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『簡體書』新东方 雅思口语

書城自編碼: 3559251
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英语考试
作者: 新东方教育科技集团雅思研究院
國際書號(ISBN): 9787553617107
出版社: 浙江教育出版社
出版日期: 2020-10-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 330



** 我創建的書架 **

《雅思口语》汇集了新东方雅思培训经验的精华,倾力打造符合中国雅思考生学习特点的培训教材。由资深国际语言专家Rod Ellis亲自作序,并担任总顾问,对教材编写予以指导。
Unit 1 Education 2
Unit 2 Food 10
Unit 3 Sport and Exercise 20
Unit 4 Media 28
Unit 5 Relationships 36
Unit 6 Advertising 44
Unit 7 Further Study and Future Plans 52
Unit 8 The Natural Environment 60
Unit 9 Cooking and Special Occasions 68
Unit 10 Transport 76
Unit 11 News Sources 84
Unit 12 Leisure Activities 92
Unit 13 Technology and Equipment 100
Unit 14 Money and Finance 108
Unit 15 Employment 116
Unit 16 Commodities 124
Unit 17 Population 132
Unit 18 International Events 140
Unit 19 Communication 148
Unit 20 Tourism 156
Answer Key 165

We hope you will enjoy using this book, and that you will learn useful language and skills to help you to pass the IELTS speaking test. This book covers the following points:

Vocabulary and Common Expressions for IELTS speaking topicsthis matches to vocabulary in the marking criteria for the IELTS speaking test.
Each unit in this book has a Vocabulary Bank which includes useful words and expressions for discussing the topic.

Pronunciation Exercisesthis matches to Pronunciation in the marking criteria for the IELTS speaking test.
You will practice:
Pronouncing individual words
Linking words together
Word and sentence stress
Accurate use of rhythm and intonation for speaking in English

Grammarthis matches to Grammar in the marking criteria for the IELTS speaking test.
Useful and common grammar that you will need to successfully speak about the topics in the IELTS speaking test.
For example:
The most common verb tenses and how and where to use them
Correct grammar structures for describing things, telling stories about your own experience, comparing past and present events, speculating about the future and giving opinions

Structuring answers and linking ideas togetherthis matches to Fluency and Coherence in the marking criteria for the IELTS speaking test.
For example:
Useful and common ways to link ideas in speaking
Ways to begin and extend and answer
Practice in building fluency and confidence when discussing common IELTS speaking topics

All three parts of the IELTS speaking test are covered and practised in this book.

Work hard, take every opportunity to practice, enjoy your study and succeed in the IELTS Speaking test!

Good luck!


Dear Student,

Welcome to this IELTS preparation course and the Reading Book in particular.

IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is one of the worlds most popular English language tests for entry into university or higher education where English is the language of communication. In other words, it is your academic passport!

The Speaking Test, although relatively short 11-14 minutes, is often the most nerve-wracking module in IELTS because you are face to face with the examiner. Not only that, but you have to listen, process the examiners language, and answer the question clearly, using correct grammatical structures and with only a minimum of hesitation.

This book is designed to help you prepare for all these elements of the test in a systematic way. Firstly, you will learn a lot of useful words for dealing with familiar and abstract topics and you will be encouraged to expand your vocabulary. Having a wide range of vocabulary will give you confidence in the test.

You will also find extensive pronunciation exercises to help you with some of the more problematic sounds of English. The grammar exercises have been chosen specifically so that you are able to answer familiar questions using the appropriate tenses and talk about unfamiliar, more abstract issues using the appropriate functions for example, opinion, comparison, contrast, analysing, speculation.

This book will guide you through the best approaches to all three parts of the IELTS Speaking test using the most typical topics with opportunities for extensive practice and consolidation.

Congratulations on choosing to study IELTS with New Oriental.

Ready? Lets go!

Rod Ellis
Task Base教学法创始人


Dear Student,

Thank you for choosing to study for the IELTS with New Oriental.

This book is the long anticipated result of a close cooperation between New Oriental and international IELTS experts to develop our own IELTS training materials. We believe it offers a different approach, with the following features:

First of all, the language used is likely what you will encounter in a real classroom or work setting while living abroad. The setting of each dialogue is also consistent with how you might encounter English as used by native speakers in their own country.

Also, under the guidance of renowned professor Rod Ellis, our partner international research team has delivered a proven methodology for ensuring the intended acquisition of needed skills for IELTS test takers in speaking, listening, reading and writing.

And most importantly, this book incorporates ten years of IELTS training experience by the very best teachers at New Oriental, and therefore has been customized to suit the needs of Chinese students.

I sincerely hope that together with these materials New Oriental teachers can make your IELTS classroom fruitful and rewarding. Enjoy your learning time with New Oriental!

Zhou Chenggang



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