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『簡體書』中国与东非共同体成员国友好合作-(Friendly Cooperation between China and Member States of the East African Community)

書城自編碼: 3567845
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→政治/軍事政治
作者: 邓延庭 著,李莹,刘妍萌 译
國際書號(ISBN): 9787520368674
出版社: 中国社会科学出版社
出版日期: 2020-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 288



** 我創建的書架 **

The East African Community (EAC) is one of Africa''s sub-regional organizations with relatively complete functions and a high level of regional integration. As traditional partners of China,the EAC members have become the bridgehead for China-Africa cooperation in industrial capacity and "three networks and industrialization"construction. As China and African countries jointly implement the Belt and Road InitiativeBRI),the EAC members have vigorously aligned their development strategies with the concept of "connectivity in five areas" proposed by China and made outstanding achievements in nfrastructure,capacity building,cultural exchanges,and people''s well-being. Through a comprehensive review of the development strategies of the EAC members,this report explores the significance of aligning China''s BRI with EAC member states'' modernization. By enumerating cooperation achievements in various fields,especially during the past decade,this report. provides a systematic analysis of the opportunities for and challenges to further cooperation between China and EAC members.The East African Community (EAC) is one of Africa''s sub-regional organizations with relatively complete functions and a high level of regional integration. As traditional partners of China,the EAC members have become the bridgehead for China-Africa cooperation in industrial capacity and "three networks and industrialization"construction. As China and African countries jointly implement the Belt and Road InitiativeBRI),the EAC members have vigorously aligned their development strategies with the concept of "connectivity in five areas" proposed by China and made outstanding achievements in nfrastructure,capacity building,cultural exchanges,and people''s well-being. Through a comprehensive review of the development strategies of the EAC members,this report explores the significance of aligning China''s BRI with EAC member states'' modernization. By enumerating cooperation achievements in various fields,especially during the past decade,this report. provides a systematic analysis of the opportunities for and challenges to further cooperation between China and EAC members.
Moreover,this report,from the national and sub-regional perspectives,explores the ways to implement the "eight major initiatives" of the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation FOCAC)and to further improve the efficiency and outcome of China-Africa cooperation.
DENG Yanting,Ph.D.in Law,assistant researcher with the Branch of Africa Studies,China-Africa Institute.His research interests include Eastem Africa''s integration and China-Africa cooperation.His recent publications include Development of Eastern Africa''s Modern Railway Connectivity under the Belt and Road Initiative,Friendly Cooperation between China and Kenya(co-authored).
Acluevements of Cooperation between China and the EAC Member States
1.1 Introduction of national development strategies of the EAC member states
1.2 Representative achievements of cooperation between Kenya and China
1.3 Representative achievements of cooperation between Tanzania and China
1.4 Representative achievements of cooperation between Uganda and China
1.5 Representative achievements of China''s cooperation with Rwanda,Burundi and South Sudan
Problems and Challenges in Cooperation between Cluna and the EAC Member States
2.1 Lopsided Cooperation between China and Africa
2.2 Inadequate synergy among China-Africa cooperation achievements of different types
2.3 Potential political risks in the EAC member states
2.4 Threat of terrorism
2.5 Financial sustainability of the EAC member states
Prioritizing Construction of Modern Chinese Standard Railways in Eastern Africa
3.1 Establishing a multilateral consultation and cooperation mechanism for railway planning
3.2 Promoting impact of Chinese standard railways in EAC member states
Promoting Balanced Development of the Cooperation between China and the EAC Members
4.1 Aligning the development strategies of China and Eastern Africa
4.2 Promoting synergy among cooperation projects of different types
4.3 Strengthening area of weakness in current cooperation



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