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書城自編碼: 3555779
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: [美]约翰·J.科伊尔,C·小约翰·兰利,罗伯特·A.诺华克
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302562375
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2020-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 528



** 我創建的書架 **

约翰J.科伊尔,宾西法尼亚州立大学工商管理学院荣誉退休教授和供应链研究中心企业关系主任。科伊尔教授已经在物流和运输领域发表了100多篇文章,其研究领域集中在供应链变革及供应链提升上。C小约翰兰利(C.John Langley, Jr.):佐治亚州理工学院供应链管理教授和供应链管理项目主任。
罗伯特A.诺华克(Robert A. Novack):宾夕法尼亚州立大学供应链和信息系统学院的副教授。
布里安J.吉布森(Brian J. Gibson):奥本大学航空与供应链管理学院教授兼项目协调人。
第1章 供应链管理概述 3
第2章 供应链的全球维度 27
第3章 物流在供应链中的作用 51
第4章 配送和全渠道网络设计 89

第5章 采购和服务 139
第6章 生产产品和提供服务 171
第7章 需求管理 207
第8章 订单管理和客户服务 233

第9章 供应链中的库存管理 289
第10章 配送管理执行操作 371
第11章 运输管理供应链的流动 417
The publication of the 10th edition of this text, Supply Chain Management: A Global Logistics Perspective, in the spring of 2016 will mark the 40th anniversary of the first edition. While the original edition was titled THE MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS LOGISTICS, the title and content changes made to the original text over the course of that 40 years period reflect the dynamic happenings in the United States and other countries throughout the world. If we had predicted drones making deliveries, 3-D printing replacing inven- tory, robots filling orders in warehouses and modern mobile phones for shopping in 1976, we may have been committed to an appropriate institution or accused of writing science fiction. Albeit, in this edition these developments plus numerous others are given cover- age and acceptance with an explanation of their impact on global economies and specifi- cally the logistics and supply chain systems of many businesses in the twenty-first century. The World has changed dramatically, especially the business environment, which has been described by some pundits as a white water world. You had to fasten your seat belt and put on your protective helmet to survive the tumultuous changes and fast pace of the last 40 years. Through it all, logistics and supply chain management played an increasingly important role to improve organizational efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness.
In 1976, some individuals suggested that the United States was destined to become a second class economic power and would be surpassed by Japan, West Germany and others in the highly competitive, global marketplace for producing products and services. The U.S. economy was in the doldrums, but the seeds of change were being sowed. The first impor- tant change was the deregulation of major elements of the transportation system in the United States that occurred over a several year period in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The net result of deregulation was that the purchase and sale of transportation services became similar to the selling and buying of other goods and services with limited government over- sight. The more competitive prices spurred economic activity by lowering the cost of goods sold and helped to make U.S. products more competitive in domestic and global markets. The subsequent deregulation of the financial and communication industries contributed to additional economic vitality in the 1980s as pointed out in Chapter 1.
Globalization, technology, and more informed consumers also influenced and changed the dynamics of the U.S. economy in the 1990s discussed in more detail in Chapter 1. A critical ingredient for all the changes and the resurgence of the U.S. economy was the devel- opment of efficient and effective supply chains by many organizations as well as logistics and supply chain service providers 3PLs that contributed to the growth of the U.S. econ- omy and its global presence throughout the world. It was an amazing set of changes that we hope have been adequately reflected in the various editions of this text over the previous 40 years hence the content and title changes noted above. Global organizations learned that lean, fast, agile, and flexible supply chains were a requirement of the twenty-first century where economic swings would likely be quicker and of shorter duration than in the past. Adaptability and readiness were also ingredients for continuing growth and profitability.
Another important lesson for success was a recognition that fi ance had to be a common language for supply chain executives because that was the basic language of the boardroom. EPS, ROA, ROI, cash flow, and shareholder value had to be embraced by supply chain executives in reporting their contributions to the success of the organization. These were the metrics the execu- tive board would use to evaluate performance. While order cycle time, inventory turns and order
xx Preface
fill rates could be used as internal metrics for judging supply chain and logistics performance, they had to be translated into terms that resonated well with executive management.
Recognizing the fast paced change that has continued into the twenty-first century and the criticality of efficient and effective supply chain management, the authors have attempted to reflect these dimensions in the 10th edition of this text with new content and some reordering of the topics to improve the flow of material.
Part I-Supply Chain Foundations
This section of the text provides a framework for an appreciation and understanding of supply chain management as it developed and expanded to meet the challenges of the last 30 years. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the role and importance of supply chain management in the twenty-fi st century. This is followed by Chapter 2 that has been added to explore the global issues of the twenty-fi st century among the various countries of the world with an in-depth look at demographics. Chapter 3 explores the important dimensions of logistics management in support of global supply chain challenges. This provides due recognition to the critical role played by logistics as the backbone of supply chains. The fi al chapter in Part 1, Chapter 4 explores the challenges of supply chain design in a traditional sense, as well as in the rapidly-emerging context of omni-channel distribution.
Part II-Supply Chain Fundamentals
The underlying fundamentals of supply chains can be visualized in the so-called SCOR? Model that provides a solid conceptual view of the key ingredients of a supply chain. The content of this section continues in the spirit of the SCOR? model, with each chapter exploring one of the critical components of the model. Strategic sourcing is the topic for Chapter 5 with considera- tion being given to sourcing materials and services. In this era of outsourcing, the strategic global procurement of goods and services has taken on increased importance and relevance. The focus of Chapter 6 is on operations. Efficient and effective operations in manufacturing and related areas such as maintenance are of great significance in the supply chain. Chapter 7 in this section examines the outbound-to-customer needs and requirements to add value for customers. The fourth and fi al Chapter 8 in this section considers customer service and order management with emphasis on measurement and fi ancial impact.
Part III-Cross-Chain Logistics Processes
This section takes an in-depth look at the major supply chain process areas that are essential to achieving the objectives of customer order fulfillment. Referred to as cross- chain logistics processes, these areas of competency are major contributors to the success- fully executing the delivery of raw materials, components, and finished processes, consistent with requirements. To provide useful insight and perspectives on this topic, Chapter 9 focuses on contemporary and futuristic approaches to managing inventory in the supply chain. Chapter 10 highlights the role of distribution as a key supply chain responsibility and Chapter 11 provides broad coverage of the importance of transportation as a key element of overall supply chain success.
Collectively, the successful execution of these processes contribute significantly to achieving the promise of the efficient and effective supply chain by ensuring that customers receive the right product in the right quantities at the right place, right time, and at the right cost. Customers will therefore be satisfied and the order-to-cash flow should be maximized. While seemingly not as glamorous to some as other aspects of supply chain management, they are nevertheless an essential components of successful supply chains.

? Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter provide students with an overall perspective of chapter material and also serve to establish a baseline for a working knowledge of the topics that follow.
? Supply Chain Profiles are the opening vignettes at the beginning of each chapter that introduce students to the chapters topics through familiar, real-world companies, people, and events.
? On the Line features are applied, concrete examples that provide students with hands-on managerial experience of the chapter topics.
? End-of-chapter summaries and study questions reinforce material presented in each chapter.
? Short cases at the end of each chapter build upon what students have learned. Questions that follow the cases sharpen critical thinking skills.
The website contains three essential resources:
? The Instructors Manual includes chapter outlines, answers to end-of-chapter study questions, commentary on end-of-chapter short cases and end-of-text comprehensive cases, and teaching tips.
? A convenient Test Bank offers a variety of truefalse, multiple choice, and essay questions for each chapter.
? PowerPoint slides cover the main chapter topics and contain graphics from the main text.



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