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書城自編碼: 3557109
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材高职高专教材
作者: 王兴东
國際書號(ISBN): 9787113252151
出版社: 中国铁道出版社
出版日期: 2020-10-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 379



** 我創建的書架 **

Taking SX-815Q mechatronic comprehensive training and assessing equipment as thecarrier, this book is a training textbook which is based on project teaching for the service ofthe national vocational students’ skills competition and higher vocational electromechanicaloccupational ability.This book mainly includes the guiding ideology and teaching design, the installationand commissioning of five units of Mechatronics Comprehensive Training and AssessingEquipment, PLC programming and testing, touch screen configuration, industrial robotapplication, frequency converter application, industrial sensor application and other knowledge.This book is featured by taking the typical content tasks assigned by the mechatronics of thenational vocational students’ skills competition as the carrier, decomposing the main tasks intoseveral tasks to narrate step-by-step, striving to improve students’ interest and efficiency inlearning, and realizing the goal that easy to learn, easy to understand and easy to use.This book can be used as a professional textbook for majors like industrial robots andmechatronics and others in higher vocational education schools. It can also be used as areference book for related engineering personnel to study mechatronics production lines.
Project Zero EPIP Teaching Mode ..................................................1I. Definition of EPIP ................................1II. Curriculum Theory of EPIP Teaching Mode .......2III. The Professional Theory of EPIP Teaching Mode....3IV. Education Theory of EPIP Teaching Mode ........4Project One Granular Material Feeding Workstation ......................5Task One Assembly and Adjustment of Mechanical Components ... 6I. Assembly of Conveyor ...........................6II. Assembly of Material Filling Device .............13III. Overall Installation and Adjustment .............15Task Two Connection and Operation of Electric Circuits and AirChannels .............................................................................16I. Preparation......................................16II. Electric Circuit Connection .....................17III. Connection of Air Channels.....................28Task Three Programming and Testing .................................. 30I. Preparation .....................................30II. PLC Schematic Diagram ........................35III. Program Flow Chart ..........................36IV. PLC IO Function Allocation Table ............39V. Allocation Table of Interface Board Terminal ....39VI. Program Design ...............................40VII. Testing Steps .................................42Project One Granular Material Feeding Workstation ......................5Project Zero EPIP Teaching Mode ..................................................1CONTENTSI. Definition of EPIP ................................1II. Curriculum Theory of EPIP Teaching Mode .......2III. The Professional Theory of EPIP Teaching Mode....3IV. Education Theory of EPIP Teaching Mode ........4目录.indd 1 2020-9-22 17:53:45Installation and Testing of Mechatronics Equipment 2Task One  Assembly and Adjustment of MechanicalComponents .......................................................... 48I. Assembly of Delivery Mechanism ................48II. Assembly of Capping Mechanism ................48III. Assembly of Cap Screwing Mechanism ..........52IV. Overall Installation and Adjustment .............54Task Two Connection and Operation of Electric Circuitsand Air Channels ................................................... 56I. Electric Circuit Connection ......................56II. Air Channel Connection ........................66Task Three Programming and Testing ................................... 67I. PLC Schematic Diagram ........................67II. Program Flow Chart ...........................68III. PLC IO Function Allocation Table ............69IV. Allocation Table of Interface Board Terminal ....70V. Program Design ................................71VI. Testing Steps .................................72Project Two Capping and Cap Screwing Workstation......................47Project Three Detecting and Sorting Workstation...........................74Task One Assembly and Adjustment of MechanicalComponents ........................................................... 75I. Assembly of the Gantry Mechanism ..............75II. Assembly of Sorting Mechanism ................76III. Assembly of the Delivery Mechanism ...........76IV. Overall Installation and Adjustment..............77Task Two Connection and Operation of Electric Circuitsand Air Channels ................................................... 77I. Electric Circuit Connection .......................77II. Air Channel Connection ........................85Project One Granular Material Feeding Workstation ......................5Project Zero EPIP Teaching Mode ..................................................1CONTENTSI. Definition of EPIP ................................1II. Curriculum Theory of EPIP Teaching Mode .......2III. The Professional Theory of EPIP Teaching Mode....3IV. Education Theory of EPIP Teaching Mode ........4目录.indd 1 2020-9-22 17:53:45Installation and Testing of Mechatronics Equipment 2Task One  Assembly and Adjustment of MechanicalComponents .......................................................... 48I. Assembly of Delivery Mechanism ................48II. Assembly of Capping Mechanism ................48III. Assembly of Cap Screwing Mechanism ..........52IV. Overall Installation and Adjustment .............54Task Two Connection and Operation of Electric Circuitsand Air Channels ................................................... 56I. Electric Circuit Connection ......................56II. Air Channel Connection ........................66Task Three Programming and Testing ................................... 67I. PLC Schematic Diagram ........................67II. Program Flow Chart ...........................68III. PLC IO Function Allocation Table ............69IV. Allocation Table of Interface Board Terminal ....70V. Program Design ................................71VI. Testing Steps .................................72Project Two Capping and Cap Screwing Workstation......................47Project Three Detecting and Sorting Workstation...........................74Task One Assembly and Adjustment of MechanicalComponents ........................................................... 75I. Assembly of the Gantry Mechanism ..............75II. Assembly of Sorting Mechanism ................76III. Assembly of the Delivery Mechanism ...........76IV. Overall Installation and Adjustment..............77Task Two Connection and Operation of Electric Circuitsand Air Channels ................................................... 77I. Electric Circuit Connection .......................77II. Air Channel Connection ........................85目录.indd 2 2020-9-22 17:53:46CONTENTS 3Project Four Six-axis Robot Workstation.........................................94Task Three Programming and Testing ................................... 85I. PLC Schematic Diagram .........................85II. Program Flow Chart............................86III. PLC IO Function Allocation Table ............90IV. Allocation Table of Interface Board Terminal....90V. Program Design.................................91VI. Testing Steps ..................................92Task One Assembly and Adjustment of MechanicalComponents........................................................... 95I. EFORT robots...................................95II. Assembly of Material Platform .................101III. Assembly of A and B lifting platform .........102IV. Integral installation ...........................103Task Two Connection and Operation of Electric Circuitsand Air Channels ................................................. 103I. Electric Circuit Connection and Operation ........103II. Draw the Connection Diagram of Air Channel ......117Task Three Programming and Testing of Robot ...................117I. Basic Instructions for Robot .....................117II. Robot Programming............................119Task Four PLC Programming and Testing .......................... 123I. PLC Schematic Diagram ........................123II. Program Flow Chart...........................124III. PLC IO Function Allocation Table ............125IV. Allocation Table of Interface Board Terminal....126V. Program Design................................128VI. Testing Steps .................................130Project Five Material Storage Workstation................................... 134Task One Assembly and Testing of MechanicalComponents ........................................................ 135I. Assembly of Cambered Stereoscopic Warehouse .....135II. Assembly of the Stacker .......................136III. Assembly of Touch Screen ....................140IV. Overall Installation and Adjustment.............140Task Two Connection and Operation of Electric Circuitsand Air Channels ................................................. 141I. Electric Circuit Connection ......................141II. Air Channel Connection ........................152Task Three Programming and Testing ................................ 152I. PLC Schematic Diagram ........................152II. Program Flow Chart...........................153III. IO Function Allocation Table .................156IV. Allocation Table of Interface Board Terminal ....... 157V. Program Design................................158VI. Design of Touch Screen Configuration Picture.....160VII. Testing Steps.................................163Appendix I Introduction to the Circuit Board ................................ 170I. Introduction of Push Button Panel ..............170II. Introduction to the Desktop Interface’s Circuit  Board ........................................172III. Control Panel of DC Motor ...................175Appendix II Configuration and Use of Touch Screen..................... 177
In order to expand the cooperation in the area of vocational education with the countriesalong the B&R, and implement the requirements of the plan of Tianjin that sharing the launchedand implemented excellent vocational education results with the world, the vocational education isplaying an important role as an education form which is most closely related to the manufacturingindustry. In 2018, Tianjin Vocational College of Mechanics and Electricity established the “LubanWorkshop” in Setubal, Portugal. In order to cooperate with theory and training teaching ofSetubal’s “Luban Workshop”, carry out exchange and cooperation, realize educational resourcesharing and improve international influence of Chinese vocational education, innovate theinternational cooperation mode of vocational colleges, and export China’s excellent vocationalresources, the research group compiled the textbook Mechatronics Technology and Training.In May 2018, the National Higher Vocational Colleges Skills Competition “MechatronicsTechnology” was held. 68 representative teams from various provinces, municipalities andautonomous regions in China and 8 teams from India, Russia and other countries along the Belt andRoad competed together. We adopted SX-815Q mechatronic comprehensive training and assessingequipment as the equipment for this competition. The equipment is developed and designedaccording to the relevant national occupation training and appraisal standards, combined withthe current job requirements of China’s manufacturing industry, and connected with the relevantstandards and procedures of the world skills competition. This equipment comprehensively re?ectsthe mechatronics “work unit”, electrical assembly station, mechanical assembly table, computerdesk and other accessory work facilities in the form of “work station”. It not only cultivates andtrains the operator’s mechanical and electrical professional skills at work, but also improves theirsocial abilities and methods abilities in professional quality. The system consists of the granularmaterial feeding workstation, capping and cap screwing workstation, detecting and sortingworkstation, six-axis robot workstation, and material storage workstation, including the intelligentassembly production system, automatic packaging system, automatic three-dimensional warehouse& intelligent logistics system, automatic inspection machine quality control system, productionprocess data acquisition and control system, etc., it is a complete intelligent factory simulationdevice, which uses industrial robot technology, PLC control technology, frequency conversioncontrol technology, servo control technology, industrial sensor technology, motor drive technologyand other industrial automation related technologies. It can realize empty bottle feeding, particlematerial feeding, material sorting, particle filling, capping, cap screwing, material detecting, capdetecting, finished product sorting, robot grabbing into box, lid packaging, labeling, warehousingand other intelligent production processes.This textbook combines the characteristics of SX-815Q mechatronic comprehensive trainingand assessing equipment to illustrate step by step by the means of program teaching, the content ofwhich is task-oriented and novel, and it strives to be profound and simple, combining knowledgeand ability, focusing on cultivating students’ engineering application ability and the ability ofsolving practical problems on site to meet the training requirements for higher vocational talents.According to the characteristics of SX-815Q Mechatronic Comprehensive Training and AssessingEquipment, the textbook divides the whole course into six projects. Project Zero mainly introducesthe guiding ideology and teaching design of this book; the following five projects comprehensivelyintroduce and illustrate the involved key knowledge points of each unit of SX-815Q, mechanismassembly process, PLC program design, robot programming, frequency converter usage, touchscreen configuration, industrial sensor application, etc.This book is edited by Wang Xingdong of Tianjin Vocational College of Mechanics andElectricity and deputy edited by Dong Jinqi. Tasks have been distributed as follows: Lv Jingquan,is responsible for the compiling of the Project Zero; Song Haiqiang and Wang Xingdong isresponsible for Project One; Dong Jinqi and Wang Xingdong is responsible for Project Two,Project Three, Project Four; Xue Lichen and Wang Zhenxing are responsible for compiling ProjectFive. Zhou Fubin provided various materials and guidance for the compiling of the book, andcompiled Appendix I and Appendix II together with Wang Zhenxing, and compiled a program?ow chart and procedure list. The whole book was planned and systematically guided by WangXingdong and jointly drafted with Dong Jinqi. In the process of compiling this textbook, wereceived strong support from China Railway Publishing House Co., Ltd. and Zhaoqing SanxiangTeaching Instrument Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and we were assisted by many teachers such asYuan Hailiang and Jiang Ying from Tianjin Vocational College of Mechanics and Electricity. Wehereby want to express our sincere thanks for the efforts they made!Restricted to the editor’s experience, limited ability and limited time, the book will inevitablyhave shortcomings in the content and wording, please feel free to criticize and correct.EditorMay, 2020



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