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The CPC is the governing party of China and has played a vital role in promoting the development of Chinas economy, politics, culture, society and ecology. To a great extent, understanding the CPC means understanding contemporary China.
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The Contemporary China Series includes eight books, based on distinct Chinese values, reveals how China promotes coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological advancement. The series comprehensively introduces the basic situation of contemporary China and the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.当代中国丛书包括8个分册,以鲜明的中国价值理念为理论基础,涵盖中共十八大报告中五位一体总体战略布局中的经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设等五个方面,全面介绍当代中国主要方面的基本情况和中国特色社会主义发展道路。
The Contemporary China Series includes eight books, based on distinct Chinese values, reveals how China promotes coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological advancement. The series comprehensively introduces the basic situation of contemporary China and the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Throughout approximately a hundred years, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to create miracles one after another. The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the core of socialism with Chinese characteristics and also the unique advantage of the system. Based on the development process of contemporary China, this book introduces the ideals and beliefs of the Communist Party of China, its organizational system, team building, governance ideals and strategies, etc.
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Zhao Shumei, Doctor of Political Science and Deputy Director of School of Marxism Studies at Renmin University of China RUC, has been researching and teaching Party history and Party-building theory for a long time. Zhao has directed more than 20 projects sponsored by National Social Science Fund and Beijing Social Science Fund, published more than 10 articles in Journal of Chinese Communist Party History Studies, Studies on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Guangming Daily, and co-authored The Communist Party of China and Contemporary China 2014.
I. The general requirements of building of the Communist Party of China
Fundamental principles for Party building
The directive guideline for Party building
Main thrust of Party building
The overall layout of Party building
The objectives of Party building
II. The ideals and beliefs of the Communist Party of China
The calcium of the communist spirit
Marxism keeping up with the times
The ideal of communism and a shared ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics
III. Organizational system of the Communist Party of China
Organizational principle
Central organizations
Local organizations
Primary organizations
IV. Team building of the Communist Party of China
Giving play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members
Building a prestigious and professional team of cadres
Insisting on scientific talent management principles
V. The work style and discipline of the Communist Party of China
The Partys excellent work style
The Party discipline is strict and severe
VI. The process of self-reform of the Communist Party of China
Constantly strengthening its self-supervision processes
Giving full play to the power of the inspection system
Fighting corruption with a zero tolerance attitude
VII. Governing concept and way of the Communist Party of China
Building the Party for public interests and exercising governance for the people
Combining rule of law with rule of virtue
Exercising overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all involved
industrialization and agricultural development of the country.
After the Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949, the CPC led the Chinese people to recover economy to the highest level before 1949 within three years, and then spent another three years in completing the transition from the new democratic society to socialist society and establishing the basic system of socialism. Then, under the leadership of the CPC, China gave full play of the socialist advantages and preliminarily set up a relatively independent and complete industrial system and national economic system within a short period, laying a sound foundation for the countrys modernization development.
After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CPC held in 1978, under the leadership of the CPC, China initiated a new era for opening-up, reform and socialist modernization construction and started the new great journey for building the
socialism with Chinese characteristics. No matter how the global situation changes, the CPC has constantly led Chinese people to steadily take its own path, unswervingly uphold the socialism with Chinese characteristics, only spent several decades to reach the several-century development degree of some developed countries, and made China evolve into the worlds 2nd biggest economy from a country with relatively outdated productive forces.
After the 18th National Congress of the CPC held in 2012, a new generation of collective leadership with Xi Jinping at the core led Chinese people to start the new journey of realizing the two centenary goals and initiated a new phase of comprehensively deepening the reform. At the phase, the CPC has deepened the understanding on insisting on the CPCs leadership and building the socialism with Chinese characteristics. In November 2013, at the 2nd Plenary Meeting of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CPC, Xi Jinping said, To push forward the reform is to continuously push forward the self-improvement and development of our socialism, and to endow socialism with new vitality. The core is to uphold and improve the CPCs leadership and to uphold and improve the socialism with Chinese characteristics. If deviating from the core, it will be a wrong direction. In June 2014, when he presided over the group study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Xi argued the relationship between the leadership and the undertaking of the CPC from the essence of socialism, brought forward the important proposition the leadership of the CPC is the most essential characteristic of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, and stressed that the CPC will play the key role in realizing the two centenary goals, fighting against and defeating various risks and challenges on the road ahead. In July 2016, at the Conference to Celebrate the 95th Anniversary of the CPC, Xi further deepened the understanding and pointed out that the CPCs leadership is not only the most essential characteristic of the socialism with Chinese characteristics but also the biggest advantage of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to uphold and improve the CPCs leadership is the essence and root of the Party and the Country, and links with the interest and happiness of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups.
In the early 1990s, at the critical moment for boosting the reform and opening-up, Deng Xiaoping proposed the scientific argument the essence of socialism is liberation and development of the productive forces, elimination of exploitation and polarization, and the ultimate achievement of prosperity for all to unify the means for building socialism with the ultimate objective of socialism. At the important stage to comprehensively deepen the reform, Xi Jinping, based on the insistence on Dengs socialism essence theory, brought forward the important judgement of the leadership of the CPC is the most essential characteristic of the socialism with Chinese characteristics to define the leadership subject of building socialism, realizing the integration of the means, target and subject for building socialism. Xis elaboration further enriched Marxisms epistemology on the essence of socialism, answered the important theoretical question what is socialism and defined the direction for the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
Between the five years from the 18th to the 19th National Congress of the CPC, China, under the leadership of CPC, realized a leap of GDP growth from 54 trillion yuan to 80 trillion yuan, and contributed more than 30% to global economy growth in average, ranking the
Worlds No. 1 as the power source and anchor for global economy. More than 1,500 reform measures were successively launched, further improving the socialism with Chinese characteristics, state governance system and capability and modernization obviously. Great efforts were made to improve peoples livelihood. Precision poverty-alleviation policies were issued to help more than 60 million poverty-stricken people to shake off poverty, and decrease the poverty occurrence rate from 10.2% to below 4%. The five-year-period also witnessed Chinas obvious development in the aspects of cultural development, foreign exchanges, military affairs and national defence. Such achievements prove that the firm leadership of the CPC is a must to solidify more than 1.4 billion people from multiple ethnic groups in China toward the target of socialist modernization.
Base on the aforesaid, to know the development progress and future direction of China, it is necessary to know the leader of the practice first, i.e. the CPC, the leadership core of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, to know why the Party can shoulder the historic mission to lead Chinese people to realize the great national rejuvenation and to know its unremitting efforts and self-revolution to better complete such historic mission.