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書城自編碼: 3589938
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→社會科學社會學
作者: 张丹
國際書號(ISBN): 9787510470783
出版社: 新世界出版社
出版日期: 2020-10-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 468



** 我創建的書架 **

她是一位具有传奇色彩的媒体人她在电影厂大院长大曾任电影杂志记者采访众多重量级电影人,和高仓健是忘年交现为财富500强排行榜中国区代表她是动物的守护者,动保立法的呼吁者她收养了数十只流浪猫为救助流浪动物、取缔活熊取、取缔滥杀买卖野生动物奔走疾呼成立动物保护团体,与世界动保人携手传播动物保护理念她和动物的故事震彻心扉,涤荡心灵 书中收录中国现代动保先驱和英美当代动保先锋的故事 在她的感染下众多企业投身动保公益
张丹 二十世纪六十年代生于四川成都,八十年代毕业于北京大学中文系。美国 《财富》杂志《财富》全球500强排行榜中国区代表。世界动物日中国大使。世界动物保护协会企业合作高级顾问。中国动保记者沙龙与动保网联合发起人。曾获首届亚洲动物福利奖安德鲁奖之杰出媒体贡献奖、中国动物保护与管理法制促进奖之媒体奖、行动亚洲番石榴零皮草影响力特殊贡献奖等。编有《动物记》。著有《那些刻在我们心上的爪印》《另一次是遇见你关于动保素食生命》《我是Lucky99治愈系萌猫自传》。译有《小狐狸救衣记》。
图书目录Chapter One A Film Journalist Caring about Animals 11. Free Birds in the Living Room of Director Ling Zifeng 22. People in the Film Industry and Their Awareness of Animal Protection 53. Interviewing Ken-san 10Chapter Two Giant Pandas and Me 17Chapter Three Cats in My Home: Paw Prints on My Heart 251. Zhang Lingling, the Aborigine 262. Hanzi and His Family 303. Lucky99: The Three-legged Flying Cat 34Chapter Four Animal Protection and Humane Treatment of Animals 411. As Human, at Least Be Humane 422. China Animal Protection Media Salon 453. A Comprehensive Interpretation of Animal Protection 50Chapter Five Say No to Bear Bile Farming 551. Jill Robinson and the Moon Bear Whose Eyes Blinked Sorrowfully into Mine 562. Appealing for the Black Bears Welfare 613. Rainbow the Little Bear 654. The Healing Bear Hugs 69Chapter Six Let Seals Swim Safely in the Sea 711. The Battle Is On: Safeguarding the Seals 722. The Little Seal Baby 743. If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind? 774. Maple Tree Leaves Reddened by Seal Blood: No Seal Products in China 80Chapter Seven Three Letters from Abroad: Saving Wild Animals with International Animal Protectors 85Chapter Eight Animal Protection Forerunners in the UK and My Lecture in the US 931. With Great Determination to Make the World a Better Place 942. From Film Star to Wildlife Protection Activist 983. My Lecture at Middlebury College 101Chapter Nine Admirable Female Role Models 1071. Lv Bicheng, an Animal Protection Pioneer in Modern China 1082. Ma Xinlai: A Remarkable, Generous Giver 112Chapter Ten My Comrades-in-Arms Fighting for Animal Protection 1191. Joy Gao: An Overseas Patron Saint of Chinas Animals 1202. Xiao Bing: Believing in the Power of Education 1253. How to Save You, My Stray Angels? 129Chapter Eleven Social Responsibility of Fortune Global 500 Enterprises in Animal Protection 1371. May You Be in Heaven ASAP 1382. Give Focus Media a Thumb-up 1423. Cedar Holdings and Hengli Group 1454. Famous Enterprises Supporting Public Welfare Undertakings of Animal Protection 150Postscript Not to Be Deserted by Gods or Despised by Nature 159Acknowledgement 165
PrefaceThis Planet Called Earth Is Also the Home of AnimalsBaoerji YuanyeA writer from the Mongolian ethnic groupWhen grass sprouts in spring, when brooks flow under the thinning ice, the most joyful species is not human beings, but non-human animals. They have a deeper sense of the valuable essence of the word spring than do human beings.The herbivores living on the earth only need grass, water and air, but these alone make them feel very good about this world, such as sparrows feeling good about willow twigs, birds about dew, hares about bushes, and woods about sunshine animals love the earth more than humans do. If they could talk, they would definitely say that this is their home. Like humans, animals love life and being alive. They love the spring breeze, warm sunshine, and green grassland. They do not want their home to be destroyed by humans. Sometimes, I cannot help but feel sorrow at the thought that, as big as the earth is, not all animals can live a free life. Although you may not feel sad very often, even though you are strong, you will nevertheless feel sorrowful. Imagine that, one day, when the sky is still blue, tree branches still gently wave in the wind, and the four seasons still rotate throughout the year, but there is little trace of non-human animals on this earth. You will feel even more sorrowful. Dont the animals deserve to have the four seasons of this world? When Heaven created spring breezes and moon-lit nights, as well as the bushes, grass and hills, werent living areas for non-human animals created, too? Yet, there are fewer and fewer animals. As I jogged in the Shenbei New District of Shenyang City, at the intersection of Lingyuan Street and Putian Road, I could always see four dogs throughout the four seasons of the year. They were like a family, among whom the black one was the oldest, and also consisted of a white one, a yellow one, and a spotted one. Many years have passed, and, in retrospect, I did not know how much they struggled to survive, having not starved, been run over by cars, or freezed to death. I have been away from Shenyang for a year. Now, I do not know if they still stand at that intersection and watch the passersby. Whenever people walked through the intersection of Lingyuan Street and Putian Road, the four dogs would gaze at them with watery eyes. They thought you would stop, bend over, hold one of them in your arms, and take them home with you. Whenever I jogged past and saw them, I would run by them lowering my head, feeling guilty about myself. Nonetheless, my remaining conscience would, at least, urge me never to hurt or mistreat animals. I have also written about how adorable our animal friends are. I know what animals need is not the mourning or words of humans to show their sadness for them, but instead their real protective actions. One person I admire for taking such actions is the author of this book. Her name is Zhang Dan. Ms. Zhang Dan is a legendary media professional. Her destiny led her to make friends with assorted animals and animal-loving people, and she set an example by personally participating in protecting animals. Over many years, she has been a fighter for the animal protection cause, exhibiting enormous courage, wisdom and energy. This book, by Zhang Dan, is not meant to teach or preach. Instead, it is composed of a series of fascinating stories stories about her and the animals. In this book, the narrator herself is important and adorable, but more important and more adorable are the animals in these stories. These include stories such as Ken Takakura and his beloved dogs, Director Ling Zifeng and the birds flying freely on his balcony, the lucky giant pandas, unlucky moon bears, seal pups with big eyes, stolen and smuggled baby elephants, cute cats and dogs, and many others. Whether youre an animal lover or not, you will love this book. There are amazing stories in this book and human souls that are more pure because of their love for animals.Thank you for reading this book by Zhang Dan. I gain a lot of strength from it strength of love. When we have love, we have everything we need. November 6, 2019Sunshine Community, Xincheng District, Chifeng City



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