編輯推薦: |
2. 作者用大量、翔实的数据、全球旅行中拍摄的大量关于水的照片和感想,以自己的亲身经历和体会,阐述水如何影响了我们的思想、文化和生活,如何影响我们的环境,如何成就交通运输,如何产生和吸收能量,如何在全球的动态分布及变化等,以期启发读者对于水的全方位的认识、思考和反思,唤起对于人类对于水资源的珍视、爱惜及可持续开发应用。
3. 作者关于中国文化中水的神话、文字、成语、诗词、哲思等的全面展示是本书重要的特色之一。
4. 整书共分12章,包括200多篇参考文献。分别从水的综论、水与文化和社会发展、雪与冰、海洋、河流与湖泊、水作为交通运输之源、水能源资源、水的冲刷侵蚀、水的消耗、水与休闲娱乐、水与食物来源等众多方面阐述了作者的独特观点,阐述了水对生活的影响。
內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
Per Jahren,挪威混凝土协会前主席,挪威Agder大学教授。
Per Jahren,挪威混凝土协会前主席,挪威Agder大学教授。
同时兼任中国硅酸盐学会水泥分会副理事长,北京硅酸盐学会副主任委员,国家建材工业科教委副主任委员,中国低碳水泥专家委员会成员,住建部绿色建材专家委员会成员;联合国环境署(UNEP)低碳水泥项目组成员,ASTM-C01水泥技术委员会成员,RILEM TC-SCM技术委员会高级委员,美国混凝土学会(ACI)委员,ACI-中国分会主任,世界工商可持续发展理事会-水泥可持续发展倡议组织(WBCSD-CSI)气候保护工作组-中国区主席,国内三个大学的兼职教授和研究生导师。主要研究方向为低能耗、低排放先进胶凝材料。在国内外刊物发表学术论文80余篇,中英文论著8部,获得国家发明专利12项,实用新型专利2项。
1 Water 1
The Phases 7
References 18
2 Water and Culture 19
References 37
3 Snow and Ice 39
Ice Industry and Ice Export 47
References 57
4 The Oceans 59
The Channels 66
The Suez-Canal 66
The Panama Canal 67
Sizeable WaterRich Island Nations 68
The Reefs 69
The Fiords 72
Ocean Interests 74
References 77
5 Rivers and Lakes, and a Bit More 79
Lakes 97
Moors, Wet Areas, and Swamps 104
References 106
6 Transport Lanes 109
References 137
7 The Energy Source 139
Geothermic Energy 143
Waterfall-Energy 147
Small Power Stations 156
Other Water Power Solutions 156
Tidal Wave Electrical Power 157
Wave Power 157
Ocean Heat Power 158
Ocean Current Energy 158
WaterThe Giant Energy Consumer 159
References 159
8 Erosion 161
Rain and Melting Erosion 165
River-Erosion 166
Wave-Erosion 166
Glacier Erosion 168
Ground Water Erosion 169
Freeze-Thaw Erosion 176
Also Human Created Structures Are Attacked 177
References 178
9 Water Consumption 179
Desalination 185
Lack of Water 187
References 195
10 Recreation 197
The Fountains 197
River Cruise 205
Spa 208
Swimming 220
Scuba Diving 229
Golf 231
References 250
11 The Food Source 251
A Simple, Quick Fish-Dish 271
Artificial Fish Reefs 277
References 285
Water is the life giving and the origin of all matters. This is not just a myth.
The fact is that:
Water is a source of human beings culture and civilization;
Water is in us and around us in an endless buffer. More than 70% of the surface of the earth is water, and human body generally contains 70% of water;
There is enough water on the earth;still there is a lack of water;
Philosophically or culturally water is a phase, a process, a movement, a virtue, and a status.
As summarized in Tao Te Ching by Lao Zi, The highest level of ethics is like water. Water knows how to benefit all things in the world but never contends its own contribution or competes with them. It stays in places loathed by all men, it therefore comes near the Tao.
Water has many folds of characters:
Water is inclusive and philosophical;
Water can temper force with grace and mercy;
Water has very strong cohesion and infinite capacity;
Water is clear, transparent, fair, and perfectly open in all ones actions;
Water has the power of two opposite sidesblessing and catastrophic.
Few things are like watera subtle and thought-provoking substance, being so simple yet complicated, so obvious yet unpredictable, so soft and peaceful yet powerful, and so unexceptional yet special and even unique. Water is by far the worlds biggest commodity. It is everyones property, but still it is not obvious for everyone.
Still, and may be just because of this, we very seldom make time to wonder about the many folds and how water in nearly unbelievingly many ways affects our life.
This is what this book is about:
Naturally the properties of water and the many phases of water from ice to gas, as well as the many faces of water in Chap. 1;
Philosophically or culturally how water influences our language, our society, our history,and human beings ourselves in Chap. 2;
Geologically the increasable resources of water on the earth on how it is distributed in snow and ice, oceans, rivers, lakes, etc. And functionally how these water resources influence our life and our world, as in Chaps. 35;
Materially how water creates transport possibilities Chap. 6, how water gives and takes energy Chap. 7, how water constantly is changing the surface of the earth Chap. 8, how it is enough water on the earth, but still it sometimes gets too much or too little Chap. 9, as well as how water gives us recreation experiences Chap. 10, and how water supply us with food in a myriad of many folds Chaps. 11.
It would be too ambitious to believe that one could manage to cover all the ways of water, but hopefully the book, through showcasing the versatility of water for human culture and activities as well as sharing the outcome of the trips to many places of the world and what have been thought and enlightened in mind by the two authors, might contribute to increased interest and insight in the most important substance in our life and society in the past, present and futurewater for the researchers, students, decision makers, and everyone who are interested in water-related science and culture.
This edition is co-published with Springer. In accordance with Springer'' s editionthis book follows the typeset of Springerincludingbut not limited tofontssizesubscriptsuperscript normal or italic lettersas a courtesy.
Asker, Norway Per Jahren
Beijing, China Tongbo Sui
September 2014