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書城自編碼: 3600521
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術電子/通信
作者: [美]Peter Van,Zant[彼得·范·赞特]
國際書號(ISBN): 9787121404986
出版社: 电子工业出版社
出版日期: 2021-02-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 632



** 我創建的書架 **

包括半导体工艺的每个阶段: 从原材料的制备到封装、 测试和成品运输, 以及传统的和现代的工艺;
提供了详细的插图和实例, 并辅以小结、习题、术语表;
本书是一本介绍半导体集成电路和器件制造技术的专业书, 在半导体领域享有很高的声誉。本书的讨论范围包括半导体工艺的每个阶段: 从原材料的制备到封装、 测试和成品运输, 以及传统的和现代的工艺。全书提供了详细的插图和实例, 并辅以小结和习题, 以及内容丰富的术语表。第六版修订了微芯片制造领域的新进展, 讨论了用于图形化、 掺杂和薄膜步骤的先进工艺和尖端技术, 使隐含在复杂的现代半导体制造材料与工艺中的物理、 化学和电子的基础信息更易理解。本书的主要特点是避开了复杂的数学问题介绍工艺技术内容, 并加入了半导体业界的新成果, 可以使读者了解工艺技术发展的趋势。
Peter Van Zant 国际知名半导体专家,具有广阔的工艺工程、培训、咨询和写作方面的背景,他曾先后在IBM和德州仪器(TI)工作,之后再硅谷,又先后在美国国家半导体(National Semiconductor)和单片存储器(Monolithic Memories)公司任晶圆制造工艺工程和管理职位。他还曾在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的山麓学院(Foothill College)任讲师,讲授半导体课程和针对初始工艺工程师的高级课程。他是《半导体技术词汇》(第三版)(Semiconductor Technology Glossary, Third Edition)、 《集成电路教程》(Integrated Circuits Text)、《安全第一手册》(Safety First Manual)和《芯片封装手册》(Chip Packaging Manual)的作者。他的书和培训教程被多家芯片制造商、产业供货商、学院和大学所采用。Peter Van Zant 国际知名半导体专家,具有广阔的工艺工程、培训、咨询和写作方面的背景,他曾先后在IBM和德州仪器(TI)工作,之后再硅谷,又先后在美国国家半导体(National Semiconductor)和单片存储器(Monolithic Memories)公司任晶圆制造工艺工程和管理职位。他还曾在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的山麓学院(Foothill College)任讲师,讲授半导体课程和针对初始工艺工程师的高级课程。他是《半导体技术词汇》(第三版)(Semiconductor Technology Glossary, Third Edition)、 《集成电路教程》(Integrated Circuits Text)、《安全第一手册》(Safety First Manual)和《芯片封装手册》(Chip Packaging Manual)的作者。他的书和培训教程被多家芯片制造商、产业供货商、学院和大学所采用。
Peter Van Zant 国际知名半导体专家,具有广阔的工艺工程、培训、咨询和写作方面的背景,他曾先后在IBM和德州仪器(TI)工作,之后再硅谷,又先后在美国国家半导体(National Semiconductor)和单片存储器(Monolithic Memories)公司任晶圆制造工艺工程和管理职位。他还曾在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的山麓学院(Foothill College)任讲师,讲授半导体课程和针对初始工艺工程师的高级课程。他是《半导体技术词汇》(第三版)(Semiconductor Technology Glossary, Third Edition)、 《集成电路教程》(Integrated Circuits Text)、《安全第一手册》(Safety First Manual)和《芯片封装手册》(Chip Packaging Manual)的作者。他的书和培训教程被多家芯片制造商、产业供货商、学院和大学所采用。
Chapter 1?The Semiconductor Industry?半导体产业
1.1 Introduction?引言
1.2 Birth of an Industry?一个产业的诞生
1.3 The Solid-State Era?固态时代
1.4 Integrated Circuits ICs?集成电路
1.5 Process and Product Trends?工艺和产品趋势
1.5.1 Moores Law?摩尔定律
1.5.2 Decreasing Feature Size?特征图形尺寸的减小
1.5.3 Increasing Chip and Wafer Size?芯片和晶圆尺寸的增大
1.5.4 Reduction in Defect Density?缺陷密度的减小
1.5.5 Increase in Interconnection Levels?内部连线水平的提高
1.5.6 The Semiconductor Industry Association Roadmap?半导体产业协会的发展蓝图
1.5.7 Chip Cost?芯片成本
1.6 Industry Organization?半导体产业的构成
1.7 Stages of Manufacturing?生产阶段
1.8 Six Decades of Advances in Microchip Fabrication Processes?微芯片制造过程发展的60年
1.9 The Nano Era?纳米时代
Review Topics?习题
Chapter 2?Properties of Semiconductor Materials and Chemicals?半导体材料和化学品的特性
2.1 Introduction?引言
2.2 Atomic Structure?原子结构
2.2.1 The Bohr Atom?玻尔原子
2.3 The Periodic Table of the Elements?元素周期表
2.4 Electrical Conduction?电传导
2.4.1 Conductors?导体
2.5 Dielectrics and Capacitors?绝缘体和电容器
2.5.1 Resistors?电阻器
2.6 Intrinsic Semiconductors?本征半导体
2.7 Doped Semiconductors?掺杂半导体
2.8 Electron and Hole Conduction?电子和空穴传导
2.8.1 Carrier Mobility?载流子迁移率
2.9 Semiconductor Production Materials?半导体生产材料
2.9.1 Germanium and Silicon?锗和硅
2.10?Semiconducting Compounds?半导体化合物
2.11?Silicon Germanium?锗化硅
2.12?Engineered Substrates?衬底工程
2.13?Ferroelectric Materials?铁电材料
2.14?Diamond Semiconductors?金刚石半导体
2.15?Process Chemicals?工艺化学品
2.15.1?Molecules, Compounds, and Mixtures?分子、 化合物和混合物
2.16?States of Matter?物质的状态
2.16.1?Solids, Liquids, and Gases?固体、 液体和气体
2.16.2?Plasma State?等离子体
2.17?Properties of Matter?物质的性质
2.17.2?Density, Speci?c Gravity, and Vapor Density?密度、相对密度和蒸气密度
2.18?Pressure and Vacuum?压力和真空
2.19?Acids, Alkalis, and Solvents?酸、 碱和溶剂
2.19.1?Acids and Alkalis?酸和碱
2.20?Chemical Purity and Cleanliness?化学纯化和清洗
2.20.1?Safety Issues?安全问题
2.20.2?The Material Safety Data Sheet?材料安全数据表
Review Topics?习题
Chapter 3?Crystal Growth and Silicon Wafer Preparation?晶体生长与硅晶圆制备
3.1 Introduction?引言
3.2 Semiconductor Silicon Preparation?半导体硅制备
3.3 Crystalline Materials?晶体材料
3.3.1 Unit Cells?晶胞
3.3.2 Poly and Single Crystals?多晶和单晶
3.4 Crystal Orientation?晶体定向
3.5 Crystal Growth?晶体生长
3.5.1 Czochralski Method?直拉法(CZ)
3.5.2 Liquid-Encapsulated Czochralski?液体掩盖直拉法
3.5.3 Float Zone?区熔法
3.6 Crystal and Wafer Quality?晶体和晶圆质量
3.6.1 Point Defects?点缺陷
3.6.2 Dislocations?位错
3.6.3 Growth Defects?原生缺陷
3.6.4 Impurities?杂质
3.7 Wafer Preparation?晶圆制备
3.7.1 End Cropping?截断
3.7.2 Diameter Grinding?直径滚磨
3.7.3 Crystal Orientation, Conductivity, and Resistivity Check?晶体定向、电导率和电阻率检查
3.7.4 Grinding Orientation Indicators?滚磨定向指示
3.8 Wafer Slicing?切片
3.9 Wafer Marking?晶圆刻号
3.10?Rough Polish?磨片
3.11?Chemical Mechanical Polishing?化学机械抛光
3.12?Backside Processing?背面处理
3.13?Double-Sided Polishing?双面抛光
3.14?Edge Grinding and Polishing?边缘倒角和抛光
3.15?Wafer Evaluation?晶圆评估
3.17.1?Wafer Types and Uses?晶圆的类型和用途
3.17.2?Reclaim Wafers?晶圆回收
3.18?Engineered Wafers Substrates?工程化晶圆(衬底)
Review Topics?习题
Chapter 4?Overview of Wafer Fabrication and Packaging?晶圆制造和封装概述
4.1 Introduction?引言
4.2 Goal of Wafer Fabrication?晶圆生产的目标
4.3 Wafer Terminology?晶圆术语
4.4 Chip Terminology?芯片术语
4.5 Basic Wafer-Fabrication Operations?晶圆生产的基础工艺
4.6 Layering?薄膜工艺
4.6.1 Patterning?图形化工艺
4.6.2 Circuit Design?电路设计
4.6.3 Reticle and Masks?光刻母版和掩模版
4.6.4 Basic Ten-Step Patterning Process?基本十步图形化工艺
4.6.5 Doping?掺杂
4.6.6 Heat Treatments?热处理
4.7 Example Fabrication Process?晶圆制造实例
4.8 Wafer Sort?晶圆中测
4.9 Packaging?集成电路的封装
Review Topics?习题
Chapter 5?Contamination Control?污染控制
5.1 Introduction?引言
5.1.1 The Problem?问题
5.1.2 Contamination-Caused Problems?污染引起的问题
5.2 Contamination Sources?污染源
5.2.1 General Sources?普通污染源
5.2.2 Air?空气
5.2.3 Clean Air Strategies?净化空气的方法
5.2.4 Cleanroom Workstation Strategy?洁净工作台法
5.2.5 Tunnel or Bay Concept?隧道隔段型设计
5.2.6 Micro- and Mini-Environments?微局部环境
5.2.7 Temperature, Humidity, and Smog?温度、 湿度及烟雾
5.3 Cleanroom Construction?净化间的建设
5.3.1 Construction Materials?建造材料
5.3.2 Cleanroom Elements?净化间要素
5.3.3 Personnel-Generated Contamination?人员产生的污染
5.3.4 Process Water?工艺用水
5.3.5 Process Chemicals?工艺化学品
5.3.6 Equipment?设备
5.4 Cleanroom Materials and Supplies?净化间的材料与供给
5.5 Cleanroom Maintenance?净化间的维护
5.6 Wafer-Surface Cleaning?晶圆表面清洗
5.6.1 Particulate Removal?颗粒去除
5.6.2 Wafer Scrubbers?晶圆刷洗器
5.6.3 High-Pressure Water Cleaning?高压水清洗
5.6.4 Organic Residues?有机残留物
5.6.5 Inorganic Residues?无机残留物
5.6.6 Chemical-Cleaning Solutions?化学清洗方案
5.6.7 General Chemical Cleaning?常见的化学清洗
5.6.8 Oxide Layer Removal?氧化层的去除
5.6.9 Room Temperature and Ozonated Chemistries?室温和氧化的化学物质
5.6.10?Water Rinsing?水冲洗
5.6.11?Drying Techniques?烘干技术
5.6.12?Contamination Detection?污染检测
Review Topics?习题
Chapter 6?Productivity and Process Yields?生产能力和工艺良品率
6.1 Overview?引言
6.2 Yield Measurement Points?良品率测量点
6.3 Accumulative Wafer-Fabrication Yield?累积晶圆生产良品率
6.4 Wafer-Fabrication Yield Limiters?晶圆生产良品率的制约因素
6.4.1 Number of Process Steps?工艺制程步骤的数量
6.4.2 Wafer Breakage and Warping?晶圆破碎和弯曲
6.4.3 Process Variation?工艺制程变异
6.4.4 Mask Defects?光刻掩模版缺陷
6.4.5 Wafer-Sort Yield Factors?晶圆电测良品率要素
6.4.6 Wafer Diameter and Edge Die?晶圆直径和边缘芯片
6.4.7 Wafer Diameter and Die Size?晶圆直径和芯片尺寸
6.4.8 Wafer Diameter and Crystal Defects?晶圆直径和晶体缺陷
6.4.9 Wafer Diameter and Process Variations?晶圆直径和工艺制程变异
6.4.10?Die Area and Defect Density?芯片面积和缺陷密度
6.4.11?Circuit Density and Defect Density?电路密度和缺陷密度
6.4.12?Number of Process Steps?工艺制程步骤的数量
6.4.13?Feature Size and Defect Size?特征工艺尺寸和缺陷尺寸
6.4.14?Process Cycle Time?工艺制程周期
6.4.15?Wafer-Sort Yield Formulas?晶圆中测良品率公式
6.5 Assembly and Final Test Yields?封装和最终测试良品率
6.6 Overall Process Yields?整体工艺良品率
Review Topics?习题
Chapter 7?Oxidation?氧化
7.1 Introduction?引言
7.2 Silicon Dioxide Layer Uses?二氧化硅层的用途
7.2.1 Surface Passivation?表面钝化
7.2.2 Doping Barrier?掺杂阻挡层
7.2.3 Surface Dielectric?表面绝缘体
7.2.4 Device Dielectric MOS Gates?器件绝缘体(MOS栅)
7.2.5 Device Oxide Thicknesses?器件氧化物的厚度
7.3 Thermal Oxidation Mechanisms?热氧化机制
7.3.1 Influences on the Oxidation Rate?氧化率的
From the Preface of the First Edition: As the semiconductor industry becomes more important in the economy, more people will be involved in the industry. It is my intention that Microchip Fabrication will serve their needs.
Indeed the semiconductor industry has grown into a major international industrial segment. The emiconductor materials and equipment industries have also grown into major industrial sectors. This edition has followed the goal of the First Edition to serve the training needs of wafer-fabrication workers, whether they be production workers, technicians, professionals in the materials and equipment sectors, or engineers.
The Sixth Edition retains the physics, chemistry, and electronic fundamentals underlying the sophisticated manufacturing materials and processes of the modern semiconductor industry. It goes on to profile the state-of-the-art processes that have grown from the simple laboratory productions lines of the 1960s. Not every individual process flow can be detailed in an introductory text. But current technologies used in the patterning, doping, and layering steps are explained. The intention of this book is that the reader will gain enough general knowledge to be able to keep abreast of new processes and equipment.
I am indebted to the valuable input from Anne Miller and Dr. Michael Hynes at Semiconductor Services, Bill Moffat the founder and President of Yield Engineering Systems, and Don Keenan, process engineer extraordinaire.
Kudos to Senior Editor Michael McCabe and his staff at McGraw-Hill for their support and guidance. And a thanks to Sheena Uprety, Associate Project Manager at Cenveo Publisher Services, and the copyeditor, Ragini Pandey, for turning my manuscript into a ready-for-production text.
And, of course, a shout out to my ever supportive and patient wife, Mary DeWitt. She edited the first edition, has given me encouragement during the writing of every edition, and has lent her eagle eye to this latest edition.
Note to Instructors: If you are an instructor using this book as a textbook, then there is an Instructors Manual available at www.mhprofessional.commf6e.
Peter Van Zant



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