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書城自編碼: 3510143
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→政治/軍事政治
作者: 何建明 著,吴佑廉 译
國際書號(ISBN): 9787119117737
出版社: 外文出版社
出版日期: 2020-06-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 540



** 我創建的書架 **

何建明(He Jianming)born in 1956, is a native of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, and the Vice Chairman of the China Writers Association. As one of the most influential and well-known reportage writers in China, he has published over 50 reportage works, including 30 works oflong-form reportage, which have been translated and introduced into dozens of countries.
1.The Angel of Death Comes Uninvited
2.21 Days of Agony
3.A Glimpse at Sierra Leone
4.Sierra Leone Weeps
5.Saving the World in Faraway Africa
6.A Test for the Mobile P3 Lab and the Lab Team
7.The Academician Gets a Persistent Fever
8.The Great Chinese P3 Lab
9.The Battle Officially Starts
10.Ebola,the Neighbor Next Door
11.Treading the Route of Death
12.Raising the Fallen
13.Saving People from Ebola''s Clutches
14.The Chinese Philosophy Takes Root in Rural Africa
Afterword:In Times of Disaster,Love Is the Most Precious Thing
On Writing:The Significance of the Nation in
Contemporary Literature
We are always under the impression we are strong, but in factlife is extremely fragile.
The Ebola virus is one hundred times thinner than a humanhair and only visible to us under a microscope, yet we are totally de-fenseless against it.
In Africa, people living in jungles or near rivers can easily be-come targets of this deadly virus, and few ways exist to completely avoid infection, no matter how cafeful you are. This frightening tropical disease is extremely powerful. Once it breaks down the im-mune system, it launches a sweeping attack on all the organs and other t:issues of the body, sparing only the bone and muscle; noth-ing can stop it. It rapidly multiplies within the human body. The patient''s blood cells begin to die and congeal under this ferocious attack, clogging veins and arteries and cutting off the blood supply to the whole body. Infected organs immediately show signs of fail-ing, before completely ceasing to function. At this stage, the viral proteins launch a relendess and overwhelming attack on all fronts,successively causing subcutaneous hemorrhaging, orifiaal hemor-thaging, and membrane ruptures between skin and muscle, until the pauent''s life ends. However, this unusual and gruesome process is just the beginning of this evil virus''s attempt to destroy the human species.
The patient''s death does not spell the end of the virus. It can lurk in a decomposing body for hundreds of hours, multiplying while awaiting more victims. As is customary in some parts of Africa, when a dead person is about to be buried, his friends and relatives need to touch his body for a while; moreover, his relatives will cut open his abdomen to remove the viscera, putting all those involved in the process at huge risk. It is at this point that the viral legions come out in search of more victims. Needless to say, the bi-ological resistance people can put up is completely futile, and thefe is no way they can escape the virus''s grasp. Eventually they die, one by one, gruesomely and humiliatingly Fofty years ago, in late September 1976, a cultured missionary,Mabalo Lokela, died from Ebola in exactly this manner. This was the first documented case of a patient universally recognized to have died from Ebola. Although honor and dignity were things that he had valued highly in life, he held onto neither as his end neared.
"Blood was oozing from his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, anus, and ure-thra; he had skin ruptures, and shrunken, crooked limbs... He looked more frightening than even ghosts and monsters," said one of his students.



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