編輯推薦: |
DLT 1391—2014 数字式自动电压调节器涉网性能检测导则(英文版)
內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
This standard is under designated management of TechnicalCommittee on ElectricMachines of Standardization of China Electric PowerIndustry.Drafting organizations of this standard: North ChinaElectric Power Research InstituteCo.Ltd., State Grid Zhejiang Electric PowerCorporation Research Institute, Nari-RelaysElectric Co., Ltd, Beijing MonitoringTechnology Center of NARl Group Corporation,Regeon Electric Co., Ltd, ChinaElectric Power Research Institute, Electric Power ResearchInstitute ofGuangdong Power Grid Corporation, Harbin Electric Machinery Co.,Ltd. andABBEngineeringShanghai Co., Ltd.Chief drafting staff of this standard: Su Weimin, Wu Tao,Chen Xinqi, Shi Yang, WuLong, Zhao Hongguang, Cui Jiahua, Xie Huan, LiGuoliang, Pu Jun, Chen Xun, WangFan jing, Wu Kuayu, Yao Qian, Huang Xiaoming,Fu Hongwei, Zhao Yan and XuZhenglong.