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『簡體書』Modern Standardization Method--Comprehensive Standardization(English edition)现代标准化方法——综合标准化(英文版)

書城自編碼: 3533099
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術工具书/标准
作者: 李春田 著,刘智洋 等 译
國際書號(ISBN): 9787506695589
出版社: 中国标准出版社
出版日期: 2020-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开

售價:NT$ 588



** 我創建的書架 **

The Soviet Union''s practice and experience of comprehensive standardization
were introduced into China in the early 1980s. National Standards Bureau(NSB) explored its feasibility and has achieved success through thepilot. In 1987, State Science and Technology Commission (SSTC)issued the research task "program guided with science and technology-Comprehensive standardization" to National Institute of Standardization(NIS), aiming to develop a set of national standards through furtherpilot studies for nationwide promotion.
前言The Soviet Union''s practice and experience of comprehensive standardizationThe Soviet Union''s practice and experience of comprehensive standardization
were introduced into China in the early 1980s. National Standards Bureau(NSB) explored its feasibility and has achieved success through thepilot. In 1987, State Science and Technology Commission (SSTC)issued the research task "program guided with science and technology-Comprehensive standardization" to National Institute of Standardization(NIS), aiming to develop a set of national standards through furtherpilot studies for nationwide promotion. I was in charge of this project.The factual success at the local enternrises, especially the amazingresults achieved in the comprehensive standardization of color TV sets,demonstrated the advantages of comprehensive standardization andgreatly stimulated my desire to finish the research. I clearly realjzedthat this would be a research field with both theoretical value and greatpractical significance. However, I rarely had time to focus on tlus project because I was getting entangled in the administrative affairs at NIS, which once affected the progress of the project. So I came up with a firm idea: to resign from all administrative positions and devote myself to the research.First, I resigned as President after having persuaded the then Director of NSB Cheng Chuanhui to agree, and then I resigned as Party Secretary after having persuaded the then Director of National Metrology Bureau Bai Jingzhong to agree. At that time, I was 55 years old, and I was going to use the last five years to realize my dream-exploring comprehensive standardization suitable for China''s national conditions.In about 11 months from 1988 to 1989,under the leadership of the then section chief Xuan Xiang, I started the arduous pilot work as an ordinary scientific researcher, together with other colleagues, in accordance with the requirements of the planned task and the pilot plan.Since the purpose of this round of pilot projects was to develop national standards, all aspects should have been taken into account in the arrangement of the projects. Both industrial and agricultural projects were included. In agricultural projects, both planting and breeding were involved, covering selective breeding, ecological environment as well as water and soil conservation. From the south to the north, from the Loess Plateau to the Songliao Plain, it could be said that the pilot projects were spread all over the country. This pilot work received enthusiastic support and active participation from the local standards bureaus. Director Gong Changfu and Chief Engineer Fang Yongde from Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Standards, Director Lin Dongqin from Fujian Provincial Bureau of Standards, Director Meng Jianxing from Xinjiang Autonomous Regional Bureau of Standards and other leaders from the local standards bureaus, not only led this pilot personally, but also participated in the whole process, including factory visits and field trials with us. It was not only a support and encouragement for us, but more importantly, it ensured the implementation of each pilot project as planned conscientiously, so that the results and experience from such practice had strong credibility,which laid a good foundation for drafting the national standards.
The Soviet Union''s practice and experience of comprehensive standardization
were introduced into China in the early 1980s. National Standards Bureau(NSB) explored its feasibility and has achieved success through thepilot. In 1987, State Science and Technology Commission (SSTC)issued the research task "program guided with science and technology-Comprehensive standardization" to National Institute of Standardization(NIS), aiming to develop a set of national standards through furtherpilot studies for nationwide promotion. I was in charge of this project.The factual success at the local enternrises, especially the amazingresults achieved in the comprehensive standardization of color TV sets,demonstrated the advantages of comprehensive standardization andgreatly stimulated my desire to finish the research. I clearly realjzedthat this would be a research field with both theoretical value and greatpractical significance. However, I rarely had time to focus on tlus project because I was getting entangled in the administrative affairs at NIS, which once affected the progress of the project. So I came up with a firm idea: to resign from all administrative positions and devote myself to the research.First, I resigned as President after having persuaded the then Director of NSB Cheng Chuanhui to agree, and then I resigned as Party Secretary after having persuaded the then Director of National Metrology Bureau Bai Jingzhong to agree. At that time, I was 55 years old, and I was going to use the last five years to realize my dream-exploring comprehensive standardization suitable for China''s national conditions.In about 11 months from 1988 to 1989,under the leadership of the then section chief Xuan Xiang, I started the arduous pilot work as an ordinary scientific researcher, together with other colleagues, in accordance with the requirements of the planned task and the pilot plan.Since the purpose of this round of pilot projects was to develop national standards, all aspects should have been taken into account in the arrangement of the projects. Both industrial and agricultural projects were included. In agricultural projects, both planting and breeding were involved, covering selective breeding, ecological environment as well as water and soil conservation. From the south to the north, from the Loess Plateau to the Songliao Plain, it could be said that the pilot projects were spread all over the country. This pilot work received enthusiastic support and active participation from the local standards bureaus. Director Gong Changfu and Chief Engineer Fang Yongde from Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Standards, Director Lin Dongqin from Fujian Provincial Bureau of Standards, Director Meng Jianxing from Xinjiang Autonomous Regional Bureau of Standards and other leaders from the local standards bureaus, not only led this pilot personally, but also participated in the whole process, including factory visits and field trials with us. It was not only a support and encouragement for us, but more importantly, it ensured the implementation of each pilot project as planned conscientiously, so that the results and experience from such practice had strong credibility,which laid a good foundation for drafting the national standards.



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