introduction
Challenges to Implementing the SDGs / 2
Big Earth Data / 3
Big Earth Data in Support of SDGs / 4
Chapter 2 SDG 2 Zero Hunger
Background / 8
Main Contributions / 10
Case Study / 11
The trend of under-f ive stunting in China / 11
Potential for sustainable cropland intensif ication in China / 17
Potential for improvement of the sustainability of crop production in China / 22
Monitoring and early warning of agri-product price volatility in China / 28
Summary / 34
Chapter 3 SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
Background / 38
Main Contributions / 39
Case Study / 41
Spatiotemporal patterns of water transparency in China’s lakes / 41
Water-use eff iciency and its change in China / 47
Evaluation of water stress in the Shule River Basin in Northwest China / 53
Changes in the spatiotemporal extent of China’s vegetated wetlands / 59
Spatial distribution and changes of aquatic vegetation and algae in typical lake ecosystems, China / 65
Comprehensive analysis of the sustainable development of water security in China / 71
Summary / 77
Chapter 4 SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
Background / 80
Main Contributions / 81
Case Study / 84
Estimates of population living in shantytowns as a percentage of main urban district residents in cities in China / 84
Proportion of the population with easy access to public transportation in China / 90
Monitoring and assessing urbanization progress in China / 96
Analysis of urban expansion and population growth in China / 104
Research on Sustainable Development Goals of UNESCO designated sites in China / 111
Monitoring of disaster loss reduction and promoting sustainable development in vulnerable areas in China / 119
Impact assessment of storm surge inundation in Shenzhen / 127
Monitoring and analyzing f ine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities in China / 134
Assessment of urban public space in China / 139
Share of open public space area in cities in China / 148
Evaluation of the emergency response capacity for COVID-19 in Wuhan / 153
Xuzhou: A typical case of resource-exhausted cities and regional transformation routes / 167
Integrated assessment of SDG 11 indicators at the provincial scale in China / 180
Summary / 186
Chapter 5 SDG 13 Climate Action
Background / 190
Main Contributions / 191
Case Study / 192
Intensity and frequency of extreme high-temperature events and heatwaves in China / 192
Predicting the impacts of future climate change on the phenology of major crops in China / 198
Reaction of glaciers on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to climate change / 203
Summary / 208
Chapter 6 SDG 14 Life below Water
Background / 212
Main Contributions / 213
Case Study / 215
Distribution and variation of marine debris and microplastics in China’s coastal waters / 215
Distribution of metal pollutants in coastal areas of China: using bivalves as bio-indicators / 223
Ecosystem health assessment for typical bays in coastal China / 229
Risk assessment of harmful algal blooms in the Bohai Sea / 235
Monitoring changes in raft culture in China’s coastal waters / 242
Eutrophication, hypoxia, and acidif ication in China’s coastal waters / 247
Summary / 253
Chapter 7 SDG 15 Life on Land
Background / 256
Main Contributions / 258
Case Study / 260
Forest type distribution along the Yangtze River basin, China / 260
Three conditions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in China / 265
Proportion of important sites for terrestrial, freshwater, and mountain biodiversity that are covered by protected areas / 272
Suitability of no net loss as a wetland protection target / 277
Large-scale vegetation restoration and soil & water conservation in the Loess Plateau of China in the past 20 years / 282
Evaluating aeolian desertif ication processes and restoration in the semi-arid region and its surrounding areas of northern China / 288
Salinization development and countermeasures in the Yellow River Delta / 295
China’s plant diversity: risks and conservation strategies / 300
Spatiotemporal changes in plant diversity in grassland nature reserves in northern China / 305
Distribution and development of pinewood nematode disease in China / 311
Summary / 317
Chapter 8 Summary and Prospects / 320
References / 324
Acronyms / 344



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