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2018年任SCI期刊International Journal of Biomathematics审稿人。
1.1First-order 1-Compartment Model Extravascular Administration
1.2First-order 2-Compartment Model Intravenous Dose
1.3Pontryagin''s Principle
1.3.2Pontryagin''s Maximum or Minimum Principle
1.4White Noise
1.5Stochastic Differential Equations SDEs
1.5.1The Concept of SDEs
1.5.2Stability of the SDEs
1.6Magnus Expansion
1.6.1Bernoulli Number
1.6.2Magnus Approach and Its Interpretation
1.7Gronwall Lemma
2Using Optimal Control Theory to Study the First Order Compartment Models
2.1Using Optimal Control Theory to Study the First-order 1-Compartment Model
2.2Using Optimal Control Theory to Study the First-order 2-Compartment Model
3The First-order Compartment Stochastic Models
3.1The First-order 1-Compartment Stochastic Model
3.2The First-order 2-Compartment Stochastic Model
4Qualitative Analysis of the Stochastic Models
4.1Qualitative Analysis of the First-order 1-Compartment Stochastic Model
4.2Qualitative Analysis of the First-order 2-Compartment Stochastic Model
5Quantitative Analysis of the Models
5.1Quantitative Analysis of the First-order 1-Compartment Model Extravascular Administration
5.1.1Parameter Estimation of the First-order 1-Compartment Model Extravascular Administration
5.1.2Parameter Estimation of the First-order 1-Compartment Model with Optimal Control
5.1.3Simulations of the Three First-order 1-Compartment Models
5.1.4Using Numerical Method to Verify the Explicit Solution of the First-order 1-Compartment SDE Model
5.2Quantitative Analysis of the First-order 2-Compartment Model Intravenous Dose
5.2.1Parameters Estimation of the First-order 2-Compartment ModelIntravenous Dose
5.2.2Parameters Estimation of the First-order 2-Compartment Model with Optimal Control
5.2.3Simulations of the Three First-order 2-Compartment Models
5.2.4Stability of the Euler-Maruyama E-M Method for the 2-Compartment SDE Model
A1-Compartment ODE Model Simulation
B1-Compartment Optimal Control Model Simulation
C1-Compartment SDE Model Simulation
D2-Compartment ODE Model Simulation
E2-Compartment Optimal Control Model Simulation
F2-Compartment SDE Model Simulation