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『簡體書』医学信息检索 MEDICAL INFORMATION RETRIEVAL (英文版) (留学生与双语教学用)

書城自編碼: 3590621
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 周金元,刘竟
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302546702
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2020-12-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 828



** 我創建的書架 **

医学科研是医学工作者的重要任务之一,而信息检索是医学科研*重要的工具,但是信息检索并未被医学工作者们熟练的掌握,本书的读者对象为临床医学留学生、本科双语教学 为主,其他医学科研人员、医务工作者和医学研究生阅读。
医学科研是医学工作者的重要任务之一,而信息检索是医学科研*重要的工具,但是信息检索并未被医学工作者们熟练的掌握。随着各大医学院校、科研院所与临床医院对医学科研的不断重视,如何使临床医学留学生、广大医学科研人员、临床医师、研究生等可以有效的利用信息检索进行医学科研,已经成为急需解决的现实问题。纵观市场,关于强调信息检索应用于医学科研方面的书籍寥寥无几。本书的读者对象为临床医学留学生、本科双语教学 为主,其他医学科研人员、医务工作者和医学研究生阅读。
Chapter 1 Information Literacy 1
1.1 Overview of Information Literacy 1
1.2 Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education 2
1.3 Information Literacy Modules 4
1.4 Others related to information literacy 7

Chapter 2 Overview of Informationliteracy Cultivation 11
2.1 Status of Medical Information Literacy Cultivation 11
2.2 The necessity of Information Literacy Cultivation 13
2.3 Feasibility of Information Literacy Cultivation 14
2.4 Information Literacy Standards 16
2.5 Objectives and principles ofInformation Literacy Education 18
2.6 Model of Information Literacy Cultivation 19
2.7 Information Literacy Evaluation 21

Chapter 3 Information Sources Overview 27
3.1 Concepts Related to Information 27
3.2 Summary of Information Sources 29
3.3 Organization of network Information Sources 33
3.4 Information Retrieval Language 37
3.5 Information Retrieval System and Tools 40
3.6 Evaluation Criteria of Internet Information Resources Retrieval Tools 46

Chapter 4 An Overview of Information Retrieval 49
4.1 principles of Information Retrieval 49
4.2 Classification of Information Retrieval 50
4.3 The purpose and Significance of Information Retrieval 51
4.4 Search Technology 53 4.5 Search Steps 57
4.6 Evaluation of Search Results 63

Chapter 5 Chinese Information Retrieval Tools 64
5.1 The Concepts and Characteristics of Medical Digital Resources 64
5.2 Common Chinese Medical Literature Databases 64

Chapter 6 English Information Retrieval Tools 84
6.1 Science Citation Index Expanded 84
6.2 pubmed, Index Medicus and Medline 93
6.3 Chemical Abstracts and SciFinder 107
6.4 ScienceDirect 112 6.5 SpringerLink 116 6.6 EBSCOhost 119

Chapter 7 Online Medical Resources 126
7.1 network Resources 126
7.2 Web Search Engines 133
7.3 Search of Medical Software 137
7.4 Open Access to Medical Information 139

Chapter 8 Patent literature retrieval 146
8.1 Basic knowledge of patent 146
8.2 patent Literature 147
8.3 Chinese patent Literature 149
8.4 Chinese patent Literature Retrieval 152
8.5 World patent Literature Retrieval 157

Chapter 9 Information Service Organizations and Their Services 175
9.1 Library 175
9.2 Archives Repositories 192
9.3 Medical Record Room 194

Chapter 10 Medical Information Analysis and Medical Research Topic Selection 197
10.1 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 197
10.2 Medical Research Design 199
10.3 Big Data and Drug Discovery 204

Chapter 11 Medical Information Investigation 209
11.1 An Overview of Medical Information Investigation 209
11.2 Material Collection, Identification and Collation 211
11.3 Intelligence Analysis, Research and Forecasting 221
11.4 Science and Technology novelty Searching on Medicine 224

Chapter 12 The Writing of Medical Papers 235
12.1 An Overview of Medical Researcher papers 235
12.2 Basic Formats and Requirements of Medical papers 235
12.3 Methods and Steps of Writing Medical papers 238
12.4 How to Write a Medical Review 240
12.5 How to Write a Medical Abstract 242
Information retrieval IR is a broad area of computer science focused primarily on providing the users with easy access to information of their interest. With the promotion of one belt and one road policy of China in the world and the increase of international cultural exchange activities, the education of foreign students studying in China has become an important part of high education of China. Medical Information Retrieval MIR will be a course that foreign medical students will need to study. The purpose of setting up this course is to improve their medical information quality and their ability of obtaining and using medical information. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them a complete and systematic MIR textbook in English. Although there are more than 150 Chinese MIR textbooks officially published in China, there are few English MIR textbooks published, and even fewer excellent textbooks, so its far from meeting the needs of information literacy education for a large number of foreign students in China. This textbook is timely written and published under this background, hoping it helps to solve the problem of long-term shortage of English MIR textbooks in domestic universities.
On the basis of referring to many published MIR textbooks in China, this textbook focuses on basic, practical, systematic, novel, popular knowledge and the cultivation of students information literacy. Authors strive to make the contents of the textbook keep pace with the times; they incorporate the latest retrieval theory, retrieval scope and content, retrieval technology tools and research results into the book as much as possible and present them to the readers. The computer-centered medical information retrieval is highlighted in this book. Authors try hard to combine theory with practice, paying attention to the teaching of retrieval basic knowledge and the cultivation of retrieval ability, and reflect the latest research results of in formation retrieval. The content of the textbook is rich and comprehensive and English grammar is pretty concise, easy to understand and fluent. The book not only covers the research object, research scope and latest research content of information retrieval, but also describes the medical information retrieval professionally and systematically.
The whole book is divided into twelve chapters. Chapter one is an overview of information literacy. From the second chapter to the fourth chapter, it introduces the overview of information literacy cultivation, information resources and information retrieval. The fifth chapter mainly introduces Chinese information retrieval tools, while the sixth chapter introduces English information retrieval tools. From Chapter seven to Chapter eight, it mainly discusses the network medical resources and patent literature retrieval. Chapter nine is about information service organization and service mode. From Chapter ten to Chapter twelve, it deals with medical information analysis and medical research topic selection, medical information investigation and medical papers writing, respectively. The content system of the book is scientific, reasonable, comprehensive and consistent.
Through the study of this MIR textbook, students can get better training and improvement in basic theoretical knowledge of information, information skills, information retrieval strategies, information sources, locations and channels, information use, information synthesis and organization from different sources, and information evaluation.
Due to the short time and heavy tasks, coupled with the limitation of the knowledge level, definitely there are inevitably some problems in the textbook. I hope that students and peer experts will put forward some suggestions for improvement and methods for correction during the use of this book, so that this book can be modified, enriched and further improved in next edition. For shortcomings, please don''t hesitate to criticize and correct.
Zhou Jinyuan Jiangsu University Library



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