內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
Chapter 1 Introduction 001
Chapter 2 Some Guiding Concepts from Social Psychology and Develop-
mental Psychology 003
2.1 Defining Self-identity in terms of Social Psychology and Develop-
mental Psychology 003
2.2 The Process of Searching for the Self-identity 004
Chapter 3 Contrastive Analysis of The Catcher in the Rye and
Invisible Man 006
3.1 Searching for Self-identity in The Catcher in the Rye 006
3.1.1 The Four-Fold Concept of Identity Status 007
3.1.2 Familys Influence on the Confirming of the Self-identity. 010
3.1.3 Peers Influence on the Confirming of the Self-identity 014
3.1.4 Schools Influence on the Confirming of the Self-identity 016
3.1.5 Quest for the True Self-identity 018
3.2 Searching for Self-identity in Invisible Man 023
3.2.1 The Four Stages of Minority Identity Development 023
3.2.2 Some Important Characters Influences on Searching for the
Self-identity 027
3.2.3 The Reasons Why the Protagonist Failed to Confirm His
Self-identity 033
3.2.4 Ascertain the True Self-identity 035
3.3 Comparison and Contrast of the Protagonists in The Catcher in the
Rye and Invisible Man from the Perspective of Initiation Story 039
3.3.1 The Common Points between the Two Novels 039
3.3.2 The Different Aspects between the Two Novels 044
Chapter 4 Contrastive Analysis of Beloved and A Leaf in the Storm 054
4.1 Searching for Self-identity in Beloved 054
4.1.1 Where Did I Come from? 055
4.1.2 Where Am I Now? 057
4.1.3 Where Am I Going to ? 059
4.1.4 What Will I Do? 065
4.2 Searching for Self-identity in A Leaf in the Storm 066
4.2.1 The Lost Self 066
4.2.2 Contact with Others 068
4.2.3 An Important Guider 069
4.2.4 Devoting Oneself to Society 073
4.3 Comparison and Contrast of Beloved and A Leaf in the Storm from
the perspective of Initiation story 074
4.3.1 The Common Points between Beloved and A Leaf in the Storm 074
4.3.2 The Different Aspects between Beloved and A Leaf in the Storm 079
Chapter 5 Relation between Social Reality and Literary Manifestation 086
5.1 The Relation between Social Reality and Literary Manifest in The
Catcher in the Rye 086
5.2 The Relation Between Social Reality and Literary Manifest in
Invisible Man 090
5.2.1 Ralph Ellisons Ideology 090
5.2.2 How Does the Fiction Reflect the Reality? 092
5.3 The Relation between Social Reality and Literary Manifest
in Beloved 098
5.3.1 The Background Information of the Fiction 098
5.3.2 Toni Morrisons Ideology 100
5.4 The Relation between Social Reality and Literary Manifest in A Leaf
in the Storm 119
5.4.1 LinYutangs Personal Situation and His Ideology 119
5.4.2 The Purpose of Writing the Novel 123
5.4.3 How Does the Fiction Reflect the Reality 125
5.5 Analysis of the Four Novels from the Perspective of Endings of
Initiation Story 151
Chapter 6 Universality, Generality and Particularity of Adolescent
Experience 155
6.1 Universality of Adolescents Development about the Self-identity 155
6.2 Generality of Adolescents Development about the Self-identity 162
6.3 Particularity of Adolescents Development about the Self-identity 178
Chapter 7 Conclusion 192
References 194
It is probable that most of adolescents around the world will encounter some up-sets and worries during the process of growing-up. One of inevitable issues is the self-identity, which means that the adolescents are supposed to reflect and find the answers to the following questions. Who was I ?Who am I ? Who I will be? Defining ones own identity is a vital developmental task for any adolescent. Nothing worth doing is simple. From a psychosocial point of view, striving for a unified and inte-grated sense of self may facilitate the definition of personal goals and the sense of direction, therefore the adolescents who could get keys for those issues would be likely to accomplish their self-identities smoothly and grow up to be responsible adults while those who could not might experience identity crisis and become adults troubled all their lives by the self-identity and fail to shoulder their correspondent re-sponsibilities. The individuals self-identity has been demonstrated in the literature to be highly influential on ones behavior and thus to be directly related to the personal-ity and state of mental health. Those people who are able to have a clear self-identity tend to act accordingly and those who have a highly deviant self-identity tend to be-have in deviant ways.
Much has been researched about self-identity and most of research focus on the developmental process of adolescents, for instance, the Social Psychology by Robert. K. Merton and Personality Development by Valerie Simanowitz. Some scholars ana-lyzed a particular work from the perspective of searching for self-identity. As to the Initiation Story, some particular and specific features of Initiation story had been probed during some certain period, such as Bildungsroman in Nineteenth-century English Literature by G.B.Tennyson and some novel had been analyzed from the an-gle of the theme or origin of Initiation Story, such as Wilhelm Meister and His Eng-lish Kinsmen: Apprentices to Life by Susanne Howe. However, few endeavored to comparatively contrast several novels so as to conclude the same and different aspects of adolescents in the process of confirming the self-identity.
The identity development is a complex task for all adolescents and accordingly the issues attracted numerous writers attention in the east and west. These writers showed their different expectations of adolescents by creating various adolescents experiencing variant living experiences in terms of Initiation story. The protagonists in these stories underwent the quest for the self-identity and some of them succeed in confirming their identities with the guidance of adults around them and some of them went through sudden enlightenment after experiencing series of painful incidents lonely while some of them failed to accomplish the self-identity during a long period and finally they had to resort to the mental or psychological hospital for assistance. Identity development is particularly complicated for adolescents who lived in the melting pot where they would encounter various believes and cultures as well as for those adolescents whose motherland had been assaulted by other nations for they tended to lose themselves in the war time. Living in those unusual circumstances, the adolescent protagonists in several works grew up in their unique way. For instance, The Catcher in the Rye incorporates the obvious themes of alienation and lost or beat generation by uncovering the psychological world of the protagonist who felt isolated and misunderstood by his family members and schoolmates and teachers and then wished to be a catcher in the rye to prevent the innocent children from falling down into the ugly and filthy adult world. The Invisible Man not only showed a black youth who went through a series of experiences with disillusion and horror but also revealed the fact that a complex American searching for the reality of existence in a techno-logical and wealthy society which is characterized by swift change. Apart from that, the novel involves deeper themes, ranging from the roots of