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中国是美食的国度,中国人在漫长的历史进程中,用自己的聪明才智发明了各色各样的美食。大米深深地根植于中华文化之中,是中国人日常餐桌不可缺少的美食。数千年来,中华民族的生活都与米息息相关,也因此发明了各色各样的米制美食。中国人的稻米因为各种机缘传到世界各地,在促进世界各地美食的交流融合的同时,也促进了中国与其他国家的文化交流。中文里有一句谚语 : 一样米养百样人。本书以纪录片《米踪》为基础,沿着中国稻米的发展、传播、传承之路,在讲述历史,展现文化的同时,也向大家推荐了各种中式传统或创新米制美食。
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Every grain of rice has a story to tell
大米深深地根植于中华文化之中。数千年来,中华民族的生活都与米息息相关。中国人的稻米因为各种机缘传到世界各地,中国的侨民不论生活在世界何地,记忆中永远有稻米的滋味。中文里有一句谚语: 一样米养百样人。
稻米是目前世界上重要的粮食作物之一,为全球约一半人口提供主食。距今大约一万年至七千年前,中国人率先驯服了野生水稻, 如今它已在全球 100 多个国家扎根。它滋养着人类,文明在稻谷生长的地方绵延千年,人类的发展史或许也就是稻米的演进史,人与稻相互诠释 , 共同成就。如果稻米也有思维,或许它也会追问:我从哪里来 ? 我将往何方去 ?
Rice is deeply ingrained in Chinese culture. For thousands of years, Chinese lifestyle has been closely related to rice. Chinese rice has spread all over the world with various opportunities. Wherever Chinese live, they never forget the taste of rice. A Chinese proverb says that, hundreds of people are raised with the same rice.
As one of the most important food crops in the world, rice feeds half of the world’s population. About 10,000 to 7,000 years ago, Chinese people were the first to tame wild rice, and now it has rooted in more than 100 countries. Rice nourishes human, and civilizations have flourished for thousands of years in wherever rice is growing. The evolution of rice correlates with the development of human. If rice has mind, it may ask: “Where did I come from? Where will I go?”