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書城自編碼: 3508798
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 张成思
國際書號(ISBN): 9787115532596
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
出版日期: 2020-06-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 299



** 我創建的書架 **

张成思,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授,中国人民大学财政金融学院副院长,全国金融系统青年联合会第二届委员会委员,曾执教香港中文大学,曾任中国金融英语证书考试专家组成员、英文期刊Economic and Political Studies执行主编、国家外汇管理局和世界银行等顾问专家。曾荣获孙冶方金融创新奖获等诸多重要奖项,主持国家级重大课题多项,在国内外一流学术期刊发表论文百余篇,编著的多部金融学专业教材在全国近二百所高校使用,出版专著6部共计三百余万字,在国际知名数据库IDEASRePEc公布的中国经济学者国际学术影响力排名中位于前10%。
Foundation Topics
Chapter 1 Finance Foundations
1.1 The scope of finance
1.2 The role of finance in world business
1.3 Finance theory
1.4 The streams of finance
1.5 Important concepts in finance
Chapter 2 Financial Institutions
2.1 Bank financial institutions
2.2 Savings institutions
2.3 Quasi-banking institutions
2.4 Securities firms
2.5 Securities business
2.6 Mutual fund
2.7 Pension funds and investment companies
2.8 The financial regulators
Chapter 3 Financial Instruments
3.1 What is a ''financial instrument''
3.2 Commercial paper and commercial bill
3.3 Banker''s acceptance
3.4 Stock
3.5 Fixed income products
3.6 Bond
3.7 Treasury Bills and Teasury Bonds
3.8 Forward contract
3.9 Futures contract
3.10 Swaps
3.11 Options
3.12 Mortgage-backed security MBS
3.13 Asset-backed security - ABS
Chapter 4 Financial Markets
4.1 Financial market and financial system
4.2 Capital market
4.3 Money market
4.4 The comparisons between capital and money markets
4.5 Categories of financial markets
4.6 Equity market
4.7 Debt vs equity markets
4.8 Stock market
4.9 Over-The-Counter ?C OTC
4.10 Interbank market
4.11 The foreign exchange and gold market
4.12 Shadow market
Chapter 5 Financial Pricing
5.1 Interest rates
5.2 Bond pricing
5.3 Net present value and the internal rate of return
5.4 Yield to maturity YTM
5.5 Term structure of interest rates
5.6 Various yield curve types
5.7 Yield curve risk and trade strategy
5.8 Spread in finance
Professional Topics
Chapter 6 Central banking
6.1 Central bank features and history
6.2 Functions of central bank and monetary policy
6.3 Central bank interest rate control
6.4 Central banks and inflation
6.5 Central banks balance sheet
6.6 Monetary policy tools
6.7 Monetary policy operational targets
6.8 Monetary policy intermediate targets
6.9 Monetary policy goals
6.10 Central bank money supply process
Chapter 7 International Finance
7.1 Introduction of International finance
7.2 Gold standard
7.3 The Bretton Woods Agreement
7.4 The International Monetary Fund
7.5 What is ''The World Bank
7.6 Interest rate parity
7.7 Purchasing power parity PPP
7.8 How is PPP used
7.9 Comments on PPP
7.10 Relative Purchasing Power Parity RPPP
7.11 International Fisher Effect
7.12 Optimum Currency Area Theory
Advanced Topics
Chapter 8 Real Estate Finance
8.1 Why invest in real estate
8.2 Individual ways of real estate investing
8.3 Institutional ways of real estate investing
8.4 Commercial real estate
8.5 Commercial real estate investing
8.6 Hot commercial real estate
8.7 Commercial real estate loans
8.8 Details on commercial real estate loans
8.9 Main types of mortgage lenders
8.10 What Is a reverse mortgage
Chapter 9 Household Finance
9.1 Understanding household finance
9.2 Household retail finance
9.3 Household finance company
9.4 Household finance services
9.5 Household bank finance
9.6 Household car finance
9.7 Household income
9.8 Household income and financial accelerator
9.9 Household expenses
9.10 Home equity and loan-to-value ratio - LTV ratio
Chapter 10 Personal Finance
10.1 Personal finance planning
10.2 Principles of personal finance strategies
10.3 Personal finance disciplines
10.4 Personal finance rules
10.5 Pension plan
10.6 Credit score
10.7 Managing personal finances
10.8 Wealth management
10.9 Private wealth management
10.10 Portfolio management and financial planning



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