編輯推薦: |
1. 俄罗斯知名汉学家伊莲娜·扎哈罗娃女士以不同视角讲述中国传统文化作者以外国儿童的新奇视角,让读者跟着书中那个打开神奇柜子之门的小姑娘玛鲁霞一起去探究这座古老城市的秘密,逛一逛北京的胡同,参观紫禁城,看一看世界上*的广场,游览天坛公园,等等。在旅途中读者们会遇到龙、凤凰、神龟、大象,他们会给你们讲述北京古老的传说和各种有趣的故事。2.克兰著名女画家为故事精心创作近百张插画克兰著名女画家莲娜·刘女士潜心一年,为故事精心创作近百余张配图。
內容簡介: |
《骑龙游北京》是作者根据自己在中国的所见所闻撰写的童话故事,讲述了俄罗斯小女孩玛露霞在北京经历的神奇东方文化之旅。故事从儿童的视角,用引人入胜的文字和情节,以一次神奇旅行为主线,将中国历史、文化、风土人情等巧妙地呈现给大家。”Beijing by Dragon” is a fairy tale written by Irina Zakharova based on her own experience in China. The book which unfolds itself through some little fantasies tells a Russian girl Maroussias visit to Beijing, her encounter of the wonderful Chinese culture; it presents readers the history, culture and custom of China with skillfully written work.
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Contents 1 The Journey Begins / 0012 Great Wall / 0083 World’s Largest City Square / 0164 City of Eight-armed Nezha / 0205 City Wall and Gate Towers of Beijing / 0266 Warm Welcome to the Forbidden City / 0337 Secrets from a Noble Lion / 0378 The Biggest Square and Tallest Building in the Forbidden City / 0439 The Divine Tortoise / 04810 Story of the Crane / 05411 Story of the Bird King / 05812 Elephant’s Imperial Garden Secrets / 06713 Oh, No! Something Bad Happens to the Dragon King / 07514 Kitty’s Helping Paw / 08015 Nine-Dragon Wall / 08416 Iron Screen Wall / 09117 Dragon King Saved by Immortal’s Potion / 09418 The Bell and Drum Towers / 09819 The Trip Continues / 10520 Dragon King’s New Miracles / 10821 The Imperial College and Its Archways / 11522 Maroussia Meets the Rabbit God / 12123 Lost Friends / 12624 Visiting the Past by Tram / 13325 A Taste of Dashilanr / 13826 Maroussia Gets Lost Again / 14527 Magic Scissors / 15128 Liulichang Art Zone / 15429 An Encounter with Hou / 16030 Temple of Heaven from Above / 16331 Tour of the Temple of Heaven / 16832 Beijing Cuisine / 17433 Dragon Boat Cruise / 17934 Paradise on Earth / 18335 Picturesque Landscapes / 18636 Traveling with Old Ox / 19237 A Painted Corridor Without Walls / 19738 Suzhou Street / 207PostscriptAn Amazing Trip to Beijing