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書城自編碼: 3516396
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材高职高专教材
作者: 郭红伟
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302492634
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2020-04-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 588



** 我創建的書架 **

在外语教学中,教师话语是教学的工具和对象。教师元话语普遍存在于课堂教学的各 个环节,用来组织、管理课堂进程,比如引入话题、增加话题、继续话题、结束话题等。 本书通过整合以往元话语研究中提出的互动模式和反身模式,尝试提出教师元话语三维功 能分析模式,即元交谈、信息引导和人际互动。研究发现,母语背景不同的两组教师在元 话语三个维度的使用方面存在一定的差异。具体而言,两组教师在元交谈功能上没有显著 性差异,但是,在信息引导和人际互动维度上,两组教师元话语存在显著差异。母语为汉 语的教师利用元话语实施信息引导功能显著高于母语为英语的教师,而母语为英语的教师 利用元话语实施人际互动功能显著高于母语为汉语的教师。研究也发现, 每个维度内部,各 子范畴也呈现相应的类型特点。本书为外语教学尤其教师话语研究提供了一定的理论研究 支持和实践指导价值。
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of the Issue 1
1.2 Rationale of the Study 7
Chapter 2 Metadiscourse 12
2.1 Theoretical Studies on Metadiscourse 12
2.1.1 Metadiscourse as an Academic Concept 13
2.1.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Metadiscourse 26
2.1.3 Divergent Taxonomies of Metadiscourse 35
2.2 Empirical Studies of Metadiscourse 45
2.2.1 Metadiscourse in Casual Conversations 46
2.2.2 Metadiscourse in Academic Lectures 47
2.2.3 Metadiscourse in Classroom Teaching 49
2.3 The Analytical Model in This Book 50
2.3.1 A Working Definition of Metadiscourse 50
2.3.2 Two Models of Metadiscourse Studies 61
2.3.3 The Three-Dimensional Analytical Model 77
2.4 Methodology 87
2.4.1 Research Methods 87
2.4.2 The Pilot Study 88
2.4.3 The Main Study 93
Chapter 3 Meta-talk 102
3.1 The Overall Results of Meta-talk 103
3.2 Self-referential Meta-talk 106
3.2.1 References to Discourse Entities 107
3.2.2 References to Metalinguistic Categories 120
3.2.3 Metalinguistic Operators 132
3.3 Topic-Management Meta-talk 135
3.3.1 The Overall Results of Topic-Management Meta-talk 135
3.3.2 Topic-Introducing 138
3.3.3 Topic-Delimiting 140
3.3.4 Topic-Continuing 141
3.3.5 Topic-Adding 143
3.3.6 Topic-Shifting 144
3.3.7 Topic-Concluding 146
3.3.8 Previewing 147
3.3.9 Reviewing 148
Chapter 4 Interactive Metadiscourse 152
4.1 The Overall Results of Interactive Metadiscourse 152
4.2 Internal Connectives 154
4.2.1 An Overview 155
4.2.2 The Overall Results of Internal Connectives 157
4.2.3 Internal Connectives: Addition MMs 158
4.2.4 Internal Connectives: Comparison MMs 162
4.2.5 Internal Connectives: Consequence MMs 168
4.3 Sequencers 174
4.4 Evidentials 177
4.5 Interpretive Glosses 179
4.5.1 The Overall Results of Interpretive Glosses 179
4.5.2 Managing Terminology 182
4.5.3 Reformulating 183
4.5.4 Clarifying 185
4.5.5 Exemplifying 187
4.5.6 Code Glosses 189
Chapter 5 Interactional Metadiscourse 193
5.1 The Overall Results of Interactional Metadiscourse 193
5.2 Stance Resources 196
5.2.1 Hedges 198
5.2.2 Boosters 208
5.2.3 Attitude Markers 213
5.2.4 Self-mentions 219
5.3 Engagement Resources 223
5.3.1 Student-Inclusive Pronouns 224
5.3.2 Questions 228
5.3.3 Directives 236
Chapter 6 Conclusion 243
6.1 Its Major Findings and Contributions 243
6.2 Limitations of the Study 245
6.3 Implications for Future Studies 246
Appendix A 248
Appendix B 252
Appendix C 254
Appendix D 255
Appendix E 262
References 268
Classroom interaction analysis involves the use of an observation
scheme consisting of a finite set of predetermined categories for describing
certain verbal behaviors of teachers and students as they interact in the
classroom. Teacher-student interaction plays a crucial role in classroom
teaching and learning because it not only affords opportunities for foreign
language acquisition, but also mediates between pedagogic decisionmaking
and the outcomes of language instruction. Taking the interactive
nature of teacher talk into account, teachers metadiscourse in classroom
discourse is defined as an attempt to capture two-layered interactions: the
interaction between teachers and the discourse they are composing as one
layer, and the interaction between teachers and students as the other layer.
The interactivity of metadiscourse makes teachers metadiscourse
an interesting topic well worth exploring. Guo Hongweis study on the
use of teachers metadiscourse in the university classroom discourse
has yielded fruitful and reliable findings. By adopting qualitative and
quantitative analyses, the present study investigated the patterns of
teachers metadiscourse and the discourse functions each category of
metadiscourse performed in classroom teaching. It attempted to put
forward a three-dimensional analytical model of teachers metadiscourse
consisting of meta-talk, interactive metadiscourse and interactional
metadiscourse. I believe such a theoretical contribution can shed light on
contemporary endeavors to explore classroom interactions. Moreover,
this study is innovative in terms of the comparative study of two groups
of English teachers from different mother tongue backgrounds. I assume
such an attempt will have pedagogical implications on English as a
foreign language teaching in the Chinese context.

This monograph, grown out of her doctoral dissertation completed
at Tsinghua University displays a fine balance between textual analysis
and teaching pedagogy. I believe this book will be a good contribution to
the field of EFL teaching. As her PhD supervisor, I am looking forward to
seeing more of her achievements in academic studies.
Best regards.
Lv Zhongshe
May 8, 2019



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