內容簡介: |
随着国际学术交流的日益频繁,学者们难以避免地要在英文期刊上发表研究成果。学术英语写作对于促进学术交流有着重要的意义,但也给来自不同语言背景的学者们带来了巨大的挑战。因此近年来有关学术语篇(academic discourse)的研究愈发受到学者们的广泛关注。本书从互文性的视角出发,以CARS 模型中的三个语步(move)以及实现这些语步的手段为基础,对比研究了中国学者和以英语为母语的学者撰写的英语学术论文中引言部分在表达批评言语行为时的差异。在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,本书提出了一种适用于学术文本分析的互文性分类方法,并利用此方法分析了两个语料库中立场表达和批评言语行为的互文性特征。
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Academic Discourse and Swales‘CARS Model
2.1 Academic Discourse and RA
2.2 Structural Features of Introduction Section
2.3 Swales’CARS Model
Chapter 3 Intertextuality
3.1 Definition of Intertextuality
3.2 Classifications of Intertextuality
3.3 Intertextual Cues Proposed by Bhatia
3.4 Identification of Intertextual Cues
Chapter 4 Stance and Criticality
4.1 Criticality
4.2 Representation of Criticality
Chapter 5 Intertextual Study of RA Introductions
5.1 Data Collection
5.2 Identification of Criticality
5.3 Identification of Intertextual Cues
5.4 Results and Analysis
Chapter 6Conclusion
6.1 Summary of Major Findings
6.2 Theoretical Implications
Appendix Ⅱ
Bibliographic References