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做企业如大海行舟,一波未平,一波又起。大浪淘沙沉者为金,风卷残云胜者为王。 在这里,我们可以看到嘉和一品、胡大饭馆、将太无二、捞旺火锅、林家铺子、文新茶叶、仟真和、绿行者、想念挂面、巴比面点这10家企业在创业浪潮中的起起伏伏,更能体悟到创业的宝贵经验和财富。
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冯克, 资深媒体人,供职于央视19年,国家一级导演,央视《致富经》栏目创始人、原制片人,清华大学第四期、第五期清华-伯克利全球技术创业项目创业导师,清华EMBA。多次联合清华大学中国创业研究中心、中国农业大学MBA教育中心策划发布《中国百姓创业致富调查报告》,对民生领域创业、大学生创业有深入持续的研究,被多家团省委青创协聘为创业顾问。2016年6月辞职创业,以百姓创业垂直服务为核心开展业务。
1 Porridge Jiahe: Tasting Life in Healthy Porridge37 Huda Restaurant: A Symbol of Crayfish on Guijie Street57 Shotamuni Restaurant: Creative Dishes of Excellent Quality75 LaowangSG Hotpot: Secret of Delicacy in Chicken Soup91 Leasun Food: The Road to Transformation119 A Life-long Career: Producing Fragrant Tea Products135 Qianzhenhe Catering: A Path Towards Dream157 Ma Tiemin: A Green Pioneer of Modern Agriculture173 Xiangnian Food: A Sentiment of Missing197 Babi Food: The Kingdom of Pastry215 Epilogue
How Entrepreneurs Were TemperedGao Jian, Professor, Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship,and Strategy, School of Economics and Management, and Director of the Entrepreneurship Research Center on G20 Economies, Tsinghua University.In China today, entrepreneurship continues to boost socioeconomic development.Starting a business is a life choice for many. In 2014, while addressing the opening of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2014, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, in Tianjin, northern China, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said the massive wave of entrepreneurship by the people at the grassroots of China should be fueled to foster a new pattern of innovation by all. On March 16, 2018, business entities across the country exceeded 100 million. By the end of 2019,the number topped 120 million. Entrepreneurship has been born on the fertile soil of China.Entrepreneurship is also a main engine of China’s economic and social progress. With four decades of reform and opening since 1978, the private sector has flourished, helping create China’s economic miracle. The sector now accounts for 50 percent of the country’s fiscal revenue, contributes 60 percent of GDP growth, and attracts 60 percent of private investment. It also plays a strong role in China’s innovation drive and job creation by contributing more than 70 percent of technological innovation and new products and providing over 80 percent of jobs. More than 90 percent of new jobs are now created by private businesses.[1] The number of Chinese enterprises that rose from obscurity and became listed on the Fortune 500 in 2019 has risen from zero to 26.[2]This book presents the stories of ten Chinese entrepreneurs who started from scratch, yet achieved their dreams through strenuous effort.Appreciating their personal experience, we get a glimpse of the persistence,innovation, and social responsibility embodied in the innovation and development of Chinese enterprises.