內容簡介: |
The ten volumes of the Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights focus on the mostsalient topics in the field of pragmatics, thus dividing its wide interdieciplireryspectrum in a transparent and manageable way, While the other volumesselect specific philosophical, cognitive, grammatical, cultural, intersctJonal,or discursive angles, this sixth volume focuses on the dynamic aspects oftaoguage and reviews the reiavant developments in variationist and diachronloscholarship. The areas explored in the volume concern several general themes:specific methodological approaches, from comparative reconstruction toevolutionary pragmatics; issues in intra-liogual variation in terms of standardand non-standard varieties; cross-linguistic variation, including its crosscultural dimension; and the study of diachronic relations across linguisticpatterns, including changes in all areas of pragrnatic patterns and categories.The contributions document two prominent and interrelated trends that shapecontemporary variationist and diachronic research. One, it has moved fromsituating change within context-independent systems toward incerporetingpatterns of language use and the speaker''s role in language.