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書城自編碼: 3655792
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→政治/軍事政治
作者: 曹普 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787119116235
出版社: 外文出版社
出版日期: 2021-03-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 696



** 我創建的書架 **

《中国改革开放四十年简史(英)》主要内容包括Deliberation and Decision Making,The Beginnings of Reform and Opening Up,Severe Tests Confronting Reform and Opening Up and Chinas Countermeasures,Major Breakthroughs in the All-Round Advancement of Reform and Opening Up,Deepening the Scientific Development of Reform and Opening Up,New Strategies and Plans for Deepening Reform and Opening Up on All Fronts。
Chapter 1 Deliberation and Decision Making
I. Smashing the Gang of Four and Terminating the Cultural Revolution
1. The Ten-Year-Long Cultural Revolution Had Brought Great Disaster□<□r>2. Exposing and Criticizing the Gang of Four and Advocating the ”Two Whatever□”<□r>3. Rectifying the Order of Production and Preliminary Recovery of the Economy
4. A ”New Great Leap Forward” for Quick Result□<□r>II. Political Life of the Party and State Getting Back on Track and Deng Xiaoping‘s Reinstatement
1. Deng Xiaoping’s Reinstatement and the Convening of the 11th CPC National Congres□<□r>2. The Convening of the Fifth National People‘s Congress (NPC) and the Fifth Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)
3. Redressing the Wrongs and Setting Things Right in the Fields of Science, Education and Culture
III. Breaking the Shackles of ”Two Whatevers” and Emancipating the Mind
1. Serious Obstruction of the ”Two Whatever□”<□r>2. First Discussions on the Criterion of Truth
3. The Initial Breakthrough: Setting Things Right and Emancipating the Mind in the Economic Field
4. Discussion on the Criterion of Truth and Promoting Emancipation of the Mind
IV Activating the Brains, Thinking Independently and Preparing for Reform and Opening Up
1. Breaking Self-Seclusion and Practicing ”Borrowism”
2. Discussion of Reform and Opening Up at the State Council‘s Theory-Discussing Meeting
3. Deng Xiaoping’s ”Northeast Talk” Further Underlined the Determination to Conduct Reform and Opening Up
V A Formal Decision of Reform and Opening Up Made at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee
1. 36-Day Working Conference of the Central Committee and Identifying the Key Problem
2. Discussion on the Key Problem as Related to Reform and Opening Up
3. The Keynote of Deng Xiaoping‘s Declaration Was Reform and Opening Up
4. Formal Decision of Reform and Opening Up Made at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee
Chapter 2 The Beginnings of Reform and Opening Up
Chapter 3 Severe Tests Confronting Reform and Opening Up and China’s Countermeasure□<□r>Chapter 4 Major Breakthroughs in the All-Round Advancement of Reform and Opening Up
Chapter 5 Deepening the Scientific Development of Reform and Opening Up
Chapter 6 New Strategies and Plans for Deepening Reform and Opening Up on All Fronts



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