內容簡介: |
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Unit 1 Leaders and Leadership
Passage A President Xi Jinping''s 2020 New Year Speech
Passage B Anecdotes of Yanzi
Write Academically: Preparing for a Research Paper
Unit 2 Language and Culture
Passage A World English: A Blessing or a Curse?
Passage B Humbled by Nature, Humble by Culture
Write Academically: Choosing a Topic
Unit 3 Ecology and Economy
Passage A Spillonomics: Underestimating Risk
Passage B Environmental Protection in the Eyes of the Poor
Write Academically: Constructing Research Proposal
Unit 4 Medical Research
Passage A What Genius and Autism Have in Common?
Passage B A Pill for Loneliness
Write Academically: Deciding on a Title
Unit 5 Leading Scientist and Pioneering Work
Passage A A Beautiful Mind
Passage B Mind over Machine
Write Academically: Creating an Outline
Unit 6 People and the World
Passage A A Christmas Sermon on Peace
Passage B Bill Clinton
Write Academically: Citation vs. Plagiarism
Unit 7 Space and Species
Passage A Our Picture of the Universe
Passage B If Half of All Species Go Extinct, Will One of Them Be Us?
Write Academically: Writing the Introduction
Unit 8 Career and Work
Passage A Start-Ups Aren''t Cool Anymore
Passage B Its Getting Harder for International STEM Students to Find Work after Graduation
Write Academically: Writing a Literature Review
Unit 9 Desire and Anxiety
Passage A Steve Jobs
Passage B Fearing Fear Itself
Write Academically: Presenting Methodology
Unit 10 Alone and Lonely
Passage A Spell of the Rising Moon
Passage B One Is the Loneliest Number: the History of a Western Problem
Write Academically: Composing Results and Discussion
Unit 11 Chip Wars and Tech Revolution
Passage A Chip Wars
Passage B Will Tech Revolution Overwhelm Global System?
Write Academically: Presenting Tables and Figures
Unit 12 Health and Disease