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『簡體書』西部考古 第19辑

書城自編碼: 3570433
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→歷史文物考古
作者: 冉万里
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030662538
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2020-11-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装锁线

售價:NT$ 1308



** 我創建的書架 **

新疆伊吾斯外特昆多遗址2018年调查简报 西北大学文化遗产学院 哈密市文物局 伊吾县文化体育广播电视和旅游局 (1)
新疆伊吾甘沟遗址群2017—2018年调查简报 西北大学文化遗产学院 哈密市文物局 伊吾县文化体育广播电视和旅游局 (13)
新疆伊吾盐池古城遗址2017 年度调查简报 西北大学文化遗产学院 哈密市文物局 伊吾县文化体育广播电视和旅游局 (26)
凝聚背后的多元与统一:从西安鱼化寨遗址看关中地区仰韶文化早期房屋的建筑技术 杨菁 (39)
血缘与地缘:殷墟西区墓地制度再研究 吴桐 (56)
盠驹尊铭文补释 李建西 (68)
灵武博物馆收藏的北方系青铜器 刘宏安 王洋洋 宋晶晶 (73)
郑国中行遗址盟誓性质说 李可言 (85)
民乐八卦营墓群研究 方笑天 (103)
略论巢湖北山头汉墓出土神兽纹漆盒 程晓伟 方晓晓 (118)
大同北魏平民墓葬浅析 韦正 崔嘉宝 (128)
北朝的马具与马饰 王雁卿 伍雅涵 (141)
龟兹石窟壁画中的誓愿画 李瑞哲 (163)
陕西耀州区神德寺隋仁寿舍利埋藏考辨 郑燕燕 (183)
唐长安城大明宫紫宸殿考古复原探析 裴琳娟 (191)
蒙元时期汉军世侯刘黑马家族世系与婚姻新证 李举纲 樊波 (200)
东北亚系多纽几何纹铜镜的源流及其象征意义 杜超 王建新 (208)
唐长安墓葬乐舞图中的氍毹及莲花上的舞蹈 冉万里 (223)
我国考古年代学14C方法研究述评 李壮 (272)
2018全国第十四届科技考古学术讨论会会议纪要 温睿 李昱龙 王栋 (279)
南方山地、丘陵地带考古调查工作的实践与思考——以江西抚河流域为例 豆海锋 王上海 严振洪 (294)
《西部考古》征稿启事 (305)
Archaeological Investigation and Excavation
Brief Report on the Investigation of Siwaitekunduo Site in Yiwu, Xinjiang in 2018 School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Bureau of Cultural Relics of Hami City Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism of Yiwu County (12)
Brief Report on the Investigation of Gangou Site Group in Yiwu, Xinjiang in 2017—2018 School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Bureau of Cultural Relics of Hami City Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism of Yiwu County (25)
Brief Report on the Investigation of Yanchigucheng Site in Yiwu, Xinjiang in 2017 School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Bureau of Cultural Relics of Hami City Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism of Yiwu County (38)
Prehistoric and Archaeological Study of Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasty
The Diversification and Unity Under the Cohesive Settlement Pattern: A Research on Architectural Technology of Early Yangshao Culture in Guanzhong Region Based on Yuhuazhai Site Yang Jing (55)
Blood and Geography: A Study of the Cemetery System in the Western District of Yinxu Wu Tong  (67)
An Addictive Explanation of the Inscription on the Foal-shaped Bronze Vessel Zun Made by Li Li Jianxi (72)
The Northern Bronzes of Lingwu Museum Liu Hong’ an, Wang Yangyang, Song Jingjing (84)
The Analysis about Alliance Nature in the Xinzheng Zhonghang Sacrifice Site Li Keyan  (102)
Research on the Tombs of Minle Baguaying Fang Xiaotian (116)
Brief Discussion on the Lacquer Box with Horned Animal Patterns Unearthed from Beishantou Tomb in Chaohu City, Anhui Province Cheng Xiaowei, Fang Xiaoxiao (126)
Analysis of the Civilian Tombs of the Northern Wei Dynasty in Datong City Wei Zheng, Cui Jiabao (140)
Harness and Horse Decoration in the Northern Dynasty Wang Yanqing, Wu Yahan (161)
Pranidhana-zene in Kucha Grottoes Li Ruizhe (182)
A Study on the ?arīra’s Burial in Renshou Years of Sui Dynasty in Shende Temple, Yaozhou District, Shaanxi Province Zheng Yanyan (190)
Analysis of the Archaeological Restoration of the Zichen Temple of Daming Palace in Chang’an City Pei Linjuan (199)
New Evidence of the Lineage and Marriage of Liu Heima Family in the Yuan Dynasty Li Jugang, Fan Bo (207)
Research on the Silk Road and Sino-foreign Cultural Exchanges
The Source of the Multi-button Geometric Bronze Mirror in Northeast Asia and Its Symbolic Meaning Du Chao, Wang Jianxin (222)
The Qushu and the Lotus Dancing on the Music and Dancing Scene in Tomb Murals of Chang’an Area in Tang Dynasty Ran Wanli (271)
Research on Scientific Archaeolgy and Cultural Relics Protection
A Review of the Study of 14C Method in Archaeological Chronology in China Li Zhuang (278)
Minutes of the 14th National Symposium on Scientific and Technological Archaeology in 2018 Wen Rui, Li Yulong, Wang Dong  (293)
Other Research
Exploration and Reflection on Archaeological Investigation in Southern Mountainous and Hilly Areas: Taking the Fuhe River Basin in Jiangxi Province as an Example Dou Haifeng, Wang Shanghai, Yan Zhenhong (304)



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