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書城自編碼: 3642255
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→政治/軍事政治
作者: 本书编写组
國際書號(ISBN): 9787511739773
出版社: 中央编译出版社
出版日期: 2021-06-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1102



** 我創建的書架 **

Chapter I The Founding of the Communist Party of China and
Its Involvement in the Great Revolution .............................................. 1
Various Forces Explore Ways to Rejuvenate China in
Modern Times ..................................................................................... 1
The May 4th Movement and the Spread of Marxism
in China ................................................................................................ 5
The Founding of the CPC and the Creation of the Platform
of Democratic Revolution ................................................................ 13
The Rise of the First KMT-CPC Cooperation and the Climax
of the Great Revolution .................................................................... 23
The Northern Expedition and the Worker and Peasant
Movements ........................................................................................ 30
The End of KMT-CPC Cooperation and the Failure of
the Great Revolution ........................................................................ 35

Chapter II The Agrarian Revolution .......................................................... 44
Combating the Reactionary Rule of the KMT with
Armed Struggle ................................................................................. 44
Mao Zedong and a New Path for the Chinese Revolution ............. 50The Red Army’s Victory against KMT Encirclement and
Suppression Campaigns and the Establishment of Rural
Revolutionary Bases ......................................................................... 57
The September 18th Incident and the Central Red Army
Starting the Long March .................................................................. 66
The Zunyi Meeting and the Triumph of the Red
Army’s Long March .......................................................................... 75
Fighting for a Chinese United Front against
Japanese Aggression ......................................................................... 87

Chapter III The Mainstay of the Chinese People’s Resistance
against Japanese Aggression ................................................................. 94
The Formulation of the Party’s Line of Resisting Japan on
All Fronts and Strategy of Protracted War .................................... 94
Carrying out Guerrilla Warfare behind Enemy Lines and
Maintaining the CPC’s Independence and Initiative
in the United Front ......................................................................... 101
Upholding the Principles of Resistance, Unity,
and Progress .................................................................................... 108
Consolidating Resistance Base Areas and Carrying Forward
the Democratic Resistance Movement ......................................... 118
Strengthening Party Building, Advancing the Adaption
of Marxism to the Chinese Context, and Launching a
Rectification Movement ................................................................. 127
The Seventh National Congress of the CPC, the Establishment
of Mao Zedong Thought as the Guiding Ideology of
the Party, and Final Victory in the War of Resistance against
Japanese Aggression ....................................................................... 134

Chapter IV The Struggle for Nationwide Victory in
the New-Democratic Revolution ........................................................ 144
Peace Negotiations in Chongqing and the Struggle
for Peace and Democracy .............................................................. 144
Victory against the KMT’s Offensive and the Formation of
a Second Front ................................................................................. 151
The People’s Liberation Army Shifts to the Strategic Offensive..... 156Formulating and Implementing the Program for Nationwide
Victory and Consolidating and Expanding the People’s
Democratic United Front ............................................................... 161
The Decisive Battles and the Downfall of the Reactionary
KMT Regime .................................................................................... 168
The Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee
of the CPC and Preparation for the Establishment
of the New China ............................................................................ 178

Chapter V The Founding of the People’s Republic of China
and the Establishment of the Socialist System ................................ 188
The Founding of the People’s Republic of China and the
Consolidation of the Nascent Reign of the People ..................... 188
The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Land
System Reform, and Other Democratic Reforms ....................... 199
Restoration of the National Economy and the Expansion of
Pursuits in Development ............................................................... 210
The Party’s General Line for the Transitional Period and the
Beginning of Large-Scale Planned Economic Development ...... 222
The Completion of Socialist Transformation and
the Establishment of the Socialist System ................................... 228

Chapter VI Explorations and Setbacks in Socialist Development ..... 238
The Eighth National Congress of the CPC and a Strong
Start to Chinese Socialist Development ....................................... 238
Arduous Explorations on the Socialist Road .................................. 246Socialist Development amid Twists and Turns .............................. 264

Chapter VII A Turning Point in History and the Beginning of
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ............................................ 280
The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee:
A Turning Point in History ........................................................... 281
Completing the Task of Setting Things Right................................. 291Rural Reform, the Creation of Special Economic Zones,
and the Beginning of Reform and Opening Up ......................... 297
The 12th National Party Congress and Full-Scale Socialist
Modernization ................................................................................. 310
The 13th National Party Congress and the Establishment of
the Party’s Basic Line in the Primary Stage of Socialism ........... 328
Adjustments to the National Defense Strategy .............................. 335Conception of One Country, Two Systems ..................................... 337Adjustments to Foreign Policy ......................................................... 341Weathering Political Disturbances and Completing Economic
Rectification ..................................................................................... 344
Deng Xiaoping’s Southern Talks .................................................... 357

Chapter VIII The Launch of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
into the 21st Century ............................................................................. 363
The 14th National Congress of the CPC and the Establishment
of the Socialist Market Economy .................................................. 364
Stronger Macro Regulation and a Soft Landing for Economic
Growth.............................................................................................. 370
The 15th National Congress of the CPC, Confirmation of
Deng Xiaoping Theory as the Party’s Guiding Ideology, and
Deeper Progress in Reform and Opening Up ............................. 373
The Formulation and Implementation of Cross-Century
Development Strategies ................................................................. 386
The Development of Political Culture and Advanced Culture
and the Achievement of Moderately Prosperous
Living Standards Overall ............................................................... 395
Actively Advancing Military Transformation with Chinese
Characteristics ................................................................................. 405
The Return of Hong Kong and Macao and the Expansion of
Cross-Strait Exchanges ................................................................... 409
Creating a New Pattern of Comprehensive and Multilayered
Foreign Relations ............................................................................ 415
Advancing the Great New Project of Party Building .................... 418

Chapter IX Upholding and Developing Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics under New Circumstances ....................................... 428
The 16th National Congress of the CPC, the Establishment of
the Theory of Three Represents as a Guiding Ideology of
the Party and the Introduction of a Program of Building
a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects ..................... 429
Promoting Sustainable Economic and Social Development ........ 434The Party’s 17th National Congress and a New Blueprint for
Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects ...... 447
Responding to Major Challenges and Deepening Reform and
Opening up ...................................................................................... 452
Historical Missions of the Armed Forces at the New Stage
in the New Century ........................................................................ 471
Moving forward with One Country, Two Systems and
the Cause of China’s Peaceful Reunification ............................... 475
Standing by Peaceful Development and Cooperation .................. 481Making Party Building More Effective and Establishing the
Scientific Outlook on Development as a Guiding Ideology
of the Party ....................................................................................... 484

Chapter X Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era ....... 494
The 18th National Party Congress and the Chinese Dream of
National Rejuvenation ................................................................... 494
Promoting the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan ................................... 510Pursuing Coordinated Implementation of the Four-Pronged
Comprehensive Strategy ................................................................ 539
Comprehensively Promoting National Defense and Military
Modernization ................................................................................. 564
Adhering to the Principle of One Country, Two Systems and
Promoting National Reunification ............................................... 577
Advancing Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese
Characteristics and Building a Human Community
with a Shared Future ...................................................................... 590
The Party’s 19th National Congress, Establishing Xi Jinping
Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for
a New Era as the Party’s Guiding Ideology, and Securing a
Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous
Society in All Respects ....................................................................... 608
Upholding Overall Party Leadership and Strengthening
the Party More Effectively ............................................................. 622
New Strides in the Development of the State System and
Governance System ........................................................................ 643
Advancing Various Undertakings while Responding to
Risks and Challenges...................................................................... 658
Completing the Goal of Building a Moderately Prosperous
Society in All Respects and Launching a New Journey toward
Becoming a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects ............. 682
Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 702
Index ................................................................................................................ 709
Chapter I
The Founding of the Communist Party of China and Its Involvement in the Great Revolution
One night in July of 1921, the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened in secret in a small two-story residence in Shanghai’s French Concession. This moment gave birth to a completely new party of the proletariat whose actions were to be guided by Marxism and Leninism. This was a truly groundbreaking event— a momentous occasion which, like a torch held aloft in the darkness, brought light and hope to the deeply distressed Chinese people. From that moment on, the Chinese people have had in the Party an anchor for their struggles to achieve national independence and liberation, to make their country prosperous and strong, and to realize happiness and contentment, and their mindset changed from passivity to taking the initiative.
Various Forces Explore Ways to Rejuvenate China in Modern Times
Over the course of several millennia, the Chinese people created an enduring and splendid civilization, making a marvelous contribution to humankind and becoming one of the great peoples of the world. Following the advent of modern times, however, owing to the aggression of Western powers and the corruption of China’s feudal rulers, China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. As the land of China was laid to waste and the people descended into misery, the Chinese nation experienced suffering of unprecedented proportions. From 1840 onwards, Western powers launched numerous wars of aggression against China (most famous are the Opium War of 1840–1842 involving Great Britain, the Second Opium War of 1856–1860 with Great Britain and France, the Sino-French War of 1884–1885, the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895, and the war of 1900 against the aggression of the Eight-Power Allied Forces). Through these wars and other methods, Western powers forced China to cede territory and pay out indemnities, and they greedily extracted privileges of all kinds from China. Britain carved away Hong Kong, Japan occupied Taiwan, and czarist Russia seized the northeastern and northwestern parts of the country. Over one billion taels of silver were extracted from China in war indemnities, even though the Qing government generated just over 80 million taels of annual revenue at the time.
Through unequal treaties of increasingly harsher terms, Western powers obtained many important privileges in China, such as the right to set up ports and concessions, open mines and factories, build railways, establish banks and businesses, build churches, station troops, demarcate spheres of influence, and enjoy consular jurisdiction and unilateral mostfavored- nation treatment. Hundreds of unequal treaties and conventions, like an all-encompassing net, entrapped China politically, economically, militarily, and culturally. As a result, it was utterly helpless in the face of endless demands, and while it encountered reproach at every turn, Western powers had their way in the country on the strength of their treaties. They ran China’s trading ports, customs, foreign trade, and transport lines and dumped large quantities of their goods in China, treating it as a market for their products and a base for extracting raw materials.



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