內容簡介: |
重庆市江津区鼎锅浩遗址试掘简报 重庆市文化遗产研究院 江津区文物管理所(1)
湖北荆门市响岭岗墓地2016年度发掘简报 四川大学考古学系 荆门市博物馆(39)
湖北襄阳市南漳县申家咀墓地2016年度发掘简报 重庆师范大学西南考古与文物研究中心 湖北省文物考古研究所 南漳县博物馆(61)
四川安岳县永清镇佛耳岩摩崖造像调查报告 四川大学考古学系 安岳县文物管理局(75)
云南剑川海门口遗址陶器制作工艺的初步观察 张南金 郭振新 赵德云(107)
外来遗存的考古脉络:论周边地区对二里头遗址的影响 李修平(141)
东周秦汉时期巴蜀文化墓葬形制特征的统计学分析 向明文(175)
试析云南、川西高原的三叉格剑 毕洋(225)
个旧黑蚂井墓地“岭南移民说”质疑 吴小平(257)
考古材料所见宋人对古器的误判 葛林杰(271)
大顺二年“商巴长官司印”初探 李俊 刘晓东(285)
执行坂窑址——生产刻划中国吉祥图案陶罐的日本陶窑山口博之 著 范佳楠 译(293)
“茂县营盘山遗址与古蜀之源”学术研讨会会议综述 向导 蔡雨茂 龚扬民(305)
Preliminary Report of the Trial Excavation at the Dingguohao Site in Jiangjin District, Chongqing Chongqing Institute of Cultural Heritage Jiangjin District Administration of Cultural Relics(1)
Preliminary Report of the Excavation at the Xianglinggang Cemetery in 2016, Jingmen, Hubei Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University Jingmen Municipal Museum(39)
Preliminary Report on Excavation of Shenjiazui Cemetery from Nanzhang County, Xiangyang, Hubei Research Center of Archaeology and Cultural Relics of Southwest China, Chongqing Normal University Hubei Institute of Archaeology Nanzhang County Museum(61)
Survey Report of Fo’eryan Cliff Statues in Yongqing Town, Anyue County, Sichuan Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University Bureau of Cultural Relics, Anyue County(75)
Preliminary Study of Pottery Making at the Haimenkou Site in Jianchuan County, Yunnan Zhang Nanjin Guo Zhenxin Zhao Deyun(107)
Exotic Artifacts in Local Contexts: The Influences from Neighboring Regions at Erlitou Hsiu-ping Lee(141)
Statistical Analysis of the Burial Structural Characteristics of the Ba and Shu Cultures from the Eastern Zhou Period to the Qin and Han Dynasties Xiang Mingwen(175)
Study on the Bronze Swords with E-shaped Guards Excavated from Yunnan and Western Sichuan Plateau Bi Yang(225)
Questioning on the “Lingnan Immigration Theory” of the Heimajing Cemetery at Gejiu Wu Xiaoping(257)
The Misjudgments about Antique Artifacts by Song People based on Archaeological Material Ge Linjie(271)
An Analysis on Shangba Headman’s Seal in the Second Year of Dashun Reign Li Jun Liu Xiaodong(285)
Syugyouzaka Kmaato Kiln: A Japanese Kiln that Produced Pottery Jars with Chinese Auspicious Pattern Yamaguchi Hiroyuki Translated by Fan Jianan(293)
A Summary of the Academic Seminar on “Yingpanshan Site in Maoxian County and the Source of Ancient Shu Civilization” Xiang Dao Cai Yumao Gong Yangming(305)