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書城自編碼: 3613663
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術一般工业技术
作者: 杜修力
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030676962
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2021-03-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 2250



** 我創建的書架 **

 《Size Effect in Concrete Materials and Structures》系统介绍了作者及其研究团队近十多年来在混凝土材料及构件尺寸效应研究方面的研究成果,全书共分为九章。该书系统回答了3个重要问题:1)混凝土动态尺寸效应规律,即应变率如何影响尺寸效应;2)构件层次尺寸效应与材料层次尺寸效应的关联性;3)构件层次尺寸效应律的构建。
《Size Effect in Concrete Materials and Structures》内容翔实,实用性强,非常适合于可供从事混凝土工程结构设计方面的工程技术人员和科技人员等,以及土木工程专业高年级本科生和研究生阅参考。
1 Introduction
1.1 Concept of Size Effect
1.2 Source of Size Effect
1.3 Size Effect Laws
1.3.1 Static Size Effect of Concrete Materials
1.3.2 Dynamic Size Effect of Concrete Materials
1.3.3 Size Effect of Concrete Members
1.4 Scope
2 Concrete on the Meso-level
2.1 Coarse Aggregate Particles
2.2 Mortar Matrix
2.3 Interfacial Transitional Zone ITZ
3 Methodology: Meso-Scale Simulation Approach
3.1 Mesoscopic Numerical Methods
3.1.1 Lattice Model
3.1.2 Stochastic Mechanical Property Model
3.1.3 Random Particle Model
3.1.4 Rigid Body-Spring Model
3.1.5 Random Aggregate Model
3.1.6 Mesoscopic Element Equivalence Method
3.1.7 Other Numerical Methods
3.2 Geometric Model
3.2.1 Random Aggregate Model of Concrete
3.2.2 Steel Rebar
3.2.3 FRP Sheet
3.2.4 Steel Tube
3.3 Material Model
3.3.1 Damaged Plasticity Model
3.3.2 Elastoplastic Model
3.3.3 Elastic-Brittle Model
3.4 Strain Rate Effect
3.4.1 Code Recommendations
3.4.2 Hao Hong''s Model
3.5 Interaction Model
3.5.1 Node-to-Node Interaction Model
3.5.2 Surface-to-Surface Contact Model
3.6 Validation of Simulation Method
3.6.1 Material
3.6.2 Beam
3.6.3 Column
3.6.4 Beam-to-Column Joint
3.7 Summary
4 Static Size Effect in Concrete Materials
4.1 Tensile Strength of Concrete Materials
4.1.1 Morphological Material Model for Concrete
4.1.2 Multi-grade Analysis Method for Cementitious
4.1.3 Validation and Analysis
4.2 Splitting-Tensile Strength of Concrete Materials
4.2.1 Experimental Analysis
4.2.2 Numerical Analysis
4.3 Flexural-Tensile Strength of Concrete Materials
4.3.1 Experimental Analysis
4.3.2 Numerical Analysis
4.4 Compressive Strength of Concrete Materials
4.4.1 Size Effect of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
4.4.2 Size Effect on Bi-axial Compressive Behavior
4.5 Novel Size Effect Law Considering MAS
4.6 Summary
5 Dynamic Size Effect in Concrete Materials
5.1 Dynamic Size Effect on Splitting-Tensile Strength
5.1.1 Dynamic Failure Behavior
5.1.2 Influence of Strain Rate
5.2 Dynamic Size Effect on Tensile Strength
5.2.1 Dynamic Failure Behavior
5.2.2 Influence of Strain Rate
5.3 Dynamic Size Effect on Compressive Strength
5.3.1 Dynamic Failure Behavior
5.3.2 Influence of Strain Rate
5.4 Influence of Meso-Structure
5.4.1 Influence of Aggregate Content
5.4.2 Influence of Maximum Aggregate Size
5.4.3 Influence of Aggregate Type
5.5 Influence of Initial Loads
5.5.1 Dynamic Compressive Failure
5.5.2 Dynamic Size Effect
5.6 Static-Dynamic Unified Size Effect Law
5.6.1 Basic Assumptions
5.6.2 Dynamic Size Effect Law for Concrete
5.6.3 Validation of the Theoretical Formula
5.7 Summary
6 Size Effect in Shear and Flexure Failure of Concrete Beams
6.1 Shear Failure in Reinforced Concrete Beams Without Stirrups
6.1.1 Failure of Ordinary Concrete Beam
6.1.2 Failure of Lightweight-Aggregate Concrete Beams
6.2 Shear Failure in Reinforced Concrete Beams with Stirrups
6.2.1 Seismic Tests on Shear Failure of RC Beams
6.2.2 Simulations on Shear Failure of RC Beams
6.3 Shear Failure in CFRP-Wrapped Concrete Beams
6.3.1 CFRP-Strengthened Ordinary Concrete Beams
6.3.2 CFRP-Strengthened Lightweight-Aggregate Concrete
6.4 Flexural Failure in Reinforced Concrete Beams
6.4.1 Seismic Tests on Flexural Failure of RC Beams
6.4.2 Simulations on Flexural Failure of RC Beams
6.5 Size Effect Law for Shear Failure in Concrete Beams
6.5.1 Basic Assumptions
6.5.2 Size Effect Law for Shear Strength
6.5.3 Validation of the Theoretical Formula
6.6 S
Scaling is the most important aspect of every physical theory. In solid mechanics,the scaling problem of main interest is the effect of structure size on its nominal strength of quasi-brittle materials, e.g. concrete, rocks, sea ice and ceramics, etc.The question of the size effect has been investigated and discussed for quite a long time.
The focus of this monograph is on the size effect in concrete since it is the most widely used quasi-brittle material. Better understanding of the effects of structure size on the load capacity will improve the design of concrete structures. Concrete has highly heterogeneous and complex microstructures, and it consists of hydrated cement paste, aggregate and the interfacial transition zone between the cement paste and aggregate. The heterogeneity makes concrete materials and structures present obvious size effect in their nominal strengths.
In the last century, several classic size effect laws suitable for concrete-like quasi-brittle materials under static load were proposed. However, almost no efforts were conducted to study the size effect in concrete under dynamic load, and sys-tematics investigations on the size effect in concrete components involving beams,columns and beam-to-column joints are also lacking.
In this monograph, the authors present their theoretical, experimental and numericalinvestigations on the size effect in concrete materials and structures in the last decades.
Specifically, the questions the authors intend to address in this book include:
1.What is the size effect in concrete materials under dynamic load? How the strain
rate would affect the size effect?
2.What is the correlation between the component-level size effect and the
material-level size effect?
3.How to build the size effect laws for concrete componentst?



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