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迪士尼英语分级读物 基础级是迪士尼英语专家团专为中国小学生量身打造的一套英语课外读物。故事为孩子喜爱的迪士尼动画故事,人物熟悉,情节有趣,配合美绘大图,瞬间吸引孩子兴趣。按照小学不同年级的英语水平划分难度,保证难度循序渐进。参考义务教育课程标准,每册书课标内词汇比例占70%以上。为了保证孩子的阅读效果,书中每一页都设计了注释框,标出该页出现的所有生词注解,孩子在阅读的过程中不需要停下查字典,就可以顺利完成阅读。同时,书后还配有单词表,区分课标词和拓展词,全书所学内容一目了然。考虑到小学阶段孩子的英语能力,每个故事后也单独附有译文,检验孩子的阅读效果。通过多种方式,实现无障碍英语阅读的目标。除此之外,每册书都配有故事和单词的地道美音音频,邀请美国专业播音员录制,提供跟
內容簡介: |
迪士尼英语分级读物 基础级源自兰登书屋品牌分级读物Step into Reading系列。但这个系列是根据以英语为母语的孩子的学习特点设计的,所以,在把这套书推向中国市场之前,迪士尼专家团结合中国孩子的英语学习特点进行了一定的调整。将整个系列按照中国小学生英语水平分成了6个级别,对应小学6个年级的英语学习水平。每个级别6册书,全套一共36册。全套书选取孩子们喜爱并且熟悉的原版迪士尼动画故事,这其中既包括迪士尼*近十年热门电影如冰雪奇缘疯狂动物城寻梦环游记这些,也包括跨越时间的经典如狮子王木偶奇遇记等。每个级别的故事长度不同,从第1级的约100词,逐步过渡到第6级每个故事约1500词,循序渐进提高孩子的阅读能力。对照义务教育课程标准,每个故事的课标词比例都超过70%,使得课外阅读与课内学习形成合力。另外,全套书采用无障碍英语阅读的理念,每页Notes中标注出课标单词、拓展单词,以及常用结构,书后附有单词表用颜色区分课标单词和拓展单词。同时还邀请了美国播音员录制了故事和单词朗读音频,还提供跟读和常速两种选择。这些贴心设计,让小读者们在畅享精彩故事的同时,能够在快乐中提高英语综合能力。
迪士尼英语分级读物 基础级源自兰登书屋品牌分级读物Step into Reading系列。但这个系列是根据以英语为母语的孩子的学习特点设计的,所以,在把这套书推向中国市场之前,迪士尼专家团结合中国孩子的英语学习特点进行了一定的调整。将整个系列按照中国小学生英语水平分成了6个级别,对应小学6个年级的英语学习水平。每个级别6册书,全套一共36册。全套书选取孩子们喜爱并且熟悉的原版迪士尼动画故事,这其中既包括迪士尼*近十年热门电影如冰雪奇缘疯狂动物城寻梦环游记这些,也包括跨越时间的经典如狮子王木偶奇遇记等。每个级别的故事长度不同,从第1级的约100词,逐步过渡到第6级每个故事约1500词,循序渐进提高孩子的阅读能力。对照义务教育课程标准,每个故事的课标词比例都超过70%,使得课外阅读与课内学习形成合力。另外,全套书采用无障碍英语阅读的理念,每页Notes中标注出课标单词、拓展单词,以及常用结构,书后附有单词表用颜色区分课标单词和拓展单词。同时还邀请了美国播音员录制了故事和单词朗读音频,还提供跟读和常速两种选择。这些贴心设计,让小读者们在畅享精彩故事的同时,能够在快乐中提高英语综合能力。
基础级 第1级
基础级 第2级
基础级 第3级
基础级 第4级
基础级 第5级
基础级 第6级
關於作者: |
人人都夸唐老鸭 Super Cheers for Donald!
Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!
It is time for a show at the Clubhouse!
Daisy can dance.
Super cheers for Daisy!
Donald wants to dance, too.
Goofy can ride.
Super cheers for Goofy!
Donald wants to ride, too.
Mickey can play.
Super cheers for Mickey!
Donald wants to play, too.
Today is a special day.
It is Olaf’s birthday.
Anna rubs her eyes.
She has lots to do!
Anna finds Elsa.
They have a secret.
They are planning a party for Olaf!
The sisters go to Oaken’s to get supplies.
He has lots to choose from.
Elsa picks candles.
Anna picks flowers.
Now the sisters have what they need.
多莉在哪儿 Finding Dory
This is Dory.
Dory is forgetful.
When Dory was young, her parents collected shells and made trails for her to follow so she would always find her way home.
One day, Dory spotted a pretty purple shell in the distance.
She wasn’t allowed to swim that far.
But Dory forgot.
Dory was just about to pick up the shell when—Whoosh!—she was pulled away by the undertow.
Suddenly, Dory was all alone.
She couldn’t find her way home.
Eventually, she forgot what she was looking for.
No one was able to help.
疯狂动物城 Zootopia
Zootopia was an amazing city!
Animals of all different sizes and shapes lived and worked together happily. Everyone was equal, whether they had long claws or little paws.
Anyone can be anything!
Even a small bunny from a farm in Bunnyburrow could achieve her dream job. Judy Hopps was the first bunny ever to join the Zootopia Police Department!
Judy hopped with excitement as she waited for her first assignment.
But when Police Chief Bogo handed her a machine for issuing parking tickets, her ears fell. She wanted to solve crimes, not be a meter maid.
Still, Judy wanted to do a good job. Her sharp hearing alerted her to expired meters, and she wrote hundreds of parking tickets—before lunchtime!
超能陆战队 Big Hero Six
Welcome to San Fransokyo, where the bustling city streets are home to technology giants Krei Tech and San Fransokyo Institute of Technology (SFIT).
Those same streets are also home to the Hamada brothers: Tadashi and his little brother, Hiro. But the alleys belong to the bot fighters.
“Go! Go!” Hiro punched a remote control and watched his robot spin and block the opposing bot’s attack. Crunch! Hiro’s robot won the robot fight!
Hiro celebrated . . . until his sumo-sized opponent got angry.
“You cheated! I want that bot!” the man shouted.
Tadashi arrived on his motorbike just in time. “Get on!” Grinning, Hiro jumped aboard. Tadashi was the best brother ever.
冰雪奇缘2 Frozen 2
In the kingdom of Arendelle, King Agnarr told Anna and Elsa about the Northuldra, a people who lived in harmony with the spirits of nature. Their mother, Queen Iduna sang of a river called Ahtohallan, which held all the answers to the past.
Elsa wondered if Ahtohallan knew why she had magical power.
Many years had passed since those days, and though their parents were gone, the girls had found family in their best friends, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf.
One evening, they were all playing charades. Elsa heard a haunting melody sung by a voice that no one else seemed to hear.
狮子王 The Lion King
It was a proud day for King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi. Their newborn cub, Simba, had joined the great Circle of Life. One day Simba would take his father’s place and become the Lion King.
Today the little cub was being presented to the entire animal kingdom. A wise old baboon named Rafiki marked the lion cub’s forehead with red dust. Then he held Simba high in the air for all the animals to see.
Mufasa’s brother, Scar, did not attend the celebration. He was angry that Simba was next in line to rule the kingdom. Scar had always wanted to be king.
Mufasa, disappointed in his younger brother, visited Scar’s cave.
“Don’t turn your back on me, Scar!” Mufasa growled.