內容簡介: |
前 言
第1章 工程经济学绪论 /1
1.1 引言 /2
1.2 工程经济学的原则 /3
1.3 工程经济与设计过程 /7
1.4 在工程经济分析中使用电子表格 /15
1.5 自我训练 /15
1.6 本章总结 /16
习题 /16
第2章 成本概念和设计经济 /20
2.1 成本术语 /21
2.2 总体经济环境 /27
2.3 成本驱动的设计优化 /38
2.4 静态经济研究 /43
2.5 案例研究——日间行驶用灯的经济学 /49
2.6 自我训练 /51
2.7 本章总结 /52
习题 /52
附录2-A 会计基本原则 /60
第3章 成本估算技术 /67
3.1 引言 /68
3.2 综合估算方法 /70
3.3 选择估算方法(模型) /78
3.4 参数成本估算法 /83
3.5 案例研究——计算机再生处理 /94
3.6 经济学电子表格模型:学习曲线 /96
3.7 自我训练 /98
3.8 本章总结 /100
习题 /100
第4章 货币的时间价值 /107
4.1 引言 /108
4.2 单利 /109
4.3 复利 /110
4.4 等值的概念 /110
4.5 符号和现金流量图表 /113
4.6 与一次支付现金流量的现值和将来值有关的利息公式 /117
4.7 与现值和将来值有关的等额支付系列(等额支付)的利息公式 /123
4.8 离散复利和离散现金流量的利息公式 /133
4.9 延期年金(等额支付系列) /135
4.10 包含多种利息公式的等值计算 /137
4.11 匀(或算术)梯度现金流量系列的利息公式 /143
4.12 几何系列现金流量的现值和年度等值利息公式 /148
4.13 随时间变化的利率 /153
4.14 名义利率和有效利率 /155
4.15 每年复利计息次数大于一次的利息问题 /157
4.16 离散现金流量和连续复利的利息公式 /160
4.17 案例研究——理解经济“等值”概念 /163
4.18 自我训练 /166
4.19 本章总结 /169
第5章 单个项目计算 /186
5.1 引言 /187
5.2 最低吸引力收益率(MARR)的确定 /188
5.3 现值法 /189
5.4 将来值法 /196
5.5 年度等值法 /197
5.6 内部收益率法 /202
5.7 外部收益率法 /213
5.8 回收期法 /215
5.9 案例研究—— 一个改善生产收益的资本投资方案 /218
5.10 经济学电子表格模型:回收期法 /220
5.11 自我训练 /222
5.12 本章总结 /224
习题 /224
附录5-A 内部收益率法产生多个收益率问题 /236
第6章 备选方案的比较与选择 /240
6.1 引言241
目 录 V
6.2 方案比较的基本概念 /241
6.3 研究(分析)期 /245
6.4 有用寿命等于研究期 /247
6.5 备选方案之间的有用寿命不等于研究期 /264
6.6 个人财务状况277
6.7 案例研究——内德和拉瑞的冰激凌公司 /281
6.8 结果的后评估 /284
6.9 结果后评估电子表格法2 /84
6.10 自我训练 /287
6.11 本章总结 /291
习题 /292
第7章 折旧与所得税 /308
7.1 引言 /309
7.2 折旧概念及术语 /309
7.3 传统(历史)折旧法3 /12
7.4 修正加速成本回收制 /317
7.5 综合折旧举例 /326
7.6 所得税概述 /330
7.7 公司所得税实际税率(边际税率) /333
7.8 资产处置损益 /336
7.9 税后经济分析的一般过程 /337
7.10 税后现金流量计算示例 /341
7.11 经济增加值 /353
7.12 自我训练 /355
7.13 本章总结 /356
习题 /357
第8章 价格变化和汇率 /368
8.1 引言 /369
8.2 专业术语和基本概念 /370
8.3 固定年金和应急年金 /376
8.4 差价变化 /381
8.5 电子表格的应用 /383
8.6 外汇汇率和购买力概念 /385
8.7 案例研究——生产线电动机的选择 /390
8.8 自我训练 /395
8.9 本章总结 /394
习题 /394
VI 目 录
第9章 更新分析 /403
9.1 引言 /404
9.2 更新分析的动因 /404
9.3 更新分析中必须考虑的因素/ 405
9.4 资产更新中的典型问题 /408
9.5 确定新资产(挑战资产)的经济寿命 /411
9.6 确定防御资产的经济寿命 /415
9.7 防御资产和挑战资产有用寿命不同时的比较 /418
9.8 非更新情况下的退出(废弃) /421
9.9 税后更新分析 /422
9.10 案例研究——某家医院紧急供电系统的更新 /430
9.11 本章总结 /433
习题 /435
第10章 项目评价的效益-成本比法 /443
10.1 引言 /444
10.2 公共项目分析的视角和术语 /445
10.3 自清偿项目 /446
10.4 多目标项目 /446
10.5 公共部门项目评价的困难 /449
10.6 公共项目评价中应使用什么利率 /450
10.7 效益-成本比法 /452
10.8 应用效益-成本比评价相互独立的项目 /458
10.9 应用效益-成本比进行互斥项目的比选 /460
About Engineering Economy
A succinct job description for an engineer consists of two words:problem sofoer.Broadly speaking,engineers use knowledge to find new ways of doing thingseconomically.Engineering design solutions do not exist in a vacuum but within thecontext of a business opportunity.Given that every problem has multiple solutions,the issue is,How does one rationally select the design with the most favorableeconomic result?The answer to this question can also be put forth in two words:engineering economy.Engineering economy provides a systematic framework forevaluating the economic aspects of competing design solutions.Just as engineersmodel the stress on a support column,or the thermodynamic response of a steamturbine,they must also model the economic impact of their recommendations.
Engineering economy-what is it,and why iit important?The initial reactionof many engineering students to these questions is,"Money matters will be handledby someone else.They are not something I need to worry about."In reality,anyengineering project must be not only physically realizable but also economicallyaffordable.
Understanding and applving economic principles to engineering have neverbeen more important.Engineering is more than a problem-solving activity focusingon the development of products,svstems,and processes to satisty a needor demand.Bevond function and pertormance,solutions must also be viableeconomicallv.Design decisions atfect limited resources such as time,material.labor,capital,and natural resources,not only initially during conceptual designbut also through the remaining phases of the life cvcle feg..detailed design,manutacture and distribution,service,retinement and disposal.A great solutioncan die a certain death if it is not profitable.
What''s New to This Edition?
The basic intent behind this revision of the text is to integrate computer technologyand realistic examples to facilitate learning engineering economy.Here are thehighlights of changes to the sixteenth edition:
Many new spreadsheet models have been added to the sixteenth edition
(several contributed by James A.Alloway.
This edition contains over 900 examples,solved problems and end-of-chapter
problems,These include 70"Try Your Skills"problems in selected chapters,
with full solutions given in Appendix G.
Over 160"green"examples and problems populate this edition as a subset
of 750 problems at the conclusion of the 14 chapters in this book,
Many ofthese problems incorporate energy conservation in commonly experienced
situations with which students can identify.
PowerPoint visual aids for instructors have been expanded and enhanced.
Chapter 2,dealing with choice among alternatives when the time value of
money can be ignored,has been revised for improved readability,
Strategies of This Book
This book has two primary objectives:1to provide students with a soundunderstanding of the principles,basic concepts,and methodology of engineeringeconomy;and2to help students develop proficiency with these methods and withthe process for making rational decisions they are likely to encounter in professionalpractice.Interestingly,an engineering economy course may be a student''s only collegeexposure to the systematic evaluation of alternatie investment opportunities.In thisregard,Engineering Economy is intended to serve as a text for classroom instructionand as a basic reference for use by practicing engineers in all specialty areas(e.g.,chemical,civil,computer,electrical,industrial,and mechanical engineering.The book is also useful to persons engaged in the management of technicalactivities.
As a textbook,the sixteenth edition is written principally for the first formalcourse in engineering economy.A three-credit-hour semester course should beable to cover the majority of topics in this edition,and there is sufficient depthand breadth to enable an instructor to arrange course content to suit individualneeds.Representative syllabi for a three-credit and a two-credit semester coursein engineering economy are provided in Table