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書城自編碼: 3570142
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術一般工业技术
作者: 全球能源互联网发展合作组织
國際書號(ISBN): 9787519849207
出版社: 中国电力出版社
出版日期: 2020-11-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1200



** 我創建的書架 **

全球能源互联网发展合作组织(简称合作组织),是由致力于推动世界能源可持续发展的相关企业、组织、机构和个人等自愿组成的国际组织。注册地设在北京。 合作组织的宗旨是推动构建全球能源互联网,以清洁和绿色方式满足全球电力需求,推动实现联合国“人人享有可持续能源”和应对气候变化目标,服务人类社会可持续发展。 合作组织将积极推广全球能源互联网理念,组织制定全球能源互联网发展规划,建立技术标准体系,开展联合技术创新、重大问题研究和国际交流合作,推动工程项目实施,提供咨询服务,引领全球能源互联网发展。
1 Roles and Evolution ofEnergy Storage 001
1.1 Source of regulating capacity 002
1.2 Roles of Energy Storage 004
1.3 Development and Evolution 005
Trend of Clean Energy Transition 005
Evolution of Energy Storage Forms 007
Changing Trend of Regulating Capability 008
2 Current Technology and Application 009
2.1 Current Applications 010
2.2 Mechanical Energy Storage 012
Pumped Hydro Storage 012
Compressed-air Energy Storage 016
Flywheel Energy Storage 020
Frontier Technology 021
2.3 Electro-chemical Energy Storage 022
Lithium-ion Battery 022
Lead Storage Battery 026
Flow Battery 028
NaS Battery 032
Frontier Technology 034
2.4 Electromagnetic Energy Storage 036
Supercapacitor 036
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage 038
2.5 Chemical Energy Storage 039
2.6 Thermal Storage 046
2.7 System Integration, Operation and Control 052
Battery Management System 052
Power Conversion System 053
Energy Management System 053
Operation and Control Technology 054
3 Requirements and Deployment of Energy Storage 055
3.1 Basis of Research 056
Regulating Capacity Demand 056
Adjustable Power Generation 061
Generation Characteristics of RE 062
Levelized Cost of Electricity of Renewable Generation 064
3.2 Methodology 066
3.3 Main Application Scenario 068
Definitions 068
Technical Requirements 074
Matching Analysis 076
3.4 Typical Application Scenario Configurations 083
Generation Side 083
Grid Side 091
User Side 094
Summary 098
3.5 Total Demand Analysis 099
Optimization Method 099
Scenario Construction 100
Analysis Results 102
System Configuration Scheme 108
3.6 Techno-economic Goals 110
4 Development Roadmap 111
4.1Storage Device Technology 112
Development Goals 112
Technical Difficulties 114
R&D Planning 117
4.2 Integrated Technology 128
Development Goals 128
Technical Difficulties 128
R&D Planning 128
4.3 Planning Techniques 130
Development Goals 130
Technical Difficulties 130
R&D Plan 130
4.4 Operation and Control Technology 132
Development Goals 132
Technical Difficulties 132
R&D Planning 132
4.5 Evaluation and Standards 134
Development Goals 134
Technical Difficulties 135
R&D Plan 135
5 Development Prospect 137
5.1 System Structure 138
5.2 Construction Process 140
5.3 Development Trend 144
5.4 Comprehensive Benefits 145
5.5 Development Initiative 147
Policy-making Institutions 147
Investors 149
Appendix AbbreviationsDefinitions 150
Energy is closely related to the overall situation of the sustainable development of human beings. To achieve sustainable human development, it is a major and urgent task to address a series of severe challenges such as shortage of resources, climate change, environmental pollution and energy poverty currently facing the world, the root cause of which lies in the large consumption and heavy dependence on fossil energy. Fundamentally, the core of sustainable development is clean energy development, and the key is to promote transformation and transition of energy production and consumption. The Global Energy Interconnection GEI is a modern energy system that is built jointly and shared by all mankind and interconnected with predominately clean energy and electricity at its center. it is a platform for the development, transmission and use of renewable energy in large scales around the world to promote the In order to accelerate the construction of the global energy interconnection and promote sustainable human development, The Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization GEIDCO has conducted extensive and in-depth research on key technologies such as energy storage.Dependent on natural resources, wind and solar power generation has the characteristics of randomness, variability and uncontrollability and is difficult to provide stable power supply for the system, and even more so to adjust its output to meet demand. The requirement of a system for energy storage ES essentially depends on the degree of imbalance between energy production and consumption, and in electrical power system, this is determined by the characteristics of net load. With the continuous development of large-scale renewable energy bases and distributed energy, power systems with high proportion of renewable energyRE have gradually taken shape with net system load fluctuation increasing, as a result, the power system demand for energy storage is on the rise. Energy storage, which plays an important role in improving the flexibility, economics and safety of power systems, will find wide applications in all aspects of the global energy interconnection.In this report, three important technical and strategic questions are addressed, namely, what kind of energy storage is needed, how much and how to apply and evaluate energy storage during renewable energy transition, which points out the direction for the development of energy storage technology and the improvement of economic indicators, as well as depicts a grand blueprint for technological progress and industry development. The report firstly reviewed the current development of energy storage technology, studied their requirementsunder differentapplication scenarios, leading tothedevelopmentof quantitative ES technology matching indicators and carried out research on matching and configuration methods of energy storage technology in various applications. Secondly, based on the comprehensive cost optimization model, the report put forward a calculation method to estimate total demand and allocation of large-scale energy storage during the energy transition. The global demand for energy storage demand in 2050 is obtained with main factors affecting the quantity, technology, cost and allocation analyzed. The report put forward the technology and economic development goals of energy storage that support the renewable energy transition. In addition, the report identified key technology pinch points from the aspects of energy storage unit, system integration, and operation and control, and developed a phased R&D program and prioritized action plan in 2035 and 2050, resulting in the formulation of a roadmap for key technology development of large-scale energy storage under the Global Energy Interconnection GEI application scenarios. Finally, an energy storage system with a high proportion or even 100% of renewable energy was prospected from the aspects of energy storage system structure, construction process and generalized energy storage.This report took a year to complete , during which we have cooperated with domestic and foreign research institutes in power system planning and operation, energy storage research and application , and listened extensively to the opinions and suggestions of experts inside and outside the industry. It is hoped that it will provide a valuable reference for relevant personnel of government departments, international organizations, energy enterprises and research institutions in their policy formulation, strategic research, project development and technological innovation. Due to the limited time and availability of data, it is inevitable that some deficiencies may be present in the report despite our best endeavors. Readers are welcome to send us any criticism or opinions.



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