內容簡介: |
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李中扬,首都师范大学,教授,首都师范大学设计系教授,研究生导师,视觉设计与教育研究所所长,ICOGRADA国际平面设计联合会会员,AIGA美国平面设计协会会员,中国高等教育学会设计教育专业委员会常务副秘书长,教育部人文社科项目评审委员,教育部第三轮设计学科评估专家,《包装与设计》特约编委 全国中文核心期刊《包装工程》编委,光华龙腾奖 中国设计贡献奖银质奖章。
国 家级教学团队特聘教授,发表学术论文120多篇并收载国际三大检索《EI》《ISTP》,先后参与国家八六三计划子课题和全国十一五国 家课题等项目,国内外设计获奖140余项,作品曾在美国、法国、德国、秘鲁、日本、韩国等地展出,第十一届全国大学生设计大师奖评委,全国包装艺术大赛评委,2013北京国际设计周设计大奖评委,全国15所高等院校客座、兼职教授。
展览宗旨 Exhibition Purposes 2
组织机构 Organization 4
征集类别 Collecting Categories 6
征集对象 Partner Wanted 7
《2018当代国际水墨设计展》终评 评委 The Final Judges of 2018 International Exhibition of Modern Design on Ink Painting 8
奖项设置 Award Setting 22
金奖 Golden Award 26
银奖 Silver Award 34
铜奖 Bronze Award 48
优秀奖 Excellence Award 70
入选作品 Finalists 122
A - 视觉设计 Visual Design 124
B - 文创设计 Cultural Creative Design 194
C - 空间设计 Space Design 202
D - 媒体设计 Media Design 204
E - 实验创作 The Experimental Creation 208
F - 水墨艺术 Ink Art 214
策展团队 The Curators 230
展览团队 The Exhibition Team 231
展览时间 地点 Exhibition Time Site 232
展览声明 Exhibition Statement 233
展览现场 The Exhibition 234
后记 Epilogue 236
再水墨 再设计
Re-ink Re-design
From the beginning of exhibition planning to the opens on time, we adhere to academic exhibition,mainstream narrative, open dialogue, take ink as the main line, creativity as the engine, design asthe starting point, audience as the center, perform multi-dimensional interpretation of ink design in Beijing Design Week 2016 contemporary international ink design exhibition. At this time we are continue the existence, form, concept and connection of ink design, it also includes the acceptance,dissemination, criticism and redesign.
Its just a starting point that we dont have time to score the ongoing activities. We still think that ink design is a boundless self challenge.
Before the ink design exhibition, the designer takes the ink as the rich meaning, and makes a bold attempt in art or technology. What we can see from the works is the conflagration of a prairie fire and a hundred flowers. On the established theme, designers and artists actively create works from 22 countries and regions all over the world. They hope that the audience can understand the ink design works as much as possible. We accept that the designers experimental performance is not to create a sense of distance, but to let the audience participate in the exhibition activities. From Beijing, Wuhan, Jinan, Suzhou, Baoding to Seoul, Busan, Czech and other countries and regions, dialogue takes place between the work and the audience. The music is elegant, but many people can understand it. The experimental works of designers and artists is exactly the form of dialogue expected by the audience. Perhaps, the audience is tired of conventional and stereotyped expression effect and they want to see new design expression. We cant underestimate the aesthetic taste of this audience. It is they who define the innovative and extraordinary keynote of ink design. Therefore, creators also need to re-ink and re-design their works.
Objectively speaking, the 2016 exhibition should be the past style of the 2018 exhibition,and the 2018 exhibition should be the new future and redesign of the 2016 exhibition. Two years later, designers and artists understanding of ink design are changing, and the audiences acceptance and dissemination of ink design. More importantly, the new ideas, new forms, new functions, new applications and new drivers given to ink design are also changing. Only the original intention of the exhibition team remains unchanged, that is, how to continue to better integrate ink and design and release the oriental design feelings of contemporary designers. We are still committed to the 2018 Beijing international design week. Since whose establishment and has been successfully held for 8 sessions. As an important annual international cultural event, it has become an important platform for the country to promote the integration and development of creative design and related industries. We are still rooted in the school of fine arts of Capital Normal University with a strong academic atmosphere. There are a group of experts and scholars who are gathering here to explore the contemporary ink design. They are marching forward in the incentive mechanism of seeking new pictures and changes.
Great joy and great ceremony are in harmony with heaven and earth. Its time to open the 2nd contemporary international ink design exhibition of Beijing International Design Week 2018. The new responsibility of the exhibition team is to continue the responsibility and establish the language order or value system of ink design. We continue to think that ink design is not regarded as a challenge to the traditional artistic beauty two years ago. As can be seen from the first exhibition works, it is instead a multiple, three-dimensional and rich supplement to traditional ink creation and contemporary design methods. In the second exhibition, the organizing committee clearly recognized that some ink experimental works has entered a systematic exploration stage. The oriented ink works and installation works fully possess the characteristics of design life aesthetics, and even have the function of guiding consumption trend. It is imperative to integrate the development with production technology. This is the design from paper to daily life, and it is also the result we are willing to see.
Ink design needs a new word and a new future. The future is expected, the future has come. The 2nd contemporary international ink design exhibition of Beijing International Design Week 2018 is still in continuous development. We sincerely hope that you who are good at discovering beauty will continue to work with us.
Research Studio of Art Design, The Capital Normal University
李中扬 教授
Prof. Li Zhongyang