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書城自編碼: 3577365
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 张瑞杰 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787566322050
出版社: 对外经贸大学出版社
出版日期: 2021-03-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开

售價:NT$ 414



** 我創建的書架 **

This book explores ecological meanings realized through the interplay of people and place in discourses, culminating in a holistic approach termed Ecological Discourse Analysis.The fundamental belief of the book is that meaning concerning human-place relationships is encoded in discourses and discourses have the power of enacting ideas and actions concerning the ecology.The book mainly develops its discussions to answer the question of "what kind of relationship between human and nature contribute to the lasting existence of human in nature" and "how does language contribute to this kind of relationship".To achieve this, the book develops a framework to help explain through what ways a text reflect the speakerwriter''s own ecological preference, which in the scope of this book, pertaining the relationship between human and its surrounding places.This book explores ecological meanings realized through the interplay of people and place in discourses, culminating in a holistic approach termed Ecological Discourse Analysis.The fundamental belief of the book is that meaning concerning human-place relationships is encoded in discourses and discourses have the power of enacting ideas and actions concerning the ecology.The book mainly develops its discussions to answer the question of "what kind of relationship between human and nature contribute to the lasting existence of human in nature" and "how does language contribute to this kind of relationship".To achieve this, the book develops a framework to help explain through what ways a text reflect the speakerwriter''s own ecological preference, which in the scope of this book, pertaining the relationship between human and its surrounding places.
The framework is developed using a metafunctional approach to reveal human-nature relations following the basic theories of Systemic Functional Linguistics.In particular, experiential, interpersonal, and textual meanings are explored concerning a set of concrete examples.This book represents an effort to reveal the potential of the Chinese language in construing ecological relations in discourses and proposes ecological discourse analysis as a powerful tool for raising ecological awareness and addressing ecological issues.
This is essential reading for students and researchers interested in the ever-growing ecological issues and the part human beings can play in the game.It provides a critical approach featuring discourse analysis, human-place relations and ecological ideologies.
1 Foundations
1.1 People,Place and Ecology
1.2 Ecolinguistics and Discourse Analysis
1.3 Ecolinguistics and Systemic Functional Linguistics
1.4 Ecolinguistics and Ideologies
1.5 Moving Forward
2 Being Critical, Positive or Multimodal? From Existing Frameworks to EDA
2.1 Critical Discourse Analysis for Ecolinguistics
2.2 Positive Discourse Analysis for Ecolinguistics
2.3 Multimodal Discourse Analysis for Ecolinguistics
2.4 Ecological Discourse Analysis
3 People,Place and Ideology
3.1 Human-nature Relations in Chinese Philosophies
3.2 People-place Relations Through Sense of Place
3.3 Ecosophy and the Medium of Language: A Combined Agenda
4 Construing People and Place: Experiential Meaning
4.1 Framework for Analyzing Experiential Meaning
4.2 People-place Relations in Processes
4.3 Discussion
5 Enacting Relations: the Interpersonal Metafunction
5.1 Enabling Ecological Stances
5.2 Enabling Ecological Propositions and Proposals
5.3 Enabling Ecological Appraisals
5.4 Discussion
6 Framing a Sense of Place:the Textual Metafunction
6.1 Constructing the Point of Departure
6.2 Creating a Flow of Information
6.3 Organizing a Cohesive Whole
6.4 Discussion
7 Discussion
7.1 Revisiting the Analysis
7.2 Bringing the Frameworks Together
7.3 Future Directions



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