內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
Introduction 001
Chapter One Literature Review 006
1.1 Definition of empathy 006
1.2 A comparison between Chinese and Western empathy 019
1.3 Previous studies on poetry translation in Hongloumeng 022
Chapter Two Poetry and Poetry Translation 030
2.1 The definition of poetry 030
2.2 The three basic elements of poetry 032
2.3 Text types and translation emphases 035
2.4 The translatability of poetry 038
2.5 Basic issues for poetry translation 050
Chapter Three Application of the Approach of Empathy in Poetry
3.1 Difficulties of poetry translation 057
3.2 Reasons for application of the approach of empathy in poetry
translation 074
3.3 Empathetic obstacles in translation 086
Chapter Four Comparison of Aesthetic Empathy in Poetry Transla?
tion in Hongloumeng 089
4.1 Hongloumeng and its two translated versions 089
4.2 Comparison of aesthetic empathy 096
Chapter Five Comparison of Cultural Empathy in Poetry Transla
tion in Hongloumeng 140
5.1 Culture, language, translation and their mutual relationship 141
5.2 Application of the approach of cultural empathy
in literary translation 144
5.3 Realization of the approach of cultural empathy in literary translation
5.4 Comparison of cultural empathy in poetry translation in
Hongloumeng 152
Chapter Six Comparison of Pragmatic Empathy in Poetry Translation in Hongloumeng 189
6.1 Theory of pragmatic empathy 189
6.2 Comparison of pragmatic empathy 192
Chapter Seven Possible Explanations for Two Empathetic
Approaches: Empathy to ST and the Author v.s. Empathy to TT and
Readers 197
7.1 Theoretic explanations of empathy 198
7.2 Features of Chinese poetic language that allow for expansion215
7.3 Subjectivityas an undeniable fact 225
Bibliography 241