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書城自編碼: 3643108
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→歷史史學理論
作者: 朱玉麒
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030689276
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2021-06-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1148



** 我創建的書架 **

目  录
黄文弼发现的两件据史德语文书 段 晴( 1 )
龟兹与贵霜——从一件黄文弼文书谈起 庆昭蓉(19)
吐鲁番雅尔湖石窟第5窟鲁尼文题记释读与研究 白玉冬(37)
葛啜家世新考——兼论古突厥亲属称谓at. 陈 恳(51)
《蒙古山水地图》部分地名考证 米热古丽黑力力(65)
从孔雀河走向昆仑山——孔雀河青铜时代考古文化探讨之二 王炳华(77)
故事画与赴会佛——库木吐喇窟群区第10、45窟回鹘风横列因缘图像研究 杨 波(93)
国俗惯性与汉风激荡:辽代初年契丹贵族墓葬的两个面向 ——以宝山辽墓为例 贺逸云(107)
16—19世纪旧玉龙杰赤水系变化考察 阿布都沙拉木克热木(151)
摩尼教使者之链与那罗延 马小鹤 汪 娟(169)
杭州*古老的萨迪诗歌碑铭 乌苏吉 撰 王银环 译(181)
《福乐智慧》中的苏非主义思想——11世纪喀喇汗王朝的政教平衡 张嘉妹(193)
被隐蔽的才子——清代西域流放文人龙铎考 吴华峰(223)
“丝绸之路”一词确为李希霍芬首创吗? 马提亚斯默滕斯 撰 蒋小莉 译(245)
帝国的君子——西方考古学家与中国官员在西北的互动 郑智明 撰 赵 锴 译(261)
伯希和为英藏斯坦因所获敦煌汉文文献编目始末 王冀青(291)
德国吐鲁番探险队(1902—1914)研究述评 茅心雨(337)
耿世民先生生平及其学术成就 张铁山(345)
《西域文史》第十五辑著译者单位及文章索引 (363)
《西域文史》简介与稿约 (364) Contents
Two Gū 
diya Documents Discovered by Huang Wenbi Duan Qing( 1 )
Kucha and Kushan: Some More Remarks on a Huang Wenbi Document . Ching Chao-jung(19)
Interpretation and Research on Runic Inscriptions of No.5 Cave of Yarghol Grottoes .in Turfan Bai Yudong(37)
A New Study on Qar. .or Tegin’s Lineage: also on the Ancient Turkic Kinship Term “at.”. Chen Ken(51)
Explanations on Some Place Names on the Menggu Shanshui Ditu Mihrigül Helil(65)
From the Peacock River to the Kunlun Mountains: on the Archaeological Culture .of the Bronze Age along the Peacock River Wang Binghua(77)
Story Painting and Buddha Attending Assembly: Study on the Uighur Avadāna.Story Paintings at Kumtura Cave 10 and Cave 45 Yang Bo(93)
Khitan Custom and Han Style of the Khitan Nobles Tombs in Early Liao Dynasty: .a Case-study of the Baoshan Tombs He Yiyun(107)
Notes on Keshig Occupations of the Yuan Dynasty Chen Xinyuan(137)
Study on the Changes of K.hn. ürganch Water System between the 16th -19th Century. Abdusalam Kerim(151)
Manichaean Chain of Apostles and Nārāyan4a Ma Xiaohe & Wang Chuan(169)
The Oldest Inscription of Sa‘dī Shīrāzī’s Poem in Hangzhou Mohammadbagher Vosooghi (tr. Wang Yinhuan)(181)
Thoughts of Sufism in the Kutadgu Bilig: Balance between Politics and Religion.of Karakhanid Dynasty in the 11th Century Zhang Jiamei(193)
A Little-known Talent of the Qing Dynasty: Long Duo,an Exiled Poet to the.Western Regions Wu Huafeng(223)
Did Richthofen Really Coin the “the Silk Road”?  Matthias Mertens (tr. Jiang Xiaoli)(245)
Gentlemen of Empire:Western Archaeologists’ Interactions with Chinese Officials during .Their Expeditions in Northwest China Justin M. Jacobs (tr. Zhao Kai)(261)
Paul Pelliot’s Cataloging Work for the British Collection of Chinese Manuscripts from .Dunhuang Aquired by Aurel Stein Wang Jiqing(291)
A Review on the Studies of the German Turfan Expeditions (1902-1914) Mao Xinyu(337)
Biography and Academic Achievements of Prof. Geng Shimin Zhang Tieshan(345)
Contributors (363)
Introduction to the Literature & History of the Western Regions (365)



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