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本书是一位地道的英伦绅士献给大家的英语学习宝典,包含1000 日常表达,50 地道提升用法,80 常见语境,200 常用的问题,14个视频课,300 句型,帮助你运用在国外工作、生活的各大场景中,比如介绍中国、找工作、租房子、问路等等,这些地道表达不仅让你学会表达,掌握技巧,更让你口语熠熠生辉。
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Before Leaving
Airport & Immigration
Finding Your Feet
Thriving on Campus
Thriving in Class
Thriving on the High Street
Your Home
Thriving on the Road
Finding Work
Introducing China to the World
Language Points
Situation Index
免费在线读2. Maintaining Conversation
Question master--Skills for askings questions
Sometimes it is difficult to know how to keep a conversation, especially
in a different culture. You dont know what is normal to ask; you dont
know if your questions are weird. Is it OK to ask that? Here are some
great questions to start a conversation, and hopefully, make a friend!
- So, what did you get up to on the weekend?
- So, got anything fun planned for the weekend?
- So, how do you know common connection ?
- So, what do you do for fun?
- So, what do you do for a living?
- So, what brought you to citytown ?
So, whats your story?
A conversation is like a bicycle. Sometimes, to make the bicycle a
little smoother you need to add one or two drops of oil. Just like a
conversation in English, sometimes you just need one or two words to
make the conversation smoother. Here are some techniques oil for a
smoother conversation...
Be interested2. Maintaining Conversation
Question master--Skills for askings questions
Sometimes it is difficult to know how to keep a conversation, especially
in a different culture. You dont know what is normal to ask; you dont
know if your questions are weird. Is it OK to ask that? Here are some
great questions to start a conversation, and hopefully, make a friend!
- So, what did you get up to on the weekend?
- So, got anything fun planned for the weekend?
- So, how do you know common connection ?
- So, what do you do for fun?
- So, what do you do for a living?
- So, what brought you to citytown ?
So, whats your story?
A conversation is like a bicycle. Sometimes, to make the bicycle a
little smoother you need to add one or two drops of oil. Just like a
conversation in English, sometimes you just need one or two words to
make the conversation smoother. Here are some techniques oil for a
smoother conversation...
Be interested
No way!
How come?
Why would anyone do that?
A: We found a new Chinese restaurant last night.
B: Yeah?
A: It was good, I recommend it.
A: I think I am going to quit smoking.
B: Yeah?
A: Its an expensive way to die.
Agreeing so they talk more
For sure!
Couldnt agree more!
Im on the same page as you.
Yeah, Im with you on that.
Extra oil
What did heshe say?
What does person think about this?
Questions better NOT to ask
So, are you single?
How much do you earn?
Both start talking at the same time
Sorry, you go!
Sorry, you first!
No no, Go ahead!
I wasnt going to say anything important...
Similar experiences
The exact same thing happened to me the
other day.
A similar thing happened to me the other day.
Something bad happened to them
That sucks!
Thats awful!
Wow, who wo