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『簡體書』淘金中国:我在中国做生意(英)取材于央视4 套《外国人在中国》栏目,以外国人的视角讲述中外交流的故事

書城自編碼: 3510950
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→文學外国随笔
作者: 中央广播电视总台
國際書號(ISBN): 9787514618358
出版社: 中国画报出版社
出版日期: 2020-02-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 32开

售價:NT$ 408



** 我創建的書架 **

This series of books, selected from CCTV programs, comprehensively presents the real state of foreigners'' work and life in China, and tells the stories of Chinese and foreign exchanges from the perspective of foreigners.
外国人在中国系列丛书取材于央视4 套《外国人在中国》栏目。该栏目是中央电视台中文国际频道(CCTV-4)于2013 年2 月27 日起推出的首个以外国人为主体的纪实性专题节目。书中纪录了外国人在中国的学习、工作和生活,生动地反映中国丰富多彩的传统文化,也折射出当代中国的发展变化和开放包容的文化氛围。书中的人物与故事为中外文化交流搭建起一座桥梁。
Foreigner in ChinaSeries takes material from the feature program Foreigners in China of CCTV 4. This program was firstly aired in February 25, 2013, and its the first documentary program focused on how foreigners learn, work and live in China. The book series reflects not only Chinese traditional culture and inclusively open atmosphere, but also exhibits the development and tremendous changes taken place in contemporary China. The main characters and their stories in these books have been acting as a bridge of cultural exchange between China and other countries.
随着全球化的发展,中国的经济发展与世界的联系日益密切,中国也吸引着各国人来此创业、工作。本书讲述了外国人在中国创业、做生意等有趣故事,这里面有欢喜也有辛苦,有汗水也有甜蜜。他们的讲述提供了一个外部视角,让读者对当代中国经济的发展有更生动的了解。外国人在中国系列丛书取材于央视4 套《外国人在中国》栏目。该栏目是中央电视台中文国际频道(CCTV-4)于2013 年2 月27 日起推出的首个以外国人为主体的纪实性专题节目。书中纪录了外国人在中国的学习、工作和生活,生动地反映中国丰富多彩的传统文化,也折射出当代中国的发展变化和开放包容的文化氛围。书中的人物与故事为中外文化交流搭建起一座桥梁。
Foreigner in ChinaSeries takes material from the feature program Foreigners in China of CCTV 4. This program was firstly aired in February 25, 2013, and its the first documentary program focused on how foreigners learn, work and live in China. The book series reflects not only Chinese traditional culture and inclusively open atmosphere, but also exhibits the development and tremendous changes taken place in contemporary China. The main characters and their stories in these books have been acting as a bridge of cultural exchange between China and other countries.
Due to globalization, Chinese economy is deeply interwoven with the world''s, which attracts foreigners to start companies and do business here. This volume tells stories about how some of them start career in this land, during which many interesting things happen, along with their gain and loss, bitterness and happiness. Through their eyes, readers may have an external view and catch a glimpse of Chinese business.
China Media Group is led by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. We should publicize the party''s theories, lines, principles and policies, organize major publicity and reports as a whole, organize radio and television production, produce and broadcast radio and television products, guide social hot spots, strengthen and improve public opinion supervision, promote the integrated development of multimedia, strengthen the construction of international communication capacity, and tell Chinese stories.
Contents 1. The Chinese Shop of Grandma Rachel 2. Tyler, a Foreign Son-in-law in DalianI 3. Tyler, a Foreign Son-in-law in DalianII 4. A Foreign Son-in-law Selling Pizza 5. Entrepreneurship in LinzhouI 6. Entrepreneurship in LinzhouII 7. A Russian Wife in My Home 8. Being Captain in ChinaI 9. Being Captain in ChinaII
Telling Vivid Chinese Stories to the World
In his speech delivered at the National Conference on Publicity and Ideological Work in August 2015, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China CPC Central Committee, said: We should tell Cinese stories and let the world know more of China. This provides a fundamental basis for international communication. Since the initiation of the reform and opening up program in late 1978, the international influence of China has greatly improved and the international community has paid unprecendented attention to China. It has become an important and urgent issue to strengthen the construction of international communication capacity, enhance the creativity, appeal and credibility and show the world a real, stereoscopic and comprehensive China.
Since its establishment in 1992, the China Central Television International Channel CCTV4 has been adhering to the principle of news culture.
Through updating its forms of international communications, showing the image of China and vividly, and displaying the exchanges and mutual learning of various civilizations at home and abroad, CCTV4 works hard to build a worldclass new mainstream media entity with strong leadership, communication ability and influence, better meeting the needs of a Chinese-language audience of more than 200 million around the world. The program Foreinger in China has made positive exploration in this respect, it reflects the reality of China, tells Chinese stories and displays Chinas development from the unique perspective of foreigners.
The book series of the same name adapted from the program includes four books, namely My Happy Life in China, My Story About Learning Culture in China, My Story About Realizing Dreams in China, and the fourth volume My Story About Doing Business in China, captured wonderful stories of many foreign friends in China. They are French designer Berenice who loves Chinas intangible cultural heritage, young people from Shanghai Cooperation Organization SCO member countries, and Diarra, the first traditional Chinese medicine TCM practitioner from MaliTheir stories are real, vivid and meaningful, which lively convey the profound accumulation and eternal charm of Chinese Chinese civilization, show the good image and sonorous pace of contemporary China, and elaborate the profound connotation of the development of civilization in exchange and mutual learning, and the increasingly common destiny of mankind.
Besides the focusing on the stories of ordinary people, Foreigner insonorous pace of contemporary China, and elaborate the profound connotation of the development of civilization in exchange and mutual learning, and the increasingly common destiny of mankind.



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