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書城自編碼: 3635271
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→歷史文物考古
作者: 山东大学《东方考古》编辑部
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030677815
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2020-12-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1080



** 我創建的書架 **

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磁山文化的再研究 陈明辉 (17)
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论晋侯苏钟的年代和归属——兼论周厉王王年 张溯 (131)
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所立卓尔 瞻之在前——刘敦愿先生学术贡献与思想遗产访谈录 郎剑锋 (303)
Study on Stone Artifacts Found in Yuxi River Region in Anhui Ma Huanhuan Zhao Qingpo Shuo Zhi (15)
A Restudy of Cishan Culture Chen Minghui (35)
The Cultural Geography Pattern of Yangshao Culture in Guanzhong and Its Periphery Zhang Yimeng (57)
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An Explanation of Patriarchal Clan System in Yin Xu.s Inscriptions Yang Kun (110)
A Study of the Buildings Involved Wangzaizhou in the Bronze Inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty: Also the Discussion of the Stone Pillar of No. 3 Fengchu Foundation is the Bei of the Ancestral Temple Liu Haiyu (124)
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Discussions on the Date and Owner of Jin Marquis Su bell and the Date of King Li of Zhou Zhang Su (143)
Discussion on the Funerary Chariot Pits of the Chu Graves in the Warring States Period Yin Qun (159)
The History and Status Quo of the Archaeological Research on Cheng-Guo System of Ancient Capital Cities in China Zhang Jianfeng (169)
Brief Analysis of Creating Era of Guan Fuzi.s Bamboo and Poet Drawing Zou Dongzhen Wei Wenge (194)
Multidisciplinary Archaeological Investigation of Origin and Development of Early Agriculture in Central Plains of China Tao Dawei (204)
Preliminary Study on Organic-tempered Daubs of Zhoujiazuitou Site in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Li Xiaotong Yang Jian Wang Xiaoyang Jin Guiyun (212)
Modeling Constraints on the Spread of Agriculture to Southwest China with Thermal Niche Models Jade D.Alpoim Guedes Ethan E. Butler Translated by Wang Bingyan Proofread by Tan X Erdward Chen Xuexiang (232)
A Brief Discussion on Salt Making Site in Dongbeihai Village, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province Chu Yalong Li Pengwei (243)
Analysis of Taboos and Sacrifices in Pottery Production in Contemporary Foreign Countries Wang Di (256)
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A Study on the Architectural Age of the Duofo Pagoda in Cuiping Mountain, Pingyin District, Jinan, China Wang Jing Chang Xiang Chai Yi Liu Lili (289)
The Study of History and Building about Yongji Bridge in Pingyin, Shandong Province Xing Qi He Li Fang Zhen (302)
Rise Abave the Common Herb, Lcok Far Ahead: Interview Records on Mr. Liu Dunyuan.s Academic Contributions and Thought Heritage Lang Jianfeng (317)



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