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『簡體書』Comparative Study on Patent Claim Interpretation: the United States and China (中美专利权利要求解释比较研究)

書城自編碼: 3665711
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→法律理論法學
作者: 彭哲
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513074179
出版社: 知识产权出版社
出版日期: 2021-01-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 435



** 我創建的書架 **

彭哲,现任山东大学法学院副研究员。2012获得美国华盛顿大学法学院法学博士学位。2012年在日本明治大学在中山信宏教授的科研团队中担任共同研究员职位,与来自各国的知识产权法学者进行合作研究。2013年就职于山东大学法学院,任副研究员。兼任山东省版权教学科研基地副主任、威海仲裁委员会仲裁员。先后发表A Panacea for Inequitable Conduct Problems or Kingsdown version 2.0? The Therasense Decision and a Look into the Future of U.S. PatentLaw Reform, 16 Va. J.L. & Tech. 373 (2011); Legislative Updates: China:Patent Law Amendment of 2008, CASRIP Newsletter, Vol. 16(1);Case Summary: Amado v. Microsoft Corp. CASRIP Newsletter, Vol. 15 (3)等论文。美国联邦巡回上诉法院于2012年3月在My Space vs. Graphone Corporation 判例中引用了《A Panacea for Inequitable Conduct Problems or Kingsdown version 2.0?》一文。作为项目主持人承担《行政监管对知识产权法律制度的影响》课题(司法部项目),《山东省药品创新的知识产权法律保障机制研究》(山东省社科项目),《大班教学:美国法学院的经验考察与借鉴》(山东大学教学促进与教师发展基金项目)。主讲《知识产权法(全英文)》、《中国知识产权法(全英文,留学生课程)》等课程。
Preface i
Chapter I?U.S. Claim Interpretation: Procedural Law
A. U.S. Court System in General: Lawyers, Judges, Technical Experts
1. Claim Interpretation by Judges
2. Lawyers
3. Technical Experts
B. Jurisdiction
C. Evidence: Intrinsic Evidence vs. Extrinsic Evidence
1. Conflict Precedent Before Phillips
2. Phillips en banc Decision
3. The Hierarchy of the Evidence
4. How to Understand the “Hierarchy”
D. First Instance: Two Step Analysis
E. Second Instance: Appellate Review Standard
1. A Split among Federal Circuit Judges after Markman II
2. Cybor: Uniform Federal Circuit Case Law
3. Disagreements Continued after Cybor
4. The Supreme Court Teva Decision
F. Procedures for Determining the Doctrine of Equivalents
Chapter II?Chinese Claim Interpretation: Procedure Law
A. Chinese Court System in General
1. Trial by Judges
2. Lawyers
3. Technical Experts in Claim Interpretation
B. Evidence
C. Jurisdiction
D. First Instance—One step analysis
E. Second Instance: Appellate Review Standard
F. Procedures for Determining Doctrine of Equivalents
Chapter III?U.S. Claim Interpretation: Substantive Law
A. Source of Law
1. Statutes
2. Case Law
B. Structure of US Claims
C. Fundamental Rules
1. Claim Defines the Scope of Patent
2. All Elements Rule
3. Specifications
4. Prosecution History
5. PHOSITA—Philips
D. Defining Literal Claim Scope
1. Canons
2. Special Types of Claims
E. Expanding the Literal Claim Scope: Doctrine of Equivalents
1. Underlying Policy
2. Elements to Establish the Doctrine of Equivalents
3. Limitation to the Doctrine of Equivalents
Chapter IV?Chinese Claim Interpretation: Substantive Law
A. Sources of Law
1. Statute 080
2. The “Judge-Made Statute”: Judicial Interpretation
3. Case Law
B. Fundamental Rules
1. Central Role of Claims
2. The “All Feature” Rule
3. Description and Drawings
4. Prosecution History: The Estoppel Principle
5. PHOSITA—2009 and 2016 Judicial Interpretation
C. Structure of a Chinese Patent
D. Defining the Literal Claim Scope
1. Canons of Claim Interpretation
2. Special Types of Claims
E. The Doctrine of Equivalents
1. Elements to Establish the Doctrine of Equivalents
2. Limitation of Doctrine Equivalents: Dedication Principle
3. Limitation to the Doctrine of Equivalents: Estoppel Principle
Chapter V?Comparative Analysis
A. Policy
1. United States
2. China
B. Rules
1. Procedure
2. Substantive Law
Table of Cases and Other Authorities
The significance of claims cannot be emphasized too much in patent infringement litigation. As the former Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in 1990 stated, “the name of the game is the claim.” 1 In current U.S. and Chinese patent law, claims define the scope of patent rights. Interpreting claims to determine the scope of a patent is the first and crucial step in patent infringement. In the United States, where claim interpretation is a separate step in litigation, many infringement cases are settled once claim interpretation is decided by a court.
Because of the tremendous significance of the claims, they are typically drafted with special care to define the subject matter of patent protection definitely and clearly.2 However, the meaning of claim terms is still disputed from time to time in litigation. Litigators attempt to convince the court to adopt an interpretation of the terms in favor of their own clients. The literal scope defined by clarifying the meaning of the claim terms, together with the scope defined by the application of the doctrine of equivalents, determines the scope of patent protection resulting from claim interpretation in patent infringement litigation. 3
The United States has a long history emphasizing the role of the patent system in promoting technological innovation and economic growth. Similarly, China has been working on a transition from a manufacture-based economy to an innovation-based economy, and published the Outline of National Intellectual Property Strategy, which emphasizes the significance of patents in making this transition. To promote patent and innovation policy, patent claims should be interpreted to maintain a fine balance between two competing interests: (1) giving incentives to further innovations for inventors and (2) securing legal certainty for the public.4
This study is a comparative study of claim interpretation in the United States and China with a focus on the function of the rules. Because the U.S. patent law and Chinese patent law have very different conceptual frameworks and U.S. and Chinese courts define some rules for claim interpretation differently, it is easy to conclude the protection scope resulting from claim interpretation is very different between these two countries. However, these differences may be artificial and the rules may function similarly to lead to a similar scope of protection. The U.S. and Chines law defines a few of rules of claim interpretation in very similar expressions. However, those rules do not always function in the same way. Therefore, this study addresses the question whether the rules of claim interpretation function similarly or differently in the United States and China.
In order to answer this question, this study examines information from various sources. This research focuses on different legal materials in the U.S. section and Chinese section, because the two legal systems operate differently. To examine the rules in the United States, this research mainly focuses on cases and statutes, while using literature including treatise, law review and journal articles, and books as a secondary reference. In contrast, to examine the rules in China, this research examines a variety of sources, including cases, statutes, judicial interpretations, policy documents and transcripts while using literature as a secondary reference.
Similar to the United States, cases and statues are still a focus for understanding claim interpretation in China. But in addition to cases and statutes, there is a unique source of law in China. This source of law is called “Judicial Interpretation”, which provides some significant rules in claim interpretation5. The instructions from the higher levels become important guidelines for judges in adjudicating cases. When a new judicial interpretation is issued, a representative from the Supreme People’s Court of China will be interviewed by the media and will give an official explanation to the media about the background and purpose of the new rules. The interview transcript is published by the Supreme People’s Court’s website and newspaper.
Since 2008, the Supreme People’s Court of China has held an annual Intellectual Property Judicial Conference, which is attended by Chinese judges nationwide. The conference enables judges to discuss the cutting-edge issues in intellectual property cases and resolve conflicting views. The transcripts of the major presentations are published in the China Intellectual Property Protection Yearbook. Both the interview transcripts and conference transcripts are viewed by judges and attorneys not only as aids to understand the policy but also as instructions on how to implement the law. The Supreme People’s Court and other patent related governmental institutions also periodically issue policy documents. Those policy documents do not provide instructions for adjudication, but explain the general policy trend.
Based on the cases, statutes and other related materials, this study explains how the U.S. and Chinese claim interpretation rules function to determine the scope of patent protection and how these rules reflect patent policy. Contrary to the common view in the Western world that China is reluctant to protect patent rights,6 Chinese patent claim interpretation rules function very similarly to those in the United States. This study will discuss Chinese rules, which are adopted from U.S., as well as rules which look different but function in the same way as U.S. rules, thus resulting in the same protection scope.
Moreover, Chinese claim interpretation has gone through an evolutionary process, which is similar to the U.S. patent law history. In the late 1990s, the U.S. courts started to give more weight to the public notice function of patent claims, and legal certainty with the protection scope resulting from claim interpretation.7 Following the U.S. trend, Chinese courts have also moved in the same direction to emphasize legal certainty.



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