內容簡介: |
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SPECIALTOPIC:110th anniversary of NLC
The experience andtransformation of Chinese librarianship005
RAO Quan
From gatekeeper togateway to gate-opener: A new role for the global library field 022
The development oflibrary science in China in an international perspective 028
CHENG Huanwen& Liu Jiaqin
Librarytransformation in the post-knowledge service era 040
KE Ping & ZouJinhui
Eight majorproblems in the development of the librarianship in China 058
YE Jiyuan
Transition: Adolescentshybrid reading in the omnimedia era 076
LI Guihua &LIU Jing
Exploring the userplatform preference and user interest preference of Chinese scholarlyarticles:A comparison based on usage metrics098
CHEN Bikun, ZHOUHuixian, ZHONG Zhouyan & WANG Yuefen
Citing behavior ofChinese books based on citation content117
ZHANG Chengzhi, LIZhuo, ZHAO Mengyuan, LIU Jiahao & ZHOU Qingqing
Extended English abstracts of articlespublished in the Chinese edition of Journal of Library Science in China,Vol. 45,2019 136